|71| • Everest

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Warning ⚠️: Vulgar language is used, viewer's discretion is advised.

The first time I felt my heart break because of a woman was when I saw the ring I'd spent a fortune on, lying ever so delicately on a note written to decline my proposal. Saying she wouldn't dare marry a man she didn't know would come back alive or as a corpse. The pain was fueled more with regret than anything else. If only I'd discussed it with Florescent, perhaps we'd have found a way around it.

The second time was now.

My mind was spinning; millions of thoughts ran through in deduction. Amelia turned around to enter her room, and that was when my eyes went to her neck. Those weren't there two nights ago; those dark spots scattered all over her neck weren't there. I knew hickeys when I saw one, and these...these were hickey's alright. The first crack my heart suffered was when I realized what a hickey meant, they weren't insect bites, no. It was a person that was responsible for it. Not just any person, but a man who wasn't me.


What...what was a man doing on my woman's neck? Which bastard did that not once or twice, to her neck? How...how did she let such a thing happen to her? Was that why she stilled when I hugged her from behind? She'd acted as if I was a stranger. Was this why she backed away when I tried to make her look at me? The pain twisted my guts, eyebrows drawing together in both confusion and fear.

"Amelia, wait," I called out, my voice hard and my thoughts full. The atmosphere around us was never this tense, I looked to her back, hoping she'd listen and wait. Amelia didn't turn, she just stood with tense shoulders, looking at the floor. "Turn around." This wasn't a request, the pace at which my heart thumped was concerning, watching her timidly turn to face me, with her head down still.

What? She couldn't look me in the eye? Was that it?

What happened at that damned party? Should I have been against it? I had the mindset that she and Kaji would be together and they'd take a cab back after. But when I couldn't get her phone even after midnight. I was worried sick. No matter how long I paced around my room, I couldn't get myself to calm down. She was with her friends, so she was safe, that was what I used to console myself.

Amelia didn't send me the location of the party, I wished she did. Then I'd drive there to pick her up myself. The feeling of hopelessness irked me, all I could do was text and call, praying she'd come to the apartment apologising for being so late and making me worry.

So she wasn't going to look up, huh?

I scoffed to myself, deciding to let out what was on my mind. Now that she was fully turned, I saw those dark spots on her collarbone as well. My hands formed a fist, "Your...your neck. Why is there a hickey on your neck?" I asked in a whisper, fear evident in my voice. Were my hands really shaking right now? Ah, I was even scared to hear her answer.

Hesitantly, she looked up at me, her eyes blood red, tears clouding her gaze.

My patience was wearing thin, her silence was like needles to my feet. I wanted an answer, not tears. Perhaps I was grimacing too hard because she looked scared. Her lips opened to speak but it closed with a sigh. I saw how her lips quivered, how her eyes watered the more. Why wasn't she answering? What had she done? Taking a deep breath, I ran an impatient hand through my hair.

"I'm...I-I'm so s-sorry, Evie."

Amelia's croak dealt a shatter to my heart. Sorry? I had always tried to be a patient man for her, whenever she'd jumble on her words or ramble on, I'd wait with a patient smile, trying to get the information I needed. But in this case, mine had worn thin. "I don't need an apology, I need an answer." I seethed, glaring. She wasn't doing anything to help this situation. She just kept whimpering, crying into her palms.

His Little Ameliaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें