13. Bittersweet

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The morning was gloomy smeared with last night's death. A letter from Jeonghan arrived at Wonwoo's residence asking for him immediately.

Despite his unwillingness he rushed to Jeonghan's with Mingyu.

"Did you ask for me?" Wonwoo knocked outside the chamber which he was so used to walking inside without knocking.

Jeonghan looked up as Seungcheol opened the door
"Wonwoo ya!"

He gestured Wonwoo to take a seat as he continued "The Queen died from poison intake, they checked your flowers and there was no trace of poison there thankfully. But there was something strange.."

He let the tension settle and sighed "It was the same poison that your mother took."

"I had my doubts that someone was targeting Wonwoo and Me, that's why I made some of my men guard Wonwoo's flowers in the banquet." 

Wonwoo clucked "So that's why you didn't give any gifts and danced."

"I wanted you to dance but..."

Wonwoo interrupted Jeonghan
"So, my guess is if your men didn't guard my gift, someone would have infested it with poison. Whoever it was I think they used the same poison to make a connection with me."

Seungcheol who was sitting silently decided to speak up "Isn't it weird that the first person Minister Kim accused was Prince Wonwoo then the crown prince."

"Why would he kill his own sister? And if it was Kim then won't it be easier to poison the flowers through Mingyu?" Wonwoo frowned.

"We don't know that for sure. But maybe Mingyu is loyal after all. Speaking of that, I need Mingyu to do something." Jeonghan gestured Seungcheol to bring something out.

Wonwoo took the records that Seungcheol brought out, it was a list of every maid and eunuches.

"How did you get this? We have been trying so long to find this!" Wonwoo gasped.

"I blackmailed Minister Kim. He handed me over a few records but I am sure it's not all. So now we need Mingyu to find Minister Kim's hiding place, we sure can't go inside their residence but Mingyu can. " Jeonghan smirked.

Wonwoo followed Jeonghan's thought process and continued "So Mingyu can go there with the alias of providing information like last time. But it's gotta be an important information so that it doesn't seem  strange."

Jeonghan jumped in excitement as he hugged Wonwoo
"Exactly!! Wonwoo ya! You think just like me."

Jeonghan asked Seungcheol to bring Mingyu inside as both the princes started to hide all the documents. They can't take too much risk with another Kim.

When Mingyu finally walked inside, Jeonghan gave Mingyu an overview of the situation
"Wonwoo ya here trusts you, so I have decided to do the same. I hope you don't betray us for your clan. I just want to end all this corruption going on. I am not a person who kills innocent people mindlessly, your clan will be safe and your father will be the head, as long as you decide to help us. I promise you that!"

Mingyu was too shocked to even fathom the offer, he never wanted power
"I don't really care what happens as long you don't kill my clans' innocent people. I don't really trust you but I belive Prince Wonwoo will never harm me."

He glanced towards Wonwoo and continued
"So I will do anything to help."

Jeonghan chuckled "Very agreeable I see. Now I want you to go to Minster Kim one of these days and tell him that - The crown prince has caught a man who delivered those drugs and poison to a warehouse and add the fact that we found that man half dead."

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