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 It was the beginning of class, People were talking as usual while I looked at the entrance noting everyone who could be the suspect.

"You're staring" Wednesday tugged me "I can't help it" I muttered back while Enid walked into class, "Claire," She said excitingly skipping towards us. "I can't wait to see the new professor" She sat behind us leaning in.

"I saw him, He looked- Interesting?" She shrugged while the teacher walked in "Good morning class," he awkwardly smiled while the others looked at him like he was prey. I felt someone tugging my arm to the back.

tilting my head back to look at Enid she smiled at me putting her hair tie around my arm "Why is this relevant?" She shrugged "it is to me"

I shook my head turning my focus back to the teacher while playing around with her hair tie, "today we'll be talking about possessive spells. it's off-topic on what I teach usually but the principal suggested due to the chances of it happening can be really high"

He pulled down a slide showing a picture of what he was trying to demonstrate, "I personally, can do some of these spells but I'm really rusty" he picked up an old ring. "for instants" He started chanting a few words until the ring started glowing.

After a while, I muttered words that I really didn't understand the ring stopped glowing showing its normal state, "If anyone were to wear this, they would listen to everything I say. It includes voice change or whatsoever" He nodded to Ajax

"Would you mind giving us a demonstration?" I looked to Enid who didn't even bother looking at him, it gave me a good feeling of reassurance "Everyone, Focus"

he put the ring on before standing still for a moment, The ring started vibrating in his hands before he started screaming in pain taking it off. Everyone looked at him with pitiful eyes as the teacher stood there amused.

"Young man, Would you mind meeting me after school?" He muttered to him as he nodded grabbing his arm in pain while whispering where heard. "alright settle down class,"

"Let's focus back on the lesson" he muttered.


Shuffling against my pillow I couldn't get myself to sleep, the first thought that came up to mind was to practice. Shifting to the side I got up as quietly as I could peering over to Enid who was sleeping soundly.

As I stepped out I tried my best not to make a sound while making my way to the fencing class, Although it was dark I still found my way through making sure to not leave any evidence of sneaking out.

Opening the door I grabbed my equipment getting into a stance before practicing the simple defense mechanism, "you know, if you focus on defense your offense would be bad and you would still be bad it at."

"You" I turned my head looking at the masked person who still had a hood on who was smiling at me, "I could help if you want" they picked up a blade before walking towards me, "Maybe you'd finally beat your sister"

"Who are you," I asked pointing my Foil at them, "You named me Morant didn't you?" the voice cracked, Now I'm pretty sure it had to do with professor Tam's class. He did say the amulet changes one's voice.

"Alright, Morant let's test your skills" Due to his voice I assumed that he was a guy although that's really unprofessional. He took his position in front of me. "Alright, Claire" there was something in the way he said claire was so familiar.

"3-point play?" He asked putting his arm behind his back,  Although I assumed he was a guy his posture and height didn't really resemble a guy, nor his features were very feminine. "Alright"

Without a warning, he stepped closer aiming for my neck before I stopped him just in time "Oh, Quick girl" a smile was on his face while I was tempted to pull off his mask. 

"Mind If I ask questions while we're at it" he pursed his mouth putting more pressure on the blade "I don't mind"

"Who are you" I pushed him back making him fall to his knees,  Going for his head he got up blocking me "Straight forward huh? I like you already" "haha very funny, now answer"

"I don't do straightforward answers" He flicked his blade before hitting me on my leg making me fall, I looked up at him putting the blade at the side of my neck "A point to me"

Getting up I sighed with frustration, stepping in front of him I forced my blade towards him "Your posture is bad, And forcing the blade won't make it any easier" He muttered pushing it off him easily. 

"Why wear that stupid masquerade ball mask? are you scared of showing your face" He smiled "Why do you want to see me so badly?" He turned around hitting my blade over and over again before I surrendered allowing him to win once again.

"2 to 0" He pouted with cockiness, I groaned getting up once again this time using everything I got. Using my hand as a distraction I pushed his arm down using my blade to defend my openings.

"My turn, Do you have a date to the Midnight dance?" A smile was plastered on his face "yes, I do." "Who's the lucky guy, or girl"

"Enid Sinclair" I groaned out focusing on his open spots so I can finally beat him, Looking at his face I swore he was trying not to smile. "Lucky girl"

"Shut up" I muttered before he ducked my attack hitting my leg from behind and making me fall on my knees in front of him, using his blade to lift my head up as I glared at him.

He had this smile on his face, I wanted to rip it off "Don't look at me like that" his tongue crept to the corner of his mouth while he bit his lip looking proud. "I will rip that smile off your face,"

"Oh will you," He let me go while I my helmet off turning around not wanting to look at him "Guys like you make me wanna hurl" "Let's not assume my gender just yet eh?"

As I tilted my head back wanting to ask what he meant he was already gone, "Who are you"

ᴀʟʟᴜʀɪɴɢ ──Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now