♥Chapter: 21♥

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It soon became Monday. And yeah ya'll already know that I must go to school, and trust me, I'm in no dang mood to go to school at all. Period. I've been goin through so much drama that I don't even know how to handle it anymore. I tried pushing it away, keeping it to the side, and fixing it but it was no use. All my problems still reminded me of my poor Imani, who's doin better but still in the hospital, of my mom who's also tryin to do better but still is out there in the streets doin who knows what, and most importantly... Xavier.
My true love Xavier...
God knows how much I've been missing him for the past days I split apart from him. And I just wish I never done that. I wish I never followed Tyrese's rules, I wish I never met that nigga; I wish I never had to become the person I am now today.
But as they say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. And trust me, I'm tryin to stay strong as ever but it's hard.
My damn head has too many things on its mind, and topping school on top of all the other problems that's been building in my head is only makin me have a bad headache.
As much as I fought my other half who didn't want me to go to school, and all the tears that I cried over Xavier, I pulled myself together as best as possible and rode to school with Jayda.
We soon entered the school, with all the crowded freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors bumping into each other, getting to their lockers and their scheduled classes.
I felt like I haven't been to school in ages.
That's how much this whole Tyrese-Xavier dilemma been getting to me.
I just hope I remembered how to do what I gotta do.
"Damn, is it me or is there more people in school now than before?" Jayda said getting to her locker.
Of course this girl was spottin another one of her 'Darnell Clothes' that she rocked to the fullest. I didn't even have to explain it; ya'll already know Jayda is sportin some designer clothing.
As for me, I borrowed a green tank top from her, I wore my black jeans, matchin green sandals, and my hair was up in a bun.
I don't know how the hell, I bothered to come to school wear some second-handed clothing, but I had no choice. I couldn't let school become a problem for me too. Shit, enough is enough.
"I don't know it seems like it." I said looking around the crowded, noisy hallway.
"Girl, what's with the sad voice?"
"Oh... its nuthin." I said lying. Damn, I can't believe I lied again. But I didn't wanna go through another lecture on how she wants to take care of Tyrese for me but I won't let her speech. Uh uh. I ain't down for that now.
"I'm not any dang fool Camille. You're hiding sumthin from me. And you know I pretty much know what it is."
"Jayda can you not start this shit right now. We got class in less than 5 minutes and I ain't in for one of your talks."
"Camille, how you goin to get any better if you won't let somebody help you?" Jayda said closing her locker.
"I don't know..."
"Aw girl c'mon, don't give me that sad face. You've been sad this whole weekend."
"Jayda I told before, and I ain't gon repeat myself. You don't have to help me with anything. Okay?" I knew I was acting hard and everything like that, but I was tired. I was damn tired with all these Tyrese that, Xavier this problems. God knows how much I tried. And I ain't even spoken to Tyrese ever since that day he sent me to get some clothes for him and his gang, I know he's so furious with me right now, but I still don't get how he never called me, text me or anything like that ever since.
Was he finally letting me go?
"Camille, you're my best friend, how you gon do me like that? I can't help you?"
"No Jayda you can't. I can't let you get hurt by Tyrese like he did to you last time..."
"Girl, I'll admit that was a bit scary-"
"SEE! I told you, now drop the subject."
"BUT... it didn't stop me did it? I still wanna go back and give him a piece of his mind!"
"You wanna go back and let him beat the crap outta you?"
"I'll do it for my best friend."
As much as I didn't like the way Jayda wanted to risk her life for me again, I couldn't help but shove a small mini smile across my face and thank her. She really is the closest person I got as of right now. Imani won't be out of the hospital until Friday, my mom and dad is out who knows where, Tyrese is still botherin me in my mind, and Xavier... is long gone. Which still makes me wanna cry every time I see his face in my mind.
"Thanks Jayda..." I said wiping my cloudy eyes.
"Hey, that's what best girlfriends are for right? I gotchu girl."
We soon arrived to my first period- history class and I knew that at least this class would help me take my mind off other things while I concentrate on one of my favorite classes that I easily pass every year.
"Girl, I hope everything is fine with you. I feel like you're not well enough to be in school." Jayda said.
"It's iight Jay. I can't let some problems like this take me away from school. I gotta just do me and let all this shit be behind me as of right now."
Jayda smiled. "See, that's the Camille I know. I know your all depressed and shit, but you got let it go. Just like Keyshia Cole said."
We both laughed a bit.
"I just need to stay strong and I can no longer let the pain I have for Xavier overtake me. I did a horrible mistake. I miss him so much, but what's done is done." I said with the best of my ability to not cry.
"You sure you don't want me to go hire some guys to take care of Tyrese?"
"Jay, it's cool. Take it easy."
"But you can't forget one thing Camille."
"What? Forget what?"
Jayda turned her eyes over to the left and than suddenly... surprisingly as ever...
Xavier was right there at his locker talking to some of his homies laughing and smiling as if nothing ever happened before.
I froze. Not only did I froze due to the fact he didn't seem to have any hurt in his eyes, I froze by how... by how... by how damn fine he was looking.
He now had a short curly hairstyle, he looked even more muscular than before, his dimples shined when he laughed and smiled, he's wearing a white sweater under a denim jean jacket, dark blue baggy jeans, black and white air force ones and his whole body couldn't look any sexier than before.
"OH... MY... DAMN... GOD." I said, not even knowing what to say.
"Mhmm." Jayda said agreeing with me. But she better fall back. She already got her boyfriend.
"Girl, I heard he's the head quarterback of the football team now."
I can't believe I lost one of the hottest boys at this school. Not only was he fine...
He treated me right. He loved me so much, he cared about me, he defended me, and he had special love for me not only as a girlfriend but even more than that. He wanted me to be his wifey, and lord knows I wanna be his wifey badly. I feel like he's the only guy for me.
But I lost it all... and I don't even know how to apologize and explain to him what Tyrese made me do.
"Earth to Camille?? Yoooo? Hello? Girl are you there?"
Soon the minute bell rang and everybody including Xavier walked away to his class not even spotting me as he passed me by.
I felt a cold drop fall into my heart and I felt like was goin to be nauseous, but I knew I couldn't let this hurt me. Not now.
I just had to be strong.
I just hoped it would work.
I gulped and sniffed up my nose. "Jayda... you betta... betta... get to-to class."
"Hm... alright." Jayda said giving me a tight hug.
"Listen, I'll see you at lunch. You gon' be cool??"
"Yeah." I said still not moving from my spot.
"Iight girl, lata." She soon walked away and I still didn't move from my spot.
After trying to compose myself again, I took a deep breath and entered the crowded class room.
My history teacher Mrs. Robinson was on her desk and suddenly called me over before I can take my seat.
"Ms. Edwards, step over here please."
She's African American, wearing a black dress, matching black heels, her hair was long and dark brown, she had a beauty mark by the left side of her mouth, and is wearing matching Dolce & Gabbana black glasses.
Dang, everybody was dressing fly for school, and I felt jealous.
I looked like a damn freshman and that's even an insult to freshmen, cause even them were looking better than me today. I know this ain't fashion school but damn, everybody hear were looking fly today.
No wonder Xavier didn't even spot me.
"Yes Mrs. Robinson?" I said as I approached her desk.
She smiled. "How was my bright student's weekend?"
I managed to give a little smile, but I still couldn't get the image out of Xavier out of my mind.
"It's been iight." I said lying. Nobody said I had to tell the teacher all of my business.
"I'm so glad to hear that. You ready for today's test?"
I froze and widened my eyes.
I gulped and tried to compose myself.
This was a damn living nightmare!!
How the hell did I forget about the test today!? Shit, shit, shit!
"Um... I-I-"
"Aww, you don't even gotta say a thing Camille. You're my star student. You always get excellent grades in my class. I'm sure this test will go by smoothly. I'm just so proud of you. You definitely should sign up for my history honors class. It's this Friday."
"Umm... umm..."
Soon the final bell rang and the hallways were empty and quiet.
"We better get started. Take a seat Camille and good luck. Not that you need it though." She said getting up to close the door.
"Heheheh... yeah." I rushed over to my seat and started breathing heavily.
How the damn hell did I forget about the test today!!?
This whole weekend I've been in such a depressive state that I didn't even bother to study or do any of my homework!
Oh shit... well it shouldn't be that bad.
I'm perfect at history. I shouldn't have to many problems... I hope.
"Good morning class. Today is the big day. We got our Government test today. I hope everybody studied. Clear your desks and we will soon begin. I will add the start of the test, than the ending on the board so you know exactly how much time you will have before the end of class."
I soon took out my pencil and even though I'm good at history, I still have a nervous feelin inside of me.
I hope I don't fail, I'm tryin to get good grades, so I can get into the college I wanna go to. Even though I want to be a singer, I still need to get into a decent college.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door and everybody turned there attention to it.
"I wonder who that can be." Mrs. Robinson said going over to the door.
She soon opened the door and there was a girl who looked like she was in our grade.
I never seen her before, so she must be a new student to this school.
Out of nowhere, some boys in the class began to whistle and stare at her.
Ugh, great. Just what we need another preppy, pretty girl in this class.
Yeah I'll admit she's pretty but damn, these damn dogs need to calm down.
"QUIET DOWN!" Mrs. Robinson yelled. "Hi, who are you?"
"Hi I'm Kim Rodriguez. I was in another history class, but my schedule got mixed up and I'm supposed to be in yours. I recently transferred here two weeks ago. Are you Mrs. Robinson?"
"Yes I am, and are you sure your suppose to be here?"
"Yeah, it says so on my new schedule."
"Okay, take a seat. Who was your other history teacher?"
"Mr. Garrett. He's right across from you."
"Oh! That's great. I'll just have a quick talk with him. Please take a seat next to the girl in the green shirt I'll be right back. AND CLASS, BEHAVE!" She soon left the classroom.
Damn, how can she just call me out like that? 'The girl in the green shirt' damn. It's already bad enough that I have to wear this hideous thing.  No wonder Jayda don't wear it anymore.
As the girl began to make her way towards my seat, more guys kept whistling and talking to her as the rest of us girls just rolled our eyes.
Can you say damn pigs?
She finally took her seat next to me and laid her books flat on the desk and flipped her long blonde hair.
"You realize were taking a test don't you?" I said.
"Oh really? I didn't even know." She said puttin her books under her seat.
"Yeah..." I said rolling my eyes again. Blondes... ugh.
Five minutes later, Mrs. Robinson came back and closed the door.
"Alright Kim, your cleared your now in my class. Everybody please welcome Kim."
Soon some people in the class greeted her, and once again the guys looked her up and down greeting themselves up and close to her.
"Alright, alright! ENOUGH! Back to your seats. It's testing time. I'm officially about to hand out the tests. NO TALKING. And I mean it."
After Mrs. Robinson handed out the tests she returned back to her seat.
I gulped. This test had 40 questions and we only had 35 minutes to do it.
How the fuck was I goin to do this?
"You may begin ASAP." She said.
I hastily opened by packet and began to work on the first question:

1) During the Progressive Era, many state and local governments adopted initiative, referendum, and recall procedures that did what?

What the hell?
I don't even know the dang answer to this question!
Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and quickly turned around to find it was that new girl.
Now what the heck does she want from me?
"Yes?" I whispered.
"Do you know the answer to question one?" She whispered back
Wow... I can't believe this dang girl was actually gunna attempt to cheat and ask me for the answer, when I don't even know it my own damn self!
"Are you damn crazy!? Were gunna get caught! Just shut your damn mouth and do your own work." I said harshly.
I can't believe that this new girl thinks she can do whatever she wants... I already got my own problems and I don't need her to be another one.
As I looked down my test paper, I was blanking out.
C'mon Camille, c'mon. You can do this.
Well I do know that during the Progressive Era their was the woman suffrage and prohibitions. But am I missing anymore?
Dammit... why can't I answer this!
As I flipped through the whole packet, I barely got to answer 10 of them. This is unbelievable.
I'm goin to fail this test... I'm gon' fail this dang ol' test!
But I can't... I can't fail it. How will I stay a honors student in this class?
I just can't accept to fail.
Man am I stupid! All this time I've been busy with my epidemics such as my Xavier crisis which I'm still not over...
I can't believe he didn't see me, I can't believe he went all Trey Songz-Chris Brown-Bow Wow-Usher on me. And all of those guys are fine as hell! He's all of them combined...
But I lost him. I lost him because I listened to that nigga Tyrese, whose still mind boggling me. As much as I like that he ain't hit me up anymore...
But its weird. I feel like he should hit me up?
Isn't he mad? Ain't he furious? Doesn't he wanna kill me for not bringing back his money cause I know how cheap he is.
This just doesn't add up right.
Something fishy is goin on.
But my heart is still aching for hurting Xavier like that... but he has to realize he's hurting me too.
But he can't... cause I'm the one who broke up with him.
He's assuming that I'm happy better off without him. But that ain't true.
I'm the total opposite.
A tear flew done my face and I knew I betta get my act straight or I was gunna cause a scene.
"No talking, you guys have 30 minutes left."
As much as I hated to do this... I had to cheat... I just had to.
There was no fuckin' way I can do this whole test knowing all the dang answers.
There's just no way.
So I had to cheat.
I just had to.
But with who?
I turned my head quietly to that new girl Kim who was texting away on her phone.
I knew she had to be asking somebody for answers, so I took a deep breath and whisper-shouted her name out.
"Yo Kim!"
But she still didn't hear me. Damn!
I turned my head back straight and decided to see if I can see the answers she's getting on her phone.
As my eyes wondered towards her phone I saw her get a text message from a guy named... named... what... no.... it can't possibly be.
This dang girl is new!!! HOW DOES SHE KNOW XAVIER!!!
"Xavier!?" I said almost to loud.
"SSSSH!!" Mrs. Robinson said.
I heart started to race.
C'mon Camille. Be realistic.
How can she know Xavier? The Xavier that YOU know.
But it has to be him.
He's in the same grade, has the same history class, has the same teacher but in a different period, and he goes to this school.
I gasped. This bitch is soo NOT talking to Xavier that I KNOW.
I quickly tapped the girl on the shoulder quietly.
"What?" She whispered.
"Listen, I ain't wanna put any attitude on you or be rude or anything but who are you getting the answers from?"
"Umm... from my boyfriend why?"
I soon felt my heart start to rip apart once again after all this time I've been trying to patch it up, my work was failing.
Relax Camille, relax... maybe it's a different Xavier who happens to go to this school, be in the same grade and have the same history class.
It's a coincidence, but it can happen.
But I had to know for sure...
Cause if Xavier moved on that quickly... I don't think I'll ever be happy again.
I still miss him. More than he'll ever know.
"Wait." I said.
"What now?" She whispered back.
"Does-does... he-he... go-go to-to this school?" I said trying to not make myself choke up again.
"Yeah, duh. Why you wanna know?"
This was getting worse... But I had to keep calm.
Xavier can't possibly move on this fast, especially since she just came to this school.
It didn't sound right.
"I just... I just... needed to know because I know an Xavier and something happened... between me and him and I just wanted to know if your talking to him." I said as my eyes began to water.
"Like I know about his ex-girlfriends..." Kim said rolling her eyes.
This girl was seriously not making my day any better.
First she had to come in here lookin all preppy, then she started cheating and now she may be talking to my true love. Who I'm still not over and my sadness was now coming back again after I tried to turn my sad mode off and my school mode on.
"Can I ask you another question?" I said. This question definitely should let me know if it is the Xavier I know.
But it was goin to pain me if she said yes.
I would never live it out.
"Now what?" She said aggravated.
"Is he a football player?"
"Yes! Now is there any more damn questions!?"
"I here talking... QUIET!" Mrs. Robinson said.
I froze. Xavier, boyfriend, goes to this school, football player.
It definitely was starting to sound like the Xavier I know...
I felt my body began to weakened, my sight starting to become cloudy and my heart beat racing...
There was just one more question I had to ask.
This question will definitely pin-point if she's talking to the Xavier I know and not just some other one.
Ass much as I didn't wanna ask this, I just had to.
"Just-just... one-one... mo-more que-question." I said almost starting to cry.
"This better be the dang last one."
"Does... does... he live... in... Washington Heights?"
"Yeah he does. Now leave me alone."
And that was it.
That's exactly what sparked me to have my heart once again rip up into shreds.
I closed my test packet. Took my test and brung it up to the teacher.
"Why, Ms. Edwards, it hasn't even been 10 minutes and your already done?"
"No..." I said as tears fell done my face.
"Ms. Edwards is everything o-"
"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY!! I'M OUT!!" I yelled as I ran out the classroom.
I ran and ran and ran.
With all the strength I had inside of me.
I knew it... I just fuckin knew it. Xavier really, really, REALLY don't love me anymore.
I can't believe this happened it me!!
HE MOVED ON WITH OUT ME... not wanting to give me a second chance.
I ran into the girl's bathroom, opened a stall and locked it after getting in.
I poured my heart out, I poured my soul out, I poured myself out.
I poured my love out.
Who am I kidding...?
Despite that Xavier now has that new girl as his girlfriend... I still love him.
I love him with all my might, and all my power.
How can I forget the way he treated me as his own princess, his one and only girlfriend, his sweetheart, his other half... his wifey.
I missed all of that. I missed it all.
I just wanted him back.
I want Xavier back. I want him back... I want him back... I want him back. Oh God I really want him back... in my arms. His soft loving arms, the way he defended me against Tyrese, his protection, his kisses, his love, his generosity.
I missed it all. I wish I could just go back in time. Back in time where I never met Tyrese so I could have Xavier for me still...
I thought that things like this get better with time, but I still need him.
Why is that you ask?
Because I love him.
I love him more than that Kim girl could.
But as of now, I just had to cry my heart out. I had to cry my heart out cause I miss him.
I miss him like insane.

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