The most stubborn conquest

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Arjun's pov

From the next day, Arjun threw himself into the role of peacemaker between his brother and his newest friend.

"The King of Anga is a really, really nice person, Bhrata Bheem. Isn't he, Nakul? Isn't he, Sahadev?"

"Yes, he is," said the twins.

"Isn't he, jyesht?"

"I have always maintained he might actually be a nice person," said Yudhishthir.

"So it is only you who still cannot bear the sight of him, Bhrata Bheem," said Arjun. "Do you want to remain the odd one out?"

"I am already the odd one out," Bheem told him smartly. "I am the strongest of you by a thousand miles. Want proof?" 

He charged towards Arjun who leapt up and tried to dodge out of the way. Bheem caught him firmly.

"No! Listen to me first--" protested Arjun in vain.

Bheem wrestled him to the ground, Nakul and Sahadev cheering him on, Yudhishthir shouting above him, "Stop it, Bheem!"

"I wasn't ready!" A disgruntled Arjun lifted himself up. "And when did I doubt your strength anyway?"

"I just try to keep reminding you occasionally." Bheem ruffled Arjun's hair teasingly and put an arm around him. "All right, now what were you saying?"

"Since you pushed me, you have to listen to what I say." Arjun appealed to Yudhishthir. "Doesn't he, jyesht?"

"Depends on what you ask of him," said Yudhishthir cautiously.

"It is nothing impossible or difficult," assured Arjun. "I just want you to apologize to the King of Anga for insulting him for his birth."

"Nothing impossible or difficult?" echoed Bheem.

"It is indeed neither impossible nor difficult," said Yudhishthir. "Go on, listen to what Arjun said."

"Jyesht!" complained Bheem. "I cannot apologize to that--ah, friend--of Duryodhan's! You cannot make me do a humiliating thing such as that--Duryodhan will gloat like anything!"

"Duryodhan will not even get to know," said Arjun. "He disapproves of Karna talking to us at all."

"He claims so," said Bheem.

"Even Aswatthama says the same," said Sahadev. "Aswa never lies to us."

"Bhrata Bheem, have you ever noticed Duryodhan's expression when the King of Anga talks to us?" said Nakul with a chortle. "He is good with the mace and is cunning for ten, but I doubt he is that good an actor."

Bheem perked up.

"I am up for anything that annoys Duryodhan."

"Go on, then!" said Arjun.

As Bheem made for the door, Arjun gave Nakul a congratulatory slap on the back before they followed.


"King of Anga," Bheem hailed him across the dining room from its threshold.

Everyone in the room including Karna, Duryodhan, Dussashan and the other Kauravas who were seated together looked around in astonishment.

"Could I have a word, please?"

Duryodhan gritted his teeth and averted his eyes. Bheem looked pleased.

Karna came up, looking a mix of uncomfortable and intrigued.

Though he was standing two feet away, Bheem insisted on shouting.

Jyesht's strife for kinship (A Karna-Arjun what-if story)Where stories live. Discover now