|20| • Everest

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The realization dawned on me, and I was shaken up.

Amelia had just finished school two years ago, and I had done so more than a decade and a half ago. Of course, it would be disturbing. She didn't realize it because she was...her. Innocent, charming and sweet; the attributes that pulled me to her in the first place. The little lady was too good for me. I'd been in the army, and seen some awful shit. I couldn't imagine Amelia putting down a hurt animal without bawling her eyes out. Dammit, Everest.

I was still in my car, gripping the steering as I let the intrusive thought win. She said she knew my intentions and didn't mind, although I had confessed to her, did she know the implications of it? My already fair knuckles turned pale the more I gripped the steering. My breathing was hard, that...that kid. The way that boy smirked as though he had won, watching me cower back after he had accused me of being a paedophile. I wasn't, and Lord did I despise that word.

Even if I wanted to stay away, I couldn't bring myself to not see her again. I wanted her. I wanted to hold Amelia and listen to her ramble off on different things, I wanted to wrap my palm against her thick thigh, tracing circles on it. I bit my lip, resting my head on the seat. "Shit." The more I tugged on my hair, the worse I felt. From the conversation we had yesterday, I knew Amelia didn't mind me showing her affection, no, she didn't want it to stop.

So why was I so conflicted? Torn?

Taking out my phone, I thought to dial her and apologize for leaving so abruptly. I had planned to give her a warm hug and encourage her on the first day of work. Pursing my lips, I thought against it. Instead, I dialled Gabe's number. I needed someone to talk to, and Saffron couldn't do it. Taking a deep breath, I sunk into the repeated dialling tone while waiting for Gabe to pick up.

"Simon! I'm so glad you called, I was thinking of you." I chuckled, since he was sounding so happy, I guessed that things turned out well with him and Penelope. "Hey." My emotions betrayed me, there was a slight croak in my voice which he caught. "Do you...want to come over man?" His excitement had dried up within seconds, and he sounded concerned. Guilt bit at me, I didn't want him feeling that way. It was selfish of me.

Recalling where he was staying, I was about to decline, "Penelope's staying over at a friend's for a day." He continued, making my eyebrows draw together. Did she leave her home in his hands? "Okay...I'm on my way." The drive to his was quiet, yet my head was as noisy as a hailstorm. Blizzards of thoughts swarmed it mercilessly. I had feelings for Amelia, I knew that much. After being called a paedophile, I began to feel disgusted with myself. How annoying.

Killing the engine, I took out the key from the ignition before going into Pen's apartment.

Climbing to the third floor, I see Gabe already waiting outside her door. It was still a surreal feeling seeing him here, standing, alive. Although I continuously hoped for the best, at the back of my mind, I'd accepted the possibility of him being disabled, or worse...gone.

"Simon, good to see you again." I pulled him into a hug, taking a deep breath. "Whoa, did you miss me that much?" He teased, his palm rubbing comforting circles against my back. I stayed that way for a minute more, I needed this hug. My head was too clouded for my own good. Gabe hummed, tapping my back reassuringly.

"Come in."

"How come Penelope left? I thought you both were still catching up?" Seeing how he nervously itched the side of his neck, my curiosity was piqued. "Is she mad at you?" Gabe sighed, slouching against the couch. "I admit, I was a bit harsh with my words. But what did she expect? I found out my fiancee up and left me. Things get heated and we kiss." My eyebrows jumped at his words. So why did she bail? "I pushed her away..." Of course, he did.

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