Chapter 11

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Y/N's POV:

They stare at me with surprise. Yeah, that was my reaction too. I never thought that he could be that monster, but I knew there was a reason I didn't like him, and not only because constantly flirted with Wednesday.

"Okay. So we tell Weems. Do you think the sheriff knows?" Enid asks us.

"He must. He's definitely a normie, so that means Tyler's mom was a Hyde." Wednesday says. I nod at her statement.

"Wends, please promise me you're not going after them." I look at her. I can't lose her, she means too much to me. She shakes her head at me.

"I won't my love, I promise okay? We're going to tell Weems and she will deal with it okay." She tells me looking into my eyes. I know my girl never breaks a promise.

"Tell me what?" We hear from the doorway. Weems is standing there tall and proud as always.

"Y/N knows who took her. She knows who the Hyde and its master is." Wednesday says. This information causes Weems to raise an eyebrow and walk closer to the bed. I nod my head at her.

"Laurel Gates is the Hyde's master, but she's using a fake name." I take a deep breath before continuing.

"It's Miss Thornhill. And she used the plant's chemicals to unlock the Hyde. It's the sheriff's son Tyler." I tell her. Shock is imminent on Weems' face. She nods her head.

"We will do something about this. I'm going to put the campus on lockdown." She explains as she walks out.

"Wait! You can't do that. She is unstable and dangerous. She has a lot of nightshade, and I think she will use it on anyone who gets in her way. We need physostigmine or pilocarpine." I say to them.

"There should be in the nightshade library. Is there anything else you know?" Weems asks me, deciding to sit down on one of the chairs.

"Yeah. It's an old house and the living room is right above where I was held. Laura is planning on resurrecting Crackstone. He was the one who came closest in wiping out the outcasts. That's why they are taking the body parts; they need the power of Goody Addams' book to bring him back to life. They are planning on attacking the entire school." I tell them everything I know about what is going to happen tomorrow.

"Okay. I will work on a plan. You all are not going to do anything, do you understand me?" she tells us, but it's mostly directed at Wednesday. We all nod at her as she leaves.

Will she be able to do this?


The doctor gave me the all-clear to go back to my dorm, as long as I take it easy. Wednesday helps me back to our room and takes me to bed. I sit down and smile at her. Enid is on her side of the room, sitting on her bed with Thing.

"Thank you, mi Amor," I tell her, and that's when I notice it. The black Dahlia flower hung so beautifully around her neck. I bring my hand up and trace over the flower. A small smile makes its way onto her lips.

"Enid gave it to me. She told me that she was with you when you got it. I also loved the poem." My sweet girl tells me, I smile over at Enid, mouthing her 'thank you'. I then move so I am lying against the headboard. I pull my girl down and let her lay between my legs with her head on my chest.

"It was just a random day in the town, but when I saw it I knew that it was going to be the perfect gift. I then went and looked at poems and it was a struggle between Poe and Dickenson, but I chose Emily's Ah moon and stars because I feel like that's what we are. You are my moon and I am your stars." I whisper to her, smiling as I place a kiss on her head.

Just then there was a knock on our door.

"Come in," Wednesday says as she gets up. The door opens and Weems walks in.

"Ah Y/N, it's good to see you're out and about. Wednesday, I know I told you that you will all be staying out of this Gates story, but I need you to do something for me. I can't just go to Thornhill and accuse her of being Laurel Gates. As much as I trust your word Y/N we need a confession." Weems explains to us.

Wednesday follows her to her office as they talk about what they are going to do. I stay in our dorm with Thing and Enid. We all chat a little bit before I started getting tired. It's weird because I slept for so long. Enid decides to write on her blog, and thing reads through a magazine, as I decide to take a nap.

About 2 hours later, I am awoken by Wednesday coming back into the room. I smile and sit up. She comes and sits next to me placing a hand on my leg. Her fingers trace some of the wounds; some of them have almost finished healing, while others are still a little scabbed. Luckily none of them were so deep that I needed stitches.

"So Weems and I decided that I will confront Thornhill and she will shapeshift into Tyler and trick her into confessing everything. Before you even ask, we have the Pilocarpine ready for if she decides to use nightshade against us." Wednesday explains the plan to me.

I'm glad they have the antidote for the nightshade, but I'm still worried. It's dangerous, Laura Gates is unstable and she's extremely unpredictable. I take her hand and play with her fingers. I'm nervous. What if she gets hurt?

"I'm coming with you," I tell her, looking up.

"No, you are not. You just woke up from a coma okay? You are going to stay right here. If something happens we have a plan okay." She says sternly, and all I can do is nod. The rest of the day is spent in our room spending some time together before tomorrow night.


It's a cloudy night. I have this uneasy feeling in my stomach. This can't be good. Wednesday is getting ready to go and confront Thornhill, and if everything goes to plan, she will confess and this will all be over. Something feels wrong. I can't place it, but something is going to happen.

Wednesday takes my hand, lacing our fingers together. She brings it up to her mouth and kisses my knuckles.

"I promise everything is going to be okay my storm cloud, okay?" She looks into my eyes as she makes me that promise.

"Please be careful, I can't lose you," I tell her, and she nods at me. She then lets go of my hand and makes her way out of the room.

Wednesday's POV:

I meet Weems outside of the greenhouse. We know Thornhill is in there, and we know that we can get her to confess. Weems shapeshifts into Tyler, and we enter the room. I make my way deep into the room, catching Thornhill's attention.

"Oh, Wednesday dear. What are you doing here so late?" She asks, a fake smile on her face.

"You can drop the act Miss Thornhill, or should I call you by your real name? Laurel Gates." I tell her, my face void of any emotion.

"I should have known it was you. Faking your death, securing a job at Nevermore, unlocking a Hyde. Typically, I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots. But yours was a bit extreme, even for my high standards." I move closer to her.

"Oh, dear. Weems was right. You do need psychiatric help. Can't throw out wild accusations without consequences." She tells me, keeping up her fake story.

"They may be wild... but they're true. Tyler told me everything. Initially, I incorrectly accused Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him. But you used a plant-derived chemical, didn't you? I know your father kept tabs on all the outcasts in town. So I assume he told you about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl. That's why you targeted Tyler. You manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was." I tell her, as Weems disguised as Tyler comes out of the shadows.

Now Laurel drops her act. She rolls her eyes and goes on about how she freed him, and that he should be grateful for everything she did for him. She asks him to attack me, but he just looks at her.

"Heard enough?" I ask and Weems shapeshifts back into herself.

Now things are going to get real.

*it's getting real intense here y'all*

Electric Love ~ Wednesday Addams X Fem!ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora