Chapter 5

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For some sneak peeks into future chapters, follow my Twitter where I will be posting pictures of random parts of a random chapter, with absolutely no other info whats so ever. Enjoy!
Twitter: Stitch_1412 

Y/N's POV:

Wednesday and I wrapped around each other. It feels like we've been here for hours, but it is still light outside. I smile and kiss the top of my girl's head. She looks up at me through her lashes and makes me shiver once again.

"I wonder where to original meeting house is. Maybe we will find more answers there." Wednesday whispers but doesn't make a move to get out of bed. I hum into her hair and smile at her.

A little while later we're both dressed and we're walking around in the woods. One of the books we found said that the old meeting house was in the middle of the woods. Finally, we find the burned and broken-down building.

"I was expecting more," I whisper to Wednesday.

"Who are you talking to little girl." Inside is a man, who clearly isn't aware of the monster.

"Be careful who you call little or girl," I say and press my sparking finger against his chest, shocking him, and causing him to run away from us. Wednesday touches a bunch of stuff hoping it would trigger a vision, before sighing and moving to leave.

Once she touches the door, her head snaps back and falls to the floor. Luckily I catch her before she hits the ground. It also starts raining, but I just cradle her head in my lap and watch as her body spasms through the vision.

When she comes back from the vision, she tries to tell me what happened but we hear something in the woods, thinking it's the homeless man once again, I move closer to the door, to only find the ugly eyes of the monster looking back at me. This frightens me and I jump back.

Wednesday grabs my hand and we run after it, trying to find where it is going. We follow its tracks, but soon we see they turn from monster to human. Wednesday and I share a similar look. Knowing that this thing is a shifter like a werewolf.

"What are you two doing here?" a boy asks us from behind. I move to shock him, thinking he might be the monster, but my Wednesday stops me.

"Xavier. We were following the monster. What are you doing out here?" Wednesday asks and eyes him suspiciously.

"My art shed that principle Weems lets me use is out here. I'm sorry but who are you." Xavier looks at me.

"This is Y/N, she is my girlfriend and a new Nevermore student." Wednesday snakes her arm around my waist protectively and scowls at him. He lifts his hands in surrender.

"I remember you from the Poe Cup but didn't know who you are. Nice to meet you." I nod at him, and the three of us make our way back to the town center for the ceremony. Wednesday had the plan to make sure they don't immortalize a monster, so we have Thing throw gasoline in the fountain.

As we watch the unavailing, Thing lights a match and the entire statue catches flame. The only people who don't run away are Wednesday and me. We watch with smiles on our faces as we see the metal melt.

Weems tries to get us to tell her what happened, but we insist our hands are clean, and they technically are since Thing is the one who did everything. Afterward we make our way back to our room.

Wednesday and I put on some clean clothes. She sits in front of the typewriter, typing away. I take out my violin, playing something calm. My love looks over at me and Smiles at me.

The rest of the night we just stay inside.


Electric Love ~ Wednesday Addams X Fem!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora