Chapter 7

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-Wednesday POV-

I sat down in my seat next to Xavier. He was turned around talking to someone, while I was sketching in the book he gave me.

It took a bit, but Mrs. Rosevaine finally got to class.

"All right everyone, settle down!" She said, clapping her hands.

"We're going to be taking a little trip to Jericho today!" She said, scanning the room.

"We'll be going to town for a mental health day. The school finds this necessary, as more and more students have been going to therapy since the war." She said, sighing. 

"So everyone grab your things, and we'll go the bus separated by class. Don't even think about sneaking onto another bus." She said, signing that we line up.

I sighed and grabbed my bag, opening it to make sure Thing was still there.

I cracked a smile once I saw them, and put my book into the bag.

"Wanna sit with me?" Xavier asked, making sure Bianca was gone before taking my hand.

"Sure." I said, standing up.

I don't talk to anyone else in this class, so I might as well.

Xavier smiled and led us out the door, to the bus.

Once we got there, we stepped up, and walked to an empty seat in the back. I noticed Bianca was in the seat next to ours, and silently pointed it out to Xavier.

"She's gonna find out eventually anyway, we might as well just tell her and let her get it out odf her system now." Xavier said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

I leaned into his touch. All I have to do is imagine he's Enid.

"You can tell her, but don't blame me if she blows up at us." I said, coldly.

Xavier smiled, and called to Bianca.

"Yeah?" She said, not having noticed me.

"I felt like I should tell you that I'm in a relationship with someone. I didn't want you to find out later and get all mad at me." He said, putting his other hand on mine. 

His hand is really warm. But not in the good way. This feels so wrong.

"Oh, with who?" She asked, calmly.

He leaned back, revealing me half asleep on his shoulder.

"I knew it. I had the feeling you guys would get together eventually. But I don't like you like that anymore, I found someone else." She said, smirking.

Xavier was just as shocked as I was. I knew because I felt the warmth fade from his hand.

"I honestly figured you'd be pissed. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad your not, just unexpected I guess." He said, pulling me onto his lap.

I was admittedly uncomfortable, but I can't say that. I just have to stay like this until the bus gets to it's destination.

Bianca shrugged, and turned back to her friend to continue talking to her.

"Hey, dear. Let me know if anything I do is uncomfortable for you." He whispered to me.

I nodded. 

I will admit, that's very sweet. Gods what's wrong with me.

I sighed to myself and sat up.

"Hm?" Xavier said, letting my slide off his lap.

"I'm not conformable being on your lap like that. Maybe in privet but not around lots of people lie this. I also don't really like when you kiss me around other people. On the cheek or forehead is fine, but not the lips. Sorry, I'm just new to all this." I said, leaning back onto his shoulder.

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