♥Chapter: 31♥

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It was around 6:00 p.m. when Jayda and I finally arrived back at her crib.
We already have dropped my parents back to the shelter and I've dropped Imani back to her babysitter.
I have to admit... Today so far really is poppin'.
I got my precious Imani back with me and now...
For the moment you all have been waiting for, including me....
It was time to get Xavier back. Back to my heart where he belongs.
I couldn't wait to see the dress Jayda got for me, and I know we both will be lookin' good for our man tonight.
I'm just damn glad I finished my poem on the way back. I wrote all the words I'm planning to say to him tonight and I really hope he sees the true meaning behind it. I really want to show him how much I really, really miss him. It's been a long time and I can't live without him, he's also my everything and I can't see him be with another girl like that bitch Kim. I'm going to show him I'M the one he needs.
He said he loves me, but doesn't believe I love him after what had happened.
However, after tonight, I pray to God that will all change.
"Girl, I seriously can't WAIT for tonight. Sheesh, it's about time you and Xavier hug, kiss, and make up. I'm sick and tired of your whiny-ass mouth." Jayda said entering her bedroom after taking a shower. I swear this girl can be mean sometimes...
"Jayda, I know you really didn't mean that." I said putting my bra on.
"Camille, I already told you I'm crazy. Don't you know that?"
We both laughed, I knew Jay was only playin' around.
"I know Jayda; I was just foolin' with you. That's all."
"Gosh, I really am excited for tonight! I think everything is going to go perfect. I can't wait to see you and Xavier back together."
"Really? I can't either." I said. I just hoped that things go as planned. For some reason, I kept getting this premonitions. They never stopped going away.
"Yeah girl! And I'm gon' be proud of baby Darnell accepting his basketball award. He really deserved it."
"Yeah, that's cool..." I said softly. I was starting to feel a bit worried about tonight now. It was as if I was becoming bipolar. One minute I'm happy, and then I'm mad, then happy, then sad, what the hell is wrong with me?
"What's wrong?" Jayda said taking her dress out the closet.
"Eh, nothing... nothing..."
"Don't give me that type of tone girl. I KNOW when something is wrong with you. You're like Miss Obvious. It ain't hard to tell."
"Jayda! It's nothing okay?"
"Nooo nooo. C'mere!"
"Jayda stop!" I said as she pulled me to sit down on her bed. She than stood in front of me.
"Tell me what's goin on now, or we through bein besties."
"WHAT!? Jayda, stop trippin!"
Silence... She's right. I really have been, I'm just afraid to tell her how I'm feelin or she'll think about it the wrong way, when it ain't even like that.
"Tell your girl, or we ain't girls no more."
"You gonna think I'm stupid or insane or some shit like that."
"Girl, you ain't anything but yourself. Everybody acts crazy sometimes. Look at me!? Shoot, I told you I'm crazy too. Therefore, you don't have to worry. Tell your girl, tell ya sista. Spill it."
I sighed. I couldn't take Jayda interrogating me like this, so I just had to say what I had to say.
"I've been having these mad weird premonitions." I said nervously.
"Premonitions? Who you think you are? Raven Baxter or something? You ain't a psychic."
"Jayda, this ain't funny! I swear, I'm having these weird feelings and I can't seem to push it off. I'm scared..."
"What are you scared about?"
"About tonight..."
"Woww... now I see where this is going."
"You do?" I wondered what she thought, because I have no dang clue myself.
"It's definitely about Xavier."
"What? How you know? Why you think that?"
"It's obvious! Miss Obvious. You scared Xavier might not accept you."
"Well... I don't know if it's because of that I-"
"It's because of that!" Jayda said cutting me off.
"Well... I really don't know Jay. Something in my gut is telling me to be forewarned about the future coming events and I don't like that feeling."
"Girl! It's just your heart. On the other hand, maybe even ya mind. It's just making you have these crazy thoughts and thinking about the worst. I told you to stay optimistic!"
"I don't know how I'm going to do that when I'm totally afraid now."
"Humph, well I know what can change your mind."
"Jayda... what are you gonna do to me?" I said getting more scared, this girl always had crazy plans.
"Girl, shut up. I'm not gonna do anything wrong. Matter of fact, you asked for this."
"What did I ask for!?"
"This..." Jayda paced to her closet and started searching for something in it.
"What you got for me?" I said coming up to her.
"Close your eyes." She said smiling brightly at me.
"Jay... I don't know. I don't even think I-"
"OKAY!" I slowly took a deep breath and closed my eyes, not knowing what this girl gunna do to me.
"TADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jayda yelled.
I quickly opened my eyes and then....
I almost fainted.
I could not believe it... I really, really, really, really, really, REALLY could not believe it...
Right in front of me... right here in front of me, laid my eyes on the prettiest, sexiest, gorgeous, beautiful, flirtatious, voluptuous, ravishing, attractive dress I have EVER, EVER, EVER! Saw in my whole entire life.
I froze. I couldn't believe this was the EXACT dress I told Jayda I wanted to wear... and she had it, right in front of me.
"OH MY GOD JAYDA!!!! THIS IS SOOOOOO STUNNING!" I yelled grabbing the dress from Jayda, holding it against my slim body.
"♫ Ohhhh, put your freakum dress on! Ohhhh put your freakum dress on! Ohhh shut it down when the time comes! Pull out the big guns! Ohhh and put your freakum dress on!!! ♫" Jayda sang.
I ran to her full-body length mirror and began voguing in front of the mirror like Madonna. I swear it felt like Christmas to me now because I got the best gift EVER.
"You like huh?" Jayda said coming up to me.
"I LIKE!!? FUCK NO! I LOVE!" I said continuing to vogue.
She laughed. "Hahaha, I knew you would love it."
"Oh my God... thank you so much Jay. This is so pretty! I get to wear it!?"
"Fa sho!! You know how much that pretty thing cost me?"
"Girl... pshh, you think Darnell got a money tree in his backyard?"
"Well it seems like it, because this dress SERIOUSLY can't cost that less!"
"Wow... REALLY? That cheap!?"
"GIRL THAT AIN'T CHEAP! That thing is expensive; I swear I thanked Darnell so much for this dress."
"Please don't tell me HOW you thanked him either."
"We was at his crib then-"
She laughed. "Girl, I wont say another word. But seriously, you must try it on! You gonna look be-au-ti-ful!" Jayda said snapping her fingers.
And isn't that the truth!? Of course, I was going to look beautiful in this dress; I know Xavier definitely won't be able to take his eyes off me. Beauty may not be everything, but it sure do helps.
"Help me in the dress girl." I said after applying my lotion.
"I'm comin. I'm comin." Jayda said.
I soon unzipped the sides of the beautiful white-backless dress and slid into it. After, Jayda zipped up the sides, and reassured the strap on my left shoulder. I then fixed the dress straight on my body and took a real good look at myself.
"Absolutely attractive..." Jayda said.
I was taken aback. I couldn't believe it was me in this dress. I was starting to feel a million times better now.
"This... is... too... PRETTY!!" I said jumping up and down.
"It really is girl! Dang, you gon' look better than me."
"THANK YOU JAYDA!" I gave her a super-tight hug and we both fell to the floor laughing.
"You welcome girly! You welcome!"
We both got up and Jayda began to put her dress on.
"You need help with your dress?"
"Nahh almost got it on." After a couple of seconds Jayda too looked mad sexy as well in her long olive green dress that had flowers on the sides and one strap as well.
"Damnnnn, I swear we both gunna be the most gorgeous girls at the ceremony."
"Well you know how WE DO!"
I laughed. "Definitely, you look so cute in that dress, your drop dead pretty." I said.
"Awww girl, really? I feel like a princess now." Jayda replied voguing.
We laughed. "Me too."
"Sooo what?" I said beginning to put some make-up on.
"Soo... ain't I right?"
"Right about what?"
She shoved me playfully. "Right about you feelin' better now that you look good and shit. Ain't I right?"
She got me again. Jayda always knows a way to make me feel better one way or the other.
"Yes Jayda, thanks. I do feel better now, now that I think about it."
"Cool, cool. Glad to hear that. Shows me that my work here is done." Jayda said beginning to put her make-up on.
After 5 minutes, my face was glowing more than ever.
I swear to y'all this is the best I felt in months.
"Girl, its gunna be 7 soon. Hurry up put your shoes on and grab your purse. I can't miss Darnell's speech."
"There's a problem though." I said, totally forgetting about my hair.
"What's that?"
"Can you do my hair for me?"
"Camilleeeee, you can't do your own hair?"
"Jay, you know you got them magic fingers."
She giggled. "Fine, I guess you right about that. I am a princess. What would you like me to do Miss Obvious?"
"First I would like for you to stop callin' me that and second, do whatever style you think would look most pretty with the dress."
"Hmmm, iight then. Lemme see... lemme see..." Jayda said working her fingers onto my long hair that I recently dyed light brown.
"Wow Camille... you don't even have black hair!"
"What you mean 'black' hair?"
"Your hair looks like Spanish people hair girl! I swear, it's so long"
"Jay... it's not that long trust me. I just take care of it. I also make sure to extra conditioning to it when I'm in the shower."
"Humph, I'ma need to start doin that instead of putting extensions."
"C'mon Jayda! Just do something!"
"Damn, I'm thinking, I'm thinking! Oohh I got it! I got a hair-extension ponytail clip that matches your hair color EXACTLY. I think that would look on and poppin' with you."
"Yeah, lemme go get it. It should be in here somewhere."
As Jayda began to rampage for the extension, I couldn't help but fantasize about what Xavier might think about me... I visualized him having a surprised facial expression and him saying how gorgeous and everything I am. Then after I read my poem, I visualized him complemeting  me again on my beautiful words, on the jersey got for him, saying how he's sorry after I said I'm sorry and him wanting to get back with me again, believing that I love him as much as he does.
"CAMILLE!" Jayda yelled.
"HUH!? WHAT!?" I said, getting startled from my little fantasy.
"I got it! Now stay still as I do my magic."
After another 5 minutes, I was finally finished with my hair.
"Okay girl, how you see it?" Jayda said twirling her chair in front of the mirror for me to see.
"Jay... I really love it! And it does match my hair color. Thanks girl! I love you!"
"I love you too!"
We both hugged, and I was feelin super amazing.
"Now put your shoes on and grab your clutch. It's time to go. Shit, its 25 minutes to 7!" Jayda said grabbing her car keys.
I quickly put on my off-white 3-inch heels and grabbed the matching sparkly clutch that goes with my dress.
I took one last look at myself in the mirror and said a prayer. I prayed to God that, tonight everything would be the way it's supposed to be. I prayed that I will get the love of my life back into my arms and that we will never part again. I prayed for Imani to stay safe with her trusted babysitter, I prayed that Xavier would be there, happy and ready to see me; I prayed I'd stay happy and that these weird premonitions will go away. Overall, I prayed until I couldn't think of anything else to pray about. Tonight is the night for me to get right with everything once again.
I grabbed the poem and Xavier's gift and headed out the door with Jayda, smiling proudly.

Around 20 minutes later, me and Jayda arrived to Richington Heights Community College.
The parking lot was crazy crowded. There was bunch of people on the streets, and dozens of cars beeping at each other just to find a parking spot. It was already 5 minutes past seven and me and Jay was worried we might be missing the whole thing.
"OH MY FUCKIN GOSH!" Jayda said beeping her car repeatedly at three cars in front of her who wouldn't move.
"What's wrong?" I said acting oblivious to the situation as I checked to see where Xavier is.
"These three assholes in front of me won't move their cars! And I need to find a dang parking spot! I CAN'T miss Darnell's award. I just CAN'T, he'll be pissed at me."
"I'm just worried that I might spot Xavier's parents before I spot Xavier. I DO NOT want them to see me first, they'll begin to question me with so much questions and ask me how me and Xavier doin, when I'm trying to solve that myself!"
"CAMILLE! Your thinking' about that, when I'm in a tough situation myself! I can't go in unless I find a fuckin parking space! Move you assholes!" Jayda said beeping her car again.
"Sorry Jay, I just have a lot on my mind."
"Well me too!"
"How about this." I said, offering to help her out.
"How about what?"
"How about I go ahead inside the college and find Darnell. I'll tell him your stuck in traffic outside on the parking-lot and that you'll be in there as soon as you can for him."
"Girl, you'll really do that for me?"
"Yeah of course, I gotta save us a place to sit anyways and hopefully I spot Xavier."
"Alright thanks Camille. Tell Darnell I love him and I'll be there before he knows it!"
"I gotchu." I grabbed my purse and Xavier's gift and headed out of the car. I waved to Jayda as she drove along around the parking lot and began to walk towards the entrance.
Suddenly, as I was walking in the crowded place, I began to feel uneasy.
For some reason, I began to get this premonition in my mind again and I felt almost nauseous to my stomach once again. I don't know what the hell was wrong with me! I kept getting these feelings and it started to scare me again after I made myself happy with the way I look and everything.
