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Duryodhan's pov

Duryodhan was woken up early next morning with a letter brought by a servant.

'My dear friend

To me, the choice between you and my brothers is an impossible one. I cannot choose one over the other. Hence the only way out for me is to choose neither. I give up Anga and the association of the illusive lure of Hastinapur's royalty. I will leave with my parents for someplace unknown by tonight. 

I am sorry we will never meet again. I will forever be indebted to you for the love and friendship you showed towards me when nobody else did, and I will forever remember you as my dearest friend. But I cannot willingly hurt my younger brothers by choosing you, for they are very dear to me, too.

I had hoped I could make you see someday that the cousins you hate are sweet and loving and kind and loyal, and I had hoped I could make them see that you are the best friend anyone can hope for. Unfortunately, neither you nor they are willing to open your eyes, and as I said, the choice you have given is an impossible one for me.

Love, Karna.'

Frost from the piece of parchment travelled up Duryodhan's arm and settled somewhere inside his heart.

All the lines of the letter, he could disband as a whim of his friend's, emotionally manipulated by the idea of younger brothers.

There was only one line he could not overlook.

'I am sorry we will never meet again.'


"Jyesht! What are you--what's wrong?" Dussashan jumped up in alarm and caught his arm.

"Those Pandavas--those--those--evil Pandavas--"

"What did they do?"

"They are determined to take everything away from me. They took my throne--that I could still bear. But they took my friend--I cannot--" Duryodhan shook off his brother's arm and strode out of their quarters.

"But, jyesht--no one can take the King of Anga away from you--he would never choose them over you--"

Duryodhan thrust the letter into Dussashan's hands.

"You are right. Karna would never choose anyone over me. So he chose to choose neither."


The servants guarding the entrance of the quarters of the Pandavas blocked them as they tried to get in.

"Move aside, you fools!" barked Duryodhan.

"Yuvraj Duryodhan, we cannot--"

Duryodhan raised a fist to knock out the servant; Dussashan caught it just before he could swing.

"Jyesht, don't!"

"What is wrong?" came Bheem's sleepy voice.

"I will tell you what is wrong!" shouted Duryodhan.

"You?" said Bheem in disgust. "What the devil are you doing here? You and your brother are about the most unwelcome person in our quarters."

"What did you tell Karna? How did you manipulate him? Did you use your mother's help, you cowards?"

"Who, the King of Anga?" said Bheem coldly. "Your friend, is he not? Whom you manipulated into swearing into cut off all ties with us? And you say we manipulated him?"




Jyesht's strife for kinship (A Karna-Arjun what-if story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum