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Karna's pov

Duryodhan's initial annoyance and confusion was growing into fury with Uncle Shakuni whispering what Karna now knew to be poison in his ears. The plot of murder was currently on hold on Shakuni's advice, much to Karna's relief--it had been decided that they would act once Pitamah announced the date of crowning of Yudhishthir. A pilgrimage to Varanavat could then be believably proposed as a good omen.

In the meanwhile, Nakul and Sahadev had got quite as friendly with Karna as they were with Aswathhama, which automatically led to a reduction in the intensity Bheem's glares and Arjun's loftiness. 

Yudhishthir was clearly pleased with the shift. Duryodhan, of course, was not.

"I will not have those Pandavas bewitch my best friend," he raged.

It was the first time Duryodhan had called him his best friend.

Karna's smile, however, went misinterpreted.

"You find it funny?" thundered Duryodhan. "Why do you not go over to Yudhishthir's side already? Go on, support him getting the crown!"

"I will never do that," said Karna, shocked. "I did not find it funny--"

"Why the devil are you smiling then?"

Karna straightened his face forefully. 

"What is the big deal, jyesht?" asked Dussashan. "There is no predicting the strange taste of mortals. Look at our Aswa."

Duryodhan turned to Aswatthama. "What do you have to say about Karna's twofaced behaviour?"

"I am glad to have a companion," said Aswatthama brightly. "It was not easy being the only person in the world who is friends with both the Kauravas and the Pandavas." 

"Besides, he hangs out only with the twins," added Dussashan. "You don't have a problem with Nakul and Sahadev, do you?"

"At this rate," said Duryodhan, glaring at Karna. "You will attempt to befriend Arjun next. Arjun!"

"What is wrong with Arjun?" asked Aswatthama.

"What is not wrong with him?"

"Everything is not wrong with him. I like Arjun," Aswatthama shrugged. "I don't know the others as well as I know him. He doesn't show anyone disrespect without provocation. In fact, he refrains from disrespect even after provocation...he is the most decent among the Pandavas, Duryodhan. He is as polite as Yudhishthir, and don't forget he is a much superior warrior."

"Are we talking about the same arrogant Arjun?" said Duryodhan.

"After the insults you've thrown at him, a truly arrogant person would have returned them to you a thousand times over. You're lucky Arjun is a decent person."

Duryodhan had started to swell with rage.

Aswatthama grinned and turned to Karna, easygoing as ever. "Our friend doesn't like to hear truths, you see."

Karna gave him a warning look. Aswatthama subsided.

Then the former finally decided to resort to the first genuine excuse he could give, that would get Duryodhan off his back long enough to win over the Pandavas--an excuse given by the Pandavas themselves.

"I thought you would be smart enough to understand, my friend," he said. "I, your agent, am trying to slither into the Pandavas' inner circle. Think how beneficial that may be."

Duryodhan, Dussashan and Aswatthama stared at him.

Karna got alarmed when he realized the latter was not a good person to tell this lie.

Jyesht's strife for kinship (A Karna-Arjun what-if story)Where stories live. Discover now