I soon took a couple of deep breaths, walking slower and began to calm myself down as much as I could.
"Relax Camille, just relax... take a deep breath... another deep breath... I'll be okay, I'll be fine. What could happen?"
Before I could even enter the entrance, unexpectedly, a black Lincoln navigator pulls up next to the sidewalk.
I swear to y'all, I felt my heart stop beating for a minute as I froze with my breath took away as I saw the car park and turn off.
This shit CANNOT and I repeat CANNOT BE HAPPENING!
Now I was seriously actin' crazy and trippin'.
"No... No this can't be!" I said, stomping my foot on the ground.
Tyrese is in jail, my parents took care of that nigga so he can't possibly be here.
Anybody could have the same car as Tyrese; he ain't the only person in the world with a Lincoln navigator I HAD to stop trippin. Today is a big day for me, why let this shit ruin it!?
Just to see for any evidence, I quickly ran behind another car so nobody will see me and I poke my head out slightly to see who will be getting out the car.
After a minute, I saw five large guys get out the car, but it was so damn dark outside I could barely make out who they were.
"That cannot be..." I said softly.
I think my eyes were deceiving me because I KNOW for a fact Ty ain't like being around places that have to do with education or anything like that. For that matter, he hates school so why the hell would he be here for?
HE'S IN JAIL. He can't possibly find a way to escape and come after me now. What was I a fool? He knows he can't do that. His ass got caught for doin all the evil things he's done to me, so he can't be here. He just can't.
"C'mon Camille, lets just go inside where it will feel more safe." I said to myself.
I got up, dusted my white dress and grabbed my belongings again.
As I walked towards the entrance, my eyes began to search for Jayda. I just hope that girl finds a parking and that she's okay. At the same time, my eyes also were still set on seeing anything mysterious or weird going on.
I can't let this night get ruined over some little premonition I'm having. I'm to close to the end and I'm not about to be pushed off to the wrong side.
Out of nowhere without looking ahead of me, I soon bumped into a person and fell down to the floor almost hurting my damn head.
"I'm so sorry. Really I am." I said as the older woman rolled her eyes and continued inside.
I got myself back up again, fully embarrassed and took another deep breath.
Man was I actin insane tonight.
Fuck Tyrese, I ain't letting him get to me again.
I continued on inside and followed the signs to where the award ceremony is being held.
The college was big and I felt like I was getting lost, even with the signs.
After 2 minutes of following people towards the ceremony, I finally arrived.
It was in a large room full of over 100 noisy people.
There was about over 30 fancy tables set around the room. The lighting was light brown and orange, and the floor looked neatly polished.
Each table had a bouquet of roses, plates and utensils.
In front of the room was a big stage with a microphone and a couple of important people sitting on chairs.
I began to feel lonely. Where the hell was Jayda!? It shouldn't be hard to find a parking spot now, practically everybody was in here.
I sighed to myself wishing my phone were working so I can text her but it's not.
After a couple of minutes of taking in my surroundings, I began to remember I had to tell Darnell about Jayda makin' it late.
I don't know how the hell I was supposed to do that because there was so many people in here I couldn't find him anywhere.
I kept searching around the room until I found a big group of guys next to a sign called 'Basketball' and I knew Darnell had to be around here somewhere.
Luckily, I eventually found that boy and I ran up to him as he was talking to a group of friends.
"Yo, Darnell!" I said.
He quickly turned around stopping his sentence and looked at me in surprise.
"Camille? What you doin here?"
"Don't you remember?"
"Um... no."
Was he stupid or was just an idiot?
"You told me about the award ceremony, about Xavier being here and everything. Remember now?"
"Oh yeah, yeah." He said laughing with his friends.
"Yo, where's my girl Jayda?" He said, his eyes looking around the room.
"That's what I came here to tell you. Jayda is having some problem finding a parking space and she wanted me to tell you that she'll be in here as fast as she can and that she loves you a lot."
"You sure you didn't come here yourself?"
"No! Damn. I don't got a license now do I?"
He laughed. "Of course you wouldn't. Iight Camille, she better be here."
I rolled my eyes and left him and his friends. Darnell and Jayda can act just the same. No wonder they love each other.
Speakin' of love, I had to keep my guard up for anything suspicious and to see where Xavier might be. I would head to the football section, but I wasn't exactly ready yet.
I went to a deserted table and sat down on one of the four chairs.
Before I even knew it, the lights got real dim and it was beginning to start.
