4. I Can't Run Away

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Mingyu strolled nervously outside the bath door. He didn't realize him following the emperor's order would rub off the wrong way.

The eunuchs' words kept ringing in his ears. When Mingyu went out to find the eunuch, the eunuch was caught mixing a drug in the bath of the third prince. No matter how much he was threatened or beaten the eunuch never gave away the name of the person behind these murder attempts. He kept on insisting that it was just him.

Mingyu didn't know how to tell the prince that the eunuch that served him for so many years attempted to kill him. Mingyu thought that it was for the best that the prince lost his memory.

A few maids passed Mingyu giggling shyly. He saw those lanterns in their hands but he couldn't help but wonder if one of them were trying to kill the third prince again.

It hasn't been one whole day serving this prince, Mingyu couldn't understand why he was so caught up with all these.

A thud grabbed Mingyu away from his thoughts. Mingyu rushed inside the bath without a second thought, only to find a half naked prince looking at him in shock.

"Huh?" Wonwoo shot a dangerous look towards Mingyu.

"Huh? What? I heard something...I_thought.." Mingyu had this habit of stuttering or speaking too fast whenever he was excited or nervous. He internally cursed himself for not being able to form a proper sentence.

"The bucket just slipped from my hands."

"Oh" Mingyu heaved a sigh of relief.
Soon the relief was replaced with uneasiness, Mingyu's eyes traced the now topless figure of the prince, his eyes lingered on the scar near the prince's abdomen and then it travelled back to the sharp eyes of the prince that were eying him questioningly.

Mingyu's heart gave a jump, he felt like he had surely offended the prince. He could see his lifespan shortening in front of his eyes.

Wonwoo squinted his eyes and opened his mouth to say something but Mingyu suddenly kneeled in front of his feet.

"My Lord. I really thought something happened when I heard the noise. If I have offended you even in the slightest please execute me right here bu_t please don't tell my father that I am a pervert." Mingyu quaked in desperation.

Wonwoo felt like he was being pulled into a hundred different weird situations whenever he was with this guard. He couldn't help but internally cringe at this typical kdrama scene happening in front of his eyes.

"So it's okay if I kill you right here." Wonwoo's lips curved into a mischievous smirk.

"Yes." Mingyu's lips trembled and his voice was barely above a whisper.

Wonwoo felt bad for messing with the boy even though it was amusing.
"I know you were trying to 'protect' me. Stop being so unnecessarily dramatic. We are both men seriously. Nobody's calling you a pervert. Let's go back."
He tapped the shoulder of the kneeling boy and walked past him.

Relief rushed over Mingyu's body and he started running after the prince.
Mingyu kept a distance between them as they returned to the bed chamber. He couldn't help but wonder about that scar, a long scar that travelled from below the prince's chest to his abdomen.

Mingyu being the son of a general, he saw many scars in his life but the thought of a wound being beautiful never crossed his mind, it was more about honor for a man. The prince's scar had a deep pinkish hue, it somehow made his pale skin shine like a late night's moon. He didn't know if it was a illusion of the lanterns or the water.

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