♥Chapter: 24♥

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It became the next day on a Tuesday. I was in pure agony, in a restless depression, and I could not know how to control my own feelings anymore. I didn't know what was right. I didn't know what was wrong; all I know is that I hate feelin the way that I feel. I was in pain, and I feel like I'm in distraught.
I didn't know what the right direction to take anymore was. I couldn't feel anymore down than I ever did then now. I was feelin so down that I couldn't even go to school today.
Why would I go to school anyways? I would see Xavier, It would remind me of how mad he is at me, it would remind me of the terrors Tyrese has done to me, remind of how many people dislike me at my school, and I would see that dang Kim girl who is now in the arms of Xavier. I could have been that Kim girl. I could of still have Xavier wrapped around my arms... but all of this, all of this is my fault. Every single plain detail of it is my entire total fault. There's nothing I can do about it anymore. It was done. It was over. It just was. In addition, there is no way I'm going back to the future fixing up the terrible mistakes I've done. Ain't no way.
Jayda begged me and begged me to come with her to school but eventually she gave in and let me stay. I told her everything I did last night.
I told her about heading out in the storm to Tyrese's place.
I told her about finding all the gift receipts in his car.
I told her about finding that picture of him and that bitch Liyah.
I told her about him not caring if I was alive or not when he was texting that girl.
I told her about smashing his phone to pieces.
I told her about finding them two together alone in his bedroom.
I told her about him fighting, and yelling the hell at me.
And I told her how I eventually broke down and cried a million cries in the pouring rain.
Those were all the events that happened yesterday night. And it just kept on replaying in my head over and over as if my mind wasn't getting tired of it enough.
They kept replayin in my mind so many times that I barely got any sleep last night. I was starting to become restless more than ever. But I just couldn't help it. My life is a never-ending nightmare. I just hope that one day I get everything back to normal.
I never thought Tyrese would do such a thing to cheat on me with that heffa Liyah... I never thought he would steep down that low, thinking he can get away with this type of shit? I don't think so. But I knew it all along. I knew he had something under his sleeve that he hasn't been telling me.
But I had to find it out the damn hard way... I don't think I'll ever forget that night. The night I truly found out Tyrese never cared for me in the first place.
I wish I could have KILLED him then and there... but I let him go easy.
I was feelin too many mixed emotions.
I had so much hatred, so much sadness and regret in me that I didn't know how to how to feel better anymore. That's why I told Jayda that I just couldn't go to school today. Goin to school today would be too much shit for me to deal with while I already got shit to deal with. Plus since I cried myself to sleep last night, so how would be able to concentrate in school? I'm just glad Jayda didn't argue too much with me.
As much as she forced me to get my ass up, I wouldn't. And I won't go back to school until I find a revengeful plan against Tyrese and most importantly... find a way to win Xavier back to my heart.
It was around 9:30 am when I woke up. I cried myself to sleep, so you best believe I woke up with a major headache.
The place was quiet, and Jayda been left for school 2 hours ago.
I felt totally depressed. I don't know how the hell I was going to make it through the day with nobody to talk to, with limited amount of stuff to do and limited amount of things to distract me from thinking about Tyrese and Xavier.
Not that I wanted to think of Tyrese, I just couldn't get him out of my mind due to the fact that he hurt me so much, it was permanently etched into my brain.
I couldn't shake the thought off. It tormented me.
I got up from the bed Jayda made for me on the floor and yawned. A small tear traveled down my left cheek and I didn't  bother to wipe it away. It was the only evidence I can prove to myself on how badly I was feeling.
After taking a quick hot shower and fixing myself up, I managed to get myself to find something to eat in Jayda's kitchen. I know I was depressed and that it was killin' my appetite all the time, but I felt like eating something, so I poured myself some cereal.
It's not like I wanted to be alone, or not go to school today.
I just had so many things going on through my mind that, trying to concentrate and do what I gotta do would just be too overwhelming.
I know I shouldn't remain sad and depressed, but it's hard to get over dilemmas. Especially ones like this. Even though I wasn't with Tyrese for the whole time, just knowing that he been cheating on me with the same girl just pierces my heart...
After getting my bowl of cereal, I plopped down on Jayda's couch and turned on the TV. If anything, an interesting talk show might help get my mind off these problems. Cause I couldn't take thinking about it anymore.
I soon flipped to The Tyra Banks Show and it seemed like it was going to be a good episode today. As Tyra began the introduction, I knew this was about to relate to me and my relationship with Tyrese...


About an hour later, I was stunned, and I was frozen. I really, really, can't believe that these girls actually went through the same thing I went through, and the scary part was... I felt like I was each and everyone one of them. The abuse, the hurt, the killing, the lies and pregnancies...

As the show ended, my eyes began to become heavy with water, as my mind began to take in everything they had said and all the advice I've heard.
Was it true? Was I not the only one who went through so many damn abuses? Because I felt like, I was the only girl in this neighborhood who suffered from so many stresses, when I realized... I'm not the only one.
There's thousands of girls my age out there who not only get suffered effortlessly from there own stupid boyfriends, but there's thousands of girls who wanna get help too... just like me.
I quickly ran to Jayda's bathroom and examined myself in the mirror as I tried wiping my eyes from crying. But it was no use.
I examined myself more closer than ever, and realize the devastating girl I have soon became to look like.
I have never, ever, realize I would be looking so grotesque and so ugly.
I was so caught up on trying to get back with Xavier, that I never took the time to see the marks, the hurt, and the scars Tyrese has placed onto my body...
I saw my body began to look more skinny and my eyes were becoming red and bulgier. I felt my hair began to fall off and my skin becoming more pale. I examined the cuts and bruises on my arms, my legs, my face and my hands. I finally began to feel the swelling in my eyes and the strain on my neck and my back. My beauty was diminishing... it was all diminishing one by one, cause I refused to make myself ask for help. All because of what that evil devil Tyrese did to me...
He did this to me...
He did ALL of this to me...
He beat me up...
He lied to me....
He had torn my heart apart....
But most importantly... he almost killed me.
And that... I couldn't let get away.
I've had it... I'VE HAD ENOUGH.
Suddenly, an Idea came into my mind. An idea that sounded crazy, lunatic, psycho, and insane... but that was just what Tyrese was going to get.
I'm NOT gunna make myself stay like this forever. NO! I FORBID IT!!
Oh... he was going to get it. And he was going to get it REALLY hard. And I knew, this insane idea was going to work the way it should've worked a long time ago.
"Your going to be in for it Tyrese..." I said to myself as tears still crept down my cheeks.
"And your going to be in for it... for good."

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