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  • Věnováno Abused Girls

*****Dear fans, thank you so much for continuing to support my stories. I hope you all enjoy. There is a lot of life lessons and events in this story that may make you cry, feel mad, or make you sad. But that's what it is intended to do. Remember this story is completely fictional. I am not the character and I never been through this stuff but I know a lot about it and I figured this would be the perfect book for young girls like us to know about. The story will start off a bit slow but then progessively get's better and better. For any questions please message me!*****

Once again, please vote, support and like! I will return all favors!

Much love, ~MiiSzAshley♥

 RATED R - Strong Language, Violence, Strong Sexual Content & Drug Content

Copyright 2011 - Ashley Belizaire (No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means otherwise without permission of the author!)


A novel that teaches young readers who you should love and who you should not love despite the problems you may go through in life...

Dear readers,

You are about to endure in a journey that I call 'The Pursuit of Happiness'. I learned a lot from the journey. People cannot make you happy; it is only up to you to make yourself happy in the end; because if you are not going to be happy with yourself, you're not going to be happy with the world. Trust that. I'm not a smart girl. I never have been actually, since this whole story is about me. About a girl who went through abuse, hate, lies and hurt. I got a word of advice for all you young girls... NEVER and I mean NEVER let somebody pressure you into doing things you do not want to do. You will see a lot of that in this story. I was naïve and foolish for doing all of that. That is why I would like to show you the remarkable story that I wanted to explain to everybody. Always love yourself first before anybody else. Trust yourself, think for yourself and act for yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on. If you find/or have the person that loves you very much. Love 'em back. And remember, love is not real if you cannot feel it in the heart. I learned that there's many mean people out in the world, but there's somebody out there for you who will love you like your family and close friends. If anybody ever tries to hurt you, leave them! Young girls like us don't deserve hurt. If you're ever suffering from abuse, always tell a trusted person and do not do what I did in this book. I was stupid. Don't be like me, learn from me. Overall, you're beautiful and I hope nobody who is reading this story ever experienced this or been in my spot before. This is my Teenage Love Affair.


Few years ago...

"Get on this damn bed!" Tyrese yelled as he snatched my slim body with his strong hands. He then threw me on his bed, stripping off all of my clothes.

"Stop it! Stop it!" I yelled with all my might. As I was trying to shove and push him away from me, he ripped my jeans off, pulled my pink halter-top off and yanked my heels off throwing them across the room of his old beat up apartment that smelled of drugs that he would sell on the streets.

"You can't make me do this!" I slapped him across the face with a thick impact and I knew I made the wrong decision because; he soon grabbed me from my throat clutching it tightly. His veins appeared on his scrunched up hand and he glared at me with red piercing eyes.

"You are useless! A completely useless bitch! That's what you are! Now, what do useless people like you do!?"

I tried to speak out the words. The words that would truly define who I am, who I'm supposed to be and who I'm destined to be. But I couldn't because he was choking me and choking me hard. You would think a fifteen year old couldn't handle this, but I was getting used to the same routine ever since I first met him at twelve years old.

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