A day with the Addams family {pt. 4}

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TW- Mentions of SH, Smoking, fluff

Wednesday POV-

Enid and I walked up the stairs, hand in hand as Lurch followed carrying the shopping bags.

He sat the shopping bags on the floor, giving a low groan before leaving.

"Thank you Lurch." I said, letting go of Enid's hand and going to the closet.

I moved all of my shirts to the other side of the closet, keeping them separate from my dresses. My formal wear was at the very back. I opened the drawers and moved the contents to the drawers on my side of the closet.

A drawer for pants, one for undergarments, one for shorts(not that I wear them), one for pj pants, and one for hoodies and sweat shirts.

I placed my bag collection neatly on top, along with my jewelry box and makeup bag, that was almost empty.

"You can put away your things now." I said, stepping out of the closet so Enid could put her things inside.

The opened all the bags, and laid out the shirts, dresses, and pants In separate piles.

She started to put things away, while I decided to read a book.

-Time skip

It had been about 30 minutes, before I felt the bed sink next to me, and a weight on my chest.

I looked down to see Enid resting her head on my chest and sighing in exhaustion.

"Cara mia, are you finished?" I asked, running my hands through her multicolored hair.

"Yeah finally." She said, jokingly.

"Would you like to sleep? It's quite late, and we have a whole free day ahead tomorrow." I said, putting a bookmark in my book and setting it ony bedside table.

"Yeah that sounds nice." She said, curling up on my chest.

"Well let's change first." I said, carefully lifting her off and walking to my closet.

I pulled out the matching pj pants that Enid got us, and a hoodie for each of us.

Enid always insisted on wearing my hoodies, so I tossed her the one I wore to sleep last night.

We both changed into our pj's, and lay down in bed.

I pulled the covers back, covering us both with the comforter.

She curled up to my side, as I slept in my usual coffin-like position.

We both drifted to sleep, at the sound of the others heart beat, shortly after.

Time skip, the next morning-

"Time to wake up darlings~!" Mother said, knocking on the door and opening it slightly.

I saw she was still in her night gown. Completely black lined with dark red lace.

I was already awake, running my fingers through the hair of a sleepy Enid.

"Alright mother. I will wake her and we will be down shortly for our breakfast." I said, coldly.

"Okay dear." She said, smiling.

She left the room, closing the door behind her.

"Time to wake up, Angel." I said, lightly shaking her.

She groaned, her eyelids fluttering open.

"G'mornin babycakes." She said, her voice low and tired.

"Breakfast is soon, let's wash our faces and comb our hair before we go downstairs.

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