Karna takes a stand

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Karna's pov

The silence was broken by Kunti's horrified gasp.

The Queen Mother should stop messing around with her children's life, thought Karna, but he pushed the thought away quickly and guiltily.

"Maa," said Yudhishthir in consternation. "What did you say?"

"I had no idea--I never thought--"

It took a while for everyone in the court to grasp the situation. From the garlands around Arjun's and the unknown woman's necks, it appeared they had had a rather hasty marriage, considering that the Pandavas left for their 'journey' just yesterday evening. Karna had no idea what was meant by 'sharing equally among yourselves'. How on earth could Arjun's wife be shared equally among the five?

Yudhishthir's next statement stunned everyone into another stretch of silence.

"We cannot falsify Maa's words."

"But there is no possible way to avoid that," said Kunti anxiously. "It was a slip of tongue, forget it, my sons."

"How will that be right?" asked Yudhishthir.

Duryodhan and Dussashan, standing beside Karna, looked amused. Shakuni was licking his lips. Most people looked intrigued. Bhisma, at the far end of the hall, could not have looked further from amusement.

"Panchali--" Yudhishthir said to the woman, who had drawn closer to Arjun and looked wary. "Do you have any solution to this dilemma?"

Just listen to your mother, Karna told his oldest anuj in his head. It was a slip of tongue, forget it.

He was sure Panchali would say that. Or any of the Pandavas. Or at the very least, Arjun.

But no one did.

Having accepted the fact that the Queen's words could not be falsified, an intense discussion commenced, in which everyone joined in. Bhisma Pitamah's opinion was asked foremost, then Gandhari and Dhritarashtra spoke. Shakuni made a comment or two. 

The solution that began to emerge was: Panchali was to wed all five of Kunti's sons.

Bheem, Nakul and Sahadev were silent, looking queasy. Yudhishthir looked desperately conflicted. But that, Karna noticed, was nothing compared to Arjun's and Panchali's expressions. 

They had stepped away from each other, and were practically on opposite sides of the gathering now.

You didn't have to know Arjun to notice the slump in his shoulders, to sense his disappointment and horror. Panchali did a better of job of hiding her emotions, but her lips were pursed into a thin line, and her fingers were clasped together.

They did not look at each other.

It was clear whatever the events leading to their sudden wedding had been, both had set their hearts on it.

"Do you think it will be possible for you, Panchali?" asked Gandhari gently.

"If that is what I am expected to do," Panchali said in a ringing voice, letting Hastinapur know that she was not someone to be trifled with, "I will do it."

The hope was doused from Arjun's eyes.

"You, Arjun?" asked Gandhari.

Be honest, Karna shouted to him in his mind.

Arjun averted his gaze from everyone staring at him. "Yes, it's--it is--fine by me."

Karna resisted the urge to slap his forehead and plunged into the crowd to get to Arjun as the discussions resumed.

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