♥Chapter: 17♥

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That horrifying hour I had in Tyrese's room, was something I couldn't bare to see, do, or feel. I can't believe he actually did this to me again...

And I allowed him to. How stupid can I get?

But I really had no damn choice... if I didn't please him, he would hurt me. And I never wanna feel the pain of getting shot. It ain't worth it. He would be so nasty...

Goin so fast... pushin to hard... I just couldn't bare to deal with it.

Even if he used protection... I just hope I don't get pregnant anymore. It would be the end of my life.

After that hour in Tyrese's bedroom, not only did he use me, but also he made me hang out with his gang and everything.

WHAT COULD I DO!? I was weak when it came to him and his gang. I was a damn whimp... all I wanted was Xavier, and that can't even happen anymore.

For the rest of the morning all Tyrese made me do was help him sell drugs to some crack-heads and other disgusting, ugly people I didn't wanna deal with. I hated being here, I HATED IT. I cried and cried, and Tyrese still wouldn't even bother to give me a break or any shit like that. I just don't get it... I really don't.

And it's not like I even wanna be here, I wanna get OUT. I wanna go to school! I missed all my assignments, homework, and other important things and all Tyrese wanted was to either shoot me, use me, or make me help him do illegal shit. I just wish there was a time machine, so I could've of fuckin avoided him when I was 15 and live my life regularly like it should be.

But no, I had to have a hard life. And that's what I'ma have to deal with.

It was around 2:30 in the afternoon when I finished cleaning his whole damn house from top to bottom. YES, I had to clean his fuckin house. I had no choice, I cried as much as I could, but he didn't wanna hear it. If I weren't do clean this dirty now clean raggedy house up, he would threaten me. And when Ty threatens you, he actually does what he says. He's a mean gangster, and I cant believe he don't see how much I cry, and the hurt I'm in. He really does belong in hell. But what can I do... I gotta keep living. Especially for Imani, who I hope to visit in the hospital soon.

I finished cleaning his bedroom, which was the last place in the house I had to clean. He even made me wear this stinky apron and these ugly yellow rubber gloves. I COULDN'T STAND HIM! I was highly upset at him, I wanted to kill him myself... but obviously I cant do that. I cried so many tears as I cleaned his house, I didn't wanna do it, I wanted to set it on fire and run the hell away from here, but if I do that, I wont be livin anymore now would I?

I walked slowly down the stairs, scared of my life. Every time I saw one of his members in here, it scared the crap outta me. They would glare at me, call me names, hit me, and everything. I didn't wanna see em at all. As I made my way down the stairs, I looked around for Tyrese, and than I heard some talking outside.

I knew that had to be him outside with his crew.

I slightly turned the front door doorknob clockwise open and then they all stopped talking looking at me.

Tyrese was smoking a blunt with them, and I can smell it.

He looked at me with his red, piercing eyes and walked up to me.

God knows how much I tried to stay content, but I just couldn't. I cried a little and I felt embarrassed of myself.

"Why yo cryin' for?" He said harshly to me blowing the smoke right on my face.

I didn't even bother to respond.

"What? Cat got your fuckin' tongue? Answer me. Now."

I still stayed speechless.

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