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6 months later...

Kunti's pov


Kunti started at the voice that she had never heard saying that word. When she studied her oldest son's face, she found it lined with worry.

"Yes, dear?" She took care not to let her nervousness show.

It was strange that a mother should be nervous around her child, but she had never got a chance to be a mother to Karna. Even after the hostility between the cousins was sorted out (no one but the miscreants themselves knew exactly how it had been sorted, but everyone suspected Panchali's hand in it), and after Bhisma announced Karna would be crowned as heir to the throne, Karna had continued to live with Radha and Adhirath in their humble hut in the charioteer's colony when in Hastinapur.

He had acted respectful around his birth mother, even loving, after the public announcement and the public apology. But he had never acted like a son.

"What is bothering you?" she asked as Karna stood awkwardly at the door, as if trying to make up his mind whether to speak or not.

"Maa, I do not really want to be crowned," he said in one breath.

Understanding dawned on Kunti. Possibly she had always known her eldest son had no affinity towards a throne. But she had never been sure, and had never dared bring up the topic with him.

"Come here, my son..."

Karna hesitated before walking over and sitting down gingerly on the edge of the divan.

Kunti reached up to touch his cheek. Karna blinked, but did not flinch away.

"So, why did you agree to it?" she asked gently.

"Because..." He looked away. "Because there is no other way to maintain peace. Duryodhan cannot accept Yudhishthir, and while Yudhishthir might accept Duryodhan, Bheem, Arjun and the twins will not." 

He looked up at her, and away, again. He was nervous, too.

"They are much friendlier with each other than last year," he went on, "but I am not sure the truce can be maintained if either of Yudhishthir or Duryodhan are crowned."

Kunti nodded.

"Who do you think will be the better person on the throne?" she asked.

Karna hesitated again.

"I love Yudhishthir and Duryodhan, but--neither of them, Maa. Do you think either of them would be a good king?"

It felt like the first time her son had been frank with her.

"Not really, I guess. Yudhishthir is too compliant," she said. "Duryodhan, too stubborn."

"Exactly," said Karna, then fell silent quickly.

"Who do you think would be the most suited to the throne, if not them?" Kunti probed.

Karna's face flushed slightly.

"It's stupid--but I think Arjun. Though he would never want the throne himself, I think he would be great--I sound stupid, don't I?"

"Not in the least, child," said Kunti, smiling. 

"Don't you think Arjun would be perfect--keeping aside the fact he is too young?" said Karna eagerly.

"He has a lot of things going for him," said Kunti thoughtfully. "But he is often unable to separate his emotions from his actions. A king cannot afford that."

"Yes, that is a bit of a problem for him." Karna's smile was brimming with affection.

Kunti felt an upsurge of affection for both her sons, too. The ones who had started out as enemies but could not spend a day without each other now. Who would die for each other in a heartbeat, and probably be happy doing so.

Jyesht's strife for kinship (A Karna-Arjun what-if story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora