|39| • Darrick

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A|N: Yes, Darrick ;)

I missed her.

I missed when I was the only one that had her attention when she'd whine until I agreed to visit. How her eyes would light up when I offered to take her to a bakery. I missed that Amelia who hadn't met that man, that...that groomer. What was his name again? Everest? Yes. I despised him.

How dare he dwindle into her life, ask for her number in front of me, and slowly steal her away? Back then, when I told her not to speak to a person because their intention was probably bad, she listened to me, without complaint. The first time she disagreed was when his name came up. Evie this, Evie that. How did he do it? How did he get her to fancy him in such a short period of time?

It took me three years. I admit, I was envious.

He didn't deserve her.

I could tell that bastard had done things to her, the way Amelia gushed whenever she spoke off him or shied away at some questions I asked was the giveaway.

Laying on my couch, I sighed, these thoughts were doing my head in. It was clear, I wasn't her number one anymore. What was the point of staying in this town? I didn't move from that crappy job all these years because of her, Amelia. I had applied for a job outside town because it paid way more, I got the job but refused because I didn't want to leave Amelia. Later on, I applied to another, seeing as I needed to pay the pressing bills for my mother's sudden illness. Last week, I got the job.

I couldn't decline this time.

There was no reason for me to decline anyways. She wasn't mine anymore, why was I staying in a place I felt stranger to? The only tour guide in this town is my dear Amelia. Ah, could I even call her mine anymore? My chest was heavy, I felt defeated. Lost to a man that wasn't even worth her time.

This made me chuckle.

Taking my phone, I gazed at her number, would Amelia answer to my call? If I told her I felt blue, would she come to my rescue? The smile on my lips stung, I felt anything but happy. When last did we speak? Two weeks now?

Pressing my phone to my ear, I listened to the tone of her phone ringing. Was she going to pick? Please pick it up. I thought to myself, tugging on my hair.

The number you dialled is not reachable at the moment-

"Of course." I chuckled, ruffling my hair. Goodness, I wish it was as easy to get over her as it was to fall for her. It hurt, my heart ached and I hated it.

Pulling myself up, the joints in my legs complained with a crack, I'd be wallowing in my own pity on the couch for quite some time. Going towards the kitchen, I slid my phone onto the counter, opening the fridge to crack open a beer. It was three in the afternoon and I was cracking open a beer. Whatever, it wasn't like I was going to work anyways.

My throat welcomed the chilled taste, my tongue allowing the slightly bitter liquid to run down. I was hungry, but my fridge was empty. Why was I so pathetic? It was all that old man's fault. Everest. He took her away.

The second my phone vibrated, I tried not to drop the beer bottle, jumping to grab my phone. What if it was her? Was she calling to tell me I was right? That Everest was actually using her? Hands down the news would make me pull a genuine smile.

My heart fluttered when I saw her name.


"Darrick! Gee, it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry, I couldn't pick you up, the service isn't so good at the bakery. How are you? How's work?" Amelia's words came out fast, I didn't even know which question to answer first. This made me smile, she still cared.

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