I was feeling more lonely and nervous than ever. Where the fuck was Jay!?
"Good evening everybody!!" A woman in fancy attire said on the microphone.
Everybody clapped and immediately calmed down.
"Welcome to the sports award ceremony. We are here to congratulate our best players on their academic achievement in athletics. Not only do we have our famous basketball, football and tennis team here but we also have local high school sports team here as well with friends and family to support them for their sport achievement as well."
Everybody soon clapped again. I was already getting bored; I hated this type of stuff.
"Okay everyone, first we will like to start with the coaches of each team here. Starting with our famous Coach brown for our tennis players!"
Everyone clapped again and I just sighed as I looked out the door hoping for Jayda to pop in already, but she haven't.
I just prayed this girl didn't get into anything bad.

Around 15 minutes later, Jayda still never arrived...
I don't get it, I really, really, really don't understand. WHERE THE HELL WAS JAYDA!!!!!!!!?
My heart began to race and I felt my blood pressure begin to rise.
The basketball players are already getting their awards and it was bound to be Darnell's turn.
Why couldn't this damn girl park her car out of the parking lot!!?
I gulped, and tried to retain my cool as I saw the basketball coach call out Darnell's name.
"One of my best, best, best college basketball players I ever had the ability to coach will stand beside me. He's has approved so much that I have to say, he really deserves this award. This goes out to Darnell Brown! Our best 6 foot 2 point guard!!"
Everybody got up from their seats cheering loudly and clapping for Darnell as he approach the stage smiling happily and receiving his gold basketball award from the coach.
He ain't gunna be smiling when he finds out Jayda isn't here and neither am I. I just hope he takes it easy.
After taking a picture with the coach, the crowd settle down, sat down and Darnell got to the microphone.
"Yooo, I can't believe this. This means a lot to me. It truly does. I remember when I was just a lil kid and I dreamed of one day getting some type of award in basketball. Basketball has been my favorite sport ever since I was in diapers as my mom would tell me, and it's true. I never gave up on this, I tried my very hardest and I'm proud to say I've made it this far. I'm hoping to make it to the NBA one day and playing along side one of my favorite players DERRICK ROSE! And I hope to say it will be a dream to come true. I wanna thank my mom and my pops for being here today for me, it means a lot. I wanna thank my teammates for having a great season, we won! And will be winning a lot more along the way. I wanna thank my lil bro and my lil sis for believing in me too, I love y'all! I wanna thank God for this opportunity to be alive to be fulfilling my dream and finally, I wanna thank my beloved, my everything, my angel and my baby Jayda Ellis for being here today for me. I know she's here and I wanna say baby I love you with all my heart and I hope to stay together forever! Come up here girl and come take a picture with your man!" Darnell said laughing and smiling waiting for Jayda as everybody in the crowd clapped and waited.
Uh oh, shit's about to go down.
I panicked as I tried mouthing to Darnell that Jayda ain't here but he seem to keep waiting and searching his eyes for her.
"Yoo baby! Where you at!? Come up! Don't be shy!"
The crowd became silent as they waited and Darnell looked embarrassed as hell, I felt bad for him.
"Jayda? Um, Jayda baby you there?"
I kept on trying to get Darnell to look towards me but this fool wouldn't even!
He cleared his throat, "Umm... I guess she ain't here." He said disappointingly.
"Uhhh, thanks for the award." He raised it up on to the stage and quickly got off finally heading towards me as the coach continued with the next person.
I don't know how the heck I was going to do this, but I'm just about worried as he is.
"Camille, what the fuck is going on!?" He whisper-shouted to me.
"Darnell I seriously don't know!!"
"Camille, I made myself look like some fuckin' retarded ass up there! WHERE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!?"
"DARNELL LISTEN TO ME! The last time I saw her, I was in the car with her, she tried to find a parking spot and she said for me to tell you she'll be here as soon as possible AND THAT'S IT! Stop puttin this shit on me!"
"I'm afraid if she got lost or something like that! We gotta go look for her man!"
"Then c'mon!" I said quickly getting up from my seat and heading out the room with him as fast as we could.
We began to look everywhere around the college and after 10 minutes of furious searching up and down, left and right, all around and about...
Jayda was still nowhere to be found.
I felt my eyes began to water, but I told myself I had to be strong.
Maybe she went to go get him a gift or something? I just had to believe nothing bad happened to her. I just had too.
Me and Darnell soon met back at the front of the door of the ceremony and unluckily we both didn't find my home girl.
