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First, I wanted to let u guys knw to ignore all those 'updates'. I realized I got a chapter number wrong and had to fix them. So yeah, lol.

Second, Thank you all for the nice comments regarding my breakup last chapter! I am glad to see my readers care for me. You will al be happy to know I'm taking a little break from relationships. I have talked about it with my current crush, and we agreed we both need a while to better ourselves before we commit to anything. 

I was seriously not expecting all of those nice comments, so thank you all.

And third, what would you like to see for a valentines day special? I am gonna put a few choices and you guys can choose. I would late there be a few votes first, but I am writing this at 4pm on the 11th, and I need to get started soon, so I think I'm gonna use the first comment I get on this. 

So here are the options:

1- Wenclair romantic date(wine and takeout under the stars. Either in the forest, the crypt, or Nevermore roof, as well as dancing in the rain

2- Wenclair stay in movie night, bubble bath together(No nsfw), with wine and popcorn.

3- Wenclair day out in town. Mall, cafe's, library, ect

4- Surprise us!

I hope you guys like these options. If I get more than one comment on this the first time I check it, I will be doing the 1 to 3 kinda thing. Anyway I hope u like the choices! If I don't have any comments by tomorrow morning, I will choose.

Anyway, byeee~!!

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