Chapter 10

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I am really hungover and sleep deprived. I slept maybe 4 hours last night. We went to a concert last night for my birthday!

It is 6 am and I need to get ready for work. Anyway, enjoy!

Y/N's POV:

It's still just void all around me, but I can feel her. I can feel her cold hand in mine. I can feel the body cuddled up to my side. I can feel the way her breath hits my neck as she slowly falls asleep.

"Goodnight mi Amor." I hear her whisper into my ear. It takes all my willpower, but I squeeze her hand, letting her know I'm here. I can hear her gasp, and I feel her thumb running across the back of my hand. I hear her voice, but it's muffled. After some time she lays back down and not long after I can hear her breath calm as she falls asleep.

I need to wake up. I need to get to her. I look everywhere, but all I see is darkness. I have to find a way out, she's right here. She's in my arms, but I'm not there. I need to get there. I need to tell her that Tyler is the Hyde and that Thornhill is his master. She needs to know not to trust them. She has to stop them before they can do whatever they can to bring Crackstone back from the dead.

There has to be a way out, this can't be it. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I think of my Wednesday. I think of holding her in my arms. I think of kissing her. I think of how one day I want to marry her. I want to make her my wife and make sure that I take care of her for the rest of her life.

When I open my eyes, there is something. A door. It's far, but that is where I need to be. So I start running. I run as my life depends on it. I need to get there. I need to get to her. The door comes closer and closer with each step I take. With each step, I'm closer to her. I need to save her.

I reach the red door and come to a stop. I slowly reach my hand closer to the doorknob. My long fingers wrap around the knob, slowly twisting it open. Behind the red door is nothing but white. It burns my eyes, but I shield them and make my way through the door. I really hope this doesn't kill me.

Blinking my eyes as I open them. Everything is still white, but it's not a bright light. I slowly want to move my head, but that is when I notice a head on my shoulder. I turn to look at it, and I smile at the beautiful black-haired girl who is asleep on my shoulder. Her hand is still wrapped in mine. Her face looks so relaxed. I study her face, I look at each freckle coating her cheeks and nose.

I lean down and kiss her forehead which is showing through her bangs. This action causes her eyes to flutter open. A soft sigh escapes her lips, and her eyes completely open up. Her beautiful dark brown eyes meet my blue ones. She gasps but we don't break any eye contact. I smile down at my girl.

"Hi there, my Black Dahlia," I whisper, scared that talking too loudly will ruin the moment we are having. She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me so tight. This catches me by surprise. Yes, I'm her girlfriend but Wednesday doesn't do hugs. I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her closer to me.

She slowly moves away and wants to get off the bed to give me space but my arms wrap tighter around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Our faces are inches apart. And I'm staring into her eyes once again. I smile a soft smile, before leaning in and kissing her cold lips. It's not long before she's kissing me back. The kiss is filled with passion and love.

"You're actually awake." She whispers after pulling away slightly. I just nod my head and place my forehead against hers. I hold her close for just a little while. I missed the feeling of her in my arms. Her head snaps up.

"Oh, I need to get the doctor and tell him you're awake." She says and jumps up, running out to go get the doctor. Not long after the doctor comes in and examines me.

Wednesday's POV:

I smile at my girl. She's awake. And she's okay. I watch as the doctor looks over her cuts and checks her hydration levels. I then remember no one knows she is awake.

"I'm going to get Enid, Xavier, and Thing. I'll be back soon." I tell my Y/N and she gives me a soft 'okay' with a smile. I turn and run. Rushing up the stairs and down the hall. Walking down the hallway is Weems.

"Oh, Wednesday! Why are you running?" Weems asks me as I run past her. Without stopping I just yell,

"Y/N's wake! I need to tell Enid!" I don't know if she heard me, but I keep running until I make it to Yoko's room. I burst into the room, out of breath. My burst in woke up everyone, causing Enid to jump up.

"What?! What happened?! Who died?!" Enid yells, her claws extended. I just look her in the eyes.

"Y/N's awake," I say between breaths. Everyone's eyes widen. Enid says she'll meet me In the infirmary, and that she will bring Thing. I nod and rush off to the boy's dorms. Knocking on Xavier's door.

"Xavier! Wake up! Y/N's awake!" I yell and hear him rushing around his room. I leave him to get ready and go back to the infirmary. When I enter Y/N's room, Weems is already there talking to her. They look at me and my girl smiles at me. I walk over to her and take her hand, as I sit down.

Y/N's POV:

I smile as my Wednesday sits next to me, taking my hand. Weems was just asking me how I was feeling. I feel weird. I'm uncomfortable in my body. I couldn't use my electricity for a while, and now it feels weird in my body, but I'll get use to it again. I'm just happy my girl is okay, and that I'm here with her.

"Hola mi Amor." She says to me. Smiling at me, and kissing my knuckles. Weems excuses herself and leaves us alone. Neither of us says a word. Her hand is warped around mine. She brings her other hand up to my face. Placing it on my cheek and running her thumb over it.

"I'm so glad you're awake. I was so worried about you. You were missing for two days and it felt like I was going crazy. And when you passed out I thought I lost you." Wednesday tells me. I can see she's trying to push away tears. I kiss her hand on my cheek.

"I'm sorry my love. I just couldn't lose you. I thought I could find something to stop them but I got caught." Before I could say more, Enid, with Thing on her shoulder, and Xavier burst into the room.

"OMG Y/N!" Enid yells and attacks me in a hug, I grunt against her. She apologizes and moves back.

"Dude, I'm glad you're up. You had us all worried." Xavier tells me as he stands at the foot of my bed. Thing jumps onto the bed and comes close to me.

"Hey Thing. I'm okay I promise. Especially now that I'm awake." I tell them all. Smiling at my Wednesday.

"I could hear everything. I could even feel like ghost touches when you touched my hand, but I couldn't see anything or move. It was like I was stuck in a black void." I tell them everything I felt.

"The doctor said it might be like that. Your body needed time to heal. You were hypothermic, dehydrated and you didn't have any food in you. Oh, that reminds me." Wednesday says and goes to get up, but Enid stops her, offering to go get me food.

"Thanks, Enid. Yeah, they kept pouring water on me so that if I tried to use my electricity I would only hurt myself. They tried to get me to turn on you, and tell them everything I know, but I wouldn't tell them, that's when..." I look down at my arms and trace my finger over the healing wounds. Wednesday takes my wrist and kisses some of the wounds, smiling up at me.

Enid comes back with food. I smile at her and slowly start eating the food she brought. I need to build up my strength if we're going to fight Thornhill and Tyler. Oh shit, they don't know.

I drop my fork and look up at them.

"Ummm, guys. I know who the Hyde and his master is." I tell them, and their eyes widen.

"We know the master is Laurel Gates, but she's using a fake identity, I think maybe it's Kinbott..." Wednesday starts to say but I cut her off with a shake of my head.

"It's Thornhill," I say and they all gasp, looking at each other.

"And the Hyde?" Xavier asks. I swallow the knot in my throat.

"It's Tyler."

*Ohhhh are y'all ready for this?!*

Electric Love ~ Wednesday Addams X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now