"DAMN!" Darnell said punching his fist against the wall, getting mad.
"Darnell! Please relax! We are going to find her!"
"Man... I just want my baby. Where could she be?" He said getting sentimental. Wow, he must really love her. I had to have more respect for him. Jayda is someone special to him and I had to help him. She's my best friend too.
"How about if we look around the place one more time?" I said trying to catch my breath from running up and down.
"I don't know man... I don't know." Darnell said.
"Darnell look at me! Look at me!" I said taking my hand and pushing his face towards mine.
"What!? What we gunna do!? Maybe she just ditched me and didn't even wanna come anymore."
"NO! Jayda is NOT like that. She loves you a lot. We CAN'T give up she's somewhere and she probably is feelin really bad and will be here any time now. But we gotta keep looking and ask people if they seen her! You never know!"
Darnell took a couple of seconds to grasp in what I said and sighed.
"Alright, I'ma keep checking inside, why don't go check outside?"
I froze. Outside? I had to go outside by myself? I loved Jayda, but my body felt paralyzed at that thought.
My premonitions began to kick in again and I began to feel like I was getting sick.
"Camille! CAMILLE!? Yo! Don't you fuckin hear me!?"
I gulped. "Yeah, yeah I hear you."
"So let's get goin!"
I began to contemplate whether I should tell Darnell the real truth why I don't want to go and make a fool of myself, also makin Darnell think someone kidnapped Jayda or if I should just lie and go do the damn thing.
"Come on Camille! Please! Please!" Darnell said begging me.
I took a deep breath, I had to be brave for my best friend, and I had to make sure she was okay.
"Fine! Fine! I'ma go outside. We'll meet back here in front of the door."
We both parted ways and until he was out of sight, I slowly began to walk back to the entrance and cautiously opened the door to outside.
The sky was dark blue and it felt like midnight when it was only 8:00.
The weather was beginning to feel more cold and I was starting to feel frightened.
Dang, why couldn't I search inside!? He's a man; he should go do the tougher job for his girl!
I sighed and quietly closed the door and began to walk outside as fast as I could in 3-inch heels and began to search around the parking lot, trying to keep Tyrese and that mysterious waiter outta my mind.
As I kept on searching, I realized I was the only one in the parking lot.
There was no car lights on, no cars moving, no people and no noise except for the slight sound of cars passing by on the streets.
I felt more lonely and by myself than before. It pained me.
"JAYDA!!!! JAYDA!!!!" I yelled hoping for her to just pop up in front of me.
But there was no answer.
"JAYDA!! YO JAYDA!!! C'MON GIRL!" I yelled once again and still no answer.
"UGH! Why is this happening?" I yelled in madness and sadness.
I than began to check at the back of the parking lot which was more darker and I tried my best to stay brave and optimistic.
"Jay! Jayda!! Where are you!? You here!?" I yelled again.
I only got the answer of silence and before I knew it, tears began to fall down my face little by little.
"JAYYYYYYDAAAAA!!" I yelled once more.
I then took a moment to cry to myself lightly. The fear of my home girl not being here, made me realize I was living a nightmare that would never stop.
Suddenly, unexpectedly, I began to hear footsteps around me...
I didn't know if it was Jay's or if it was some stranger or even worse... somebody out to get me.
I stopped my crying as best as I could and held my breath not wanting to say a thing.
The footsteps were light but hearable.
I felt like they were coming closer to me... and my heart kept on racing.
As they became more louder I quickly but quietly as ever ducked down in behind a truck so nobody would see me and I slightly poked my head out to see who is there, prayin' it was Jayda.
I kept poking my head out little by little.
You don't even know how afraid I was... I felt my life was going to end as I still have not saw the person just yet.
After 5 minutes, I didn't hear the footsteps anymore and it was quiet once again.
I gulped and took another deep breath, trying to calm my heart and my blood pressure.
I softly stood back up and got out from my hiding spot.
I looked left then I looked right. There was nobody in my sight...
I had to break the news to Darnell that Jayda wasn't anywhere in sight outside and that, I knew I had to call the police... I fought my hardest to not cry but it was no use. Tears were my weakness.
As I began to cry and walk quickly back inside the building, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder than I froze with all my might.
My heart automatically stopped...
My head began to turn around slowly...
More slowly....
And kept on turning, and turning and turning until...............
I saw him... right... in... front... of... me...

Teenage Love Affair♥Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora