♥Epilogue♥ *FINALE*

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Nothing really matters
I don't really care
What nobody tell me
I'm gonna be here
It's a matter of extreme importance
My first teenage love affair.

"Teenage Love Affair", Alicia Keys

2 months later...

It was finally May, and the weather was becoming warm and sunny.
Just the way I like it.
Jayda and I got out of her car and began to walk towards the school entrance with everybody.
I knew today was going to go damn well.
"Hey girly, I forgot to tell you how poppin' you look in your outfit!" Jayda said smiling at me. Jayda has changed a lot over the months and I had to say, I loved her personality, a lot, lot more.
"Really? You like it? Xavier bought for me yesterday when we went to the mall." I said.
Xavier and I could not be more in love with each other than ever before.
I was rockin' a pink and white striped hat, Chanel earrings, gold bangles, a cute beige blouse with a brown open sweater, white skinny jeans, black knee high boots, and my first ever Gucci bag that I am proud to say Xavier have bought for me. I swear, this boy was my whole damn life.
"Girl, I'm in LOVE with it. You look drop dead gorgeous in it."
I smiled. "Thanks Jay. I like that color blouse you got on too."
"Girl? Really? Darnell got it for me. It's soooo comfortable."
"Damn, our man really be doin it big for us."
"Ha! Tell me about it girl. Ain't no other girl in this school can top both of us combined. Were unstoppable!" Jayda said.
"Ain't that the truth!?" I agreed high-fiving Jayda.
Soon, the bell rang and everybody started pouring inside the school.
"Girl, I hope you finish that history essay of yours. I swear, I could not even finish mine. I'ma need to copy yours at lunch." Jayda said walking inside the school with me.
"Jay, you expect me to give you my history essay to copy? How about if your teacher finds out you plagiarized it? Then we'll BOTH get the detention. So uh uh fuck that. Do you boo, I do me. Sorry."
She laughed. "Iight, that's cool I guess."
"But hey, you I gotchu you though. I'ma help you out at lunchtime. But you NOT copying my paper."
We both laughed. "Alright girl that's cool. Hey, I gotta go head to my locker. I'll see you at lunch time?"
"Most definitely, you know we girls."
"Ha, and you know this!"
We both gave each other a tight hug and soon parted ways.
As I was heading down the crowded hallway towards my locker, I felt confident.
I was smiling brightly, and I felt more sexy than I ever had in months.
Life was looking good, smellin' good, feelin' good and being good!
I had the best boyfriend in the whole world, my man, my husband, XAVIER!
Throughout the months, my life has picked up so much that I didn't even know it would bound to get to this point. I'll start off by telling you about how me and my parents are doin'.
It turns out that my parent's DID send Tyrese to jail, but in some dumb strange way, he did find a way to escape and that's how he went out to even dare try to kill me.
Fortunately, he's dead now. And I'm just glad I won't ever have to worry about Tyrese going after me or anything like that.
His gang has broken up and parted ways. They even apologized to me one day and told me they will promise to leave me alone, and they eventually moved out of Washington Heights.
A month ago, my parents were finally capable of not going to rehab anymore and you guessed it...
MY PARENTS ARE CURED! My dad is no longer some damn alcoholic and mom is not a crack feen anymore.
There both also reconsidering to renew their vows, and I can't wait for this summer for them to do it and love each other once more.
Not only are we becoming a family again, but also my parents bought a house in Richington Heights from a close friend of their's and yep you guessed it.
For now on though, I was living with Jayda and her parents.
I couldn't live with Xavier because unfortunately, his place has caught fire a month ago but on the Brightside, he lives with his grandparents and his parents somewhere around here in Richington Heights, which means will STILL be close to each other. That's all that even mattered to me.
As for Imani, Imani is now three years old and is in preschool now!
My beautiful faith is now in preschool, and I truly can't believe it.
She was growing up so quickly and I'm just so proud of her being strong throughout all the situations and problems that occurred in her life. I know she got it from me and I'm proud to say I love her so much.
She's also now beginning to speak and she is starting to cry less and less.
I just hope my lil' girl keeps doing what she's doing, because I can tell she'll make it far.
Now, as for Xavier and I... Well, let's just say that you'll see him minute now.
As I got to my locker and began to get my English and Economic books out, out of nowhere, I felt two hands over both of my eyes and I definitely knew whose two hands those were.
I giggled. "Xavier, I know that's you. Take your dang hands outta my eyes." I said.
He soon took his hands out from my eyes and turned me around, kissing my lips.
"Okay, okay, okay!" I said pushing his hormony body away from me.
He laughed. "Why can't I kiss you?"
"I never said you can't. I just don't wanna be late for class."
"Aw c'mon ma. You know you want some more kissing."
I soon looked at him for minute; damn did he look oh so damn fine. He's wearing a black, gray and red plaid shirt, with black jeans, red and black sneakers, and his hair looked fresh and curly. Just the way I like it and I knew I couldn't resist him. How could I? He saved me from Tyrese, a guy who never loved me, here is Xavier the guy who loved me all along, and I was too blind to never realize it in the beginning.
"You know, I think I'm in the mood for a little lip action." I said laughing.
"That's what I like to hear." He soon pulled me onto his body, wrapping his arms around me and began kissing me.
I loved when we kissed, I just felt like I meant the world to him and he meant the world to me too. I loved him so much.
After a minute we stopped and we smiled at each other.
"I love you baby." He said caressing my cheeks.
"I love you too Zavy." Givin him that nickname that bitch named Kim from a while ago gave him. It turns out that, that Kim girl was actually OBSSESED WITH MY MAN! Can y'all believe this shit!? Cause I can't.
It turns out that she had a major crush on my man, when I thought they were together all this time. I'm just glad he settled her straight, because he's my man now.
"Do like how I'm lookin' today?" I said smiling turning 360 degrees for Xavier to see how well I looked in the outfit he bought me.
"Of course baby, you always look good."
"Do you think I look pretty in it?"
"No... I don't think you pretty in it at all."
I froze. WHAT DID HE JUST SAY!!? WHAY HE JUST SAY!!? So how DID he think I look in it?
"What?" I said confused.
"I said you don't look pretty in it all."
"So what then? You think I look fat in it!?"
"Yes of course you do. You definitely look fat in it."
I was beyond shock, I was more than shock, I was baffled, and I was more than baffled I was damn straight confused. How could he buy this outfit for me and say I look FAT IN IT!? What was goin on in his damn mind!?
"Xavier, do you even want be with me forever if you keep sayin' that?"
Suddenly, I felt my heart begin to break down in pieces.
He wasn't sayin' what I think he was sayin, was he?
Please God, don't tell me he's acting like this because he thinks I look fat in what I'm wearing.
I was sooo confused. One moment were kissing sayin how much we love each other and now he's starting to make me cry.
"XAVIER, HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT TO ME!?" I said causing a lot of attention.
"Say what?"
"Say that you wouldn't want to be with me anymore... I don't understand I-"
Tears soon started developing in my eyes. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with him but right now he was makin me mad and sad. I just couldn't bear to look at his face. Maybe givin' him some time to cool off, would make him think straight again. I just hoped so, because I really don't know why he's acting like this now. Wait until Jayda hears this, she will STRAIGHT slap him and I wouldn't even mind.
"So would you even cry if I was to just walk away from you right now?" I said slamming my locker shut after grabbing my books.
"No... I wouldn't shed a tear."
I was so beyond appalled, HOW DARE HE SAY SOME SHIT LIKE THAT TO ME!?
"That's it. I'm leaving!" I said as tears began to stream down my eyes.
Before I could even move one foot, I felt his arm grab onto my arm softly and I turned around, wanting to know what the hell he wants from me. I'm not about to let Xavier act the way Tyrese used to act towards me, if that was the case, he can leave me be and find somebody else. I learned to not be a crybaby anymore but I really did love Xavier with all my heart. Why was he saying this to me!?
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" I yelled, causing a couple of people to crowd around us like they think it's some type of show.
"Camille, stay, please." Xavier said, one arm behind his back.
"What you want me to stay here for!? YOU CLEARLY SAID THAT I'M NOT PRETTY, I LOOK FAT, YOU DON'T WANNA BE WITH ME FOREVER AND THAT YOU WOULDN'T EVEN CRY IF I WERE TO LEAVE! You think this relationship was some type of joke!?"
"Camille, you're NOT pretty, you're more than that. You're beautiful. The only thing fat or big about you is your heart. I don't WANT to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever. And baby, I couldn't CRY if you was to walk away... I would just DIE. I love you, and you was just using the wrong words Camille. I love you more than you think I do."
Suddenly, everyone awed and clapped at us as I just stared straight retardedly at him.
I can't believe he jus said that to me...
That had the be the prettiest words I have EVER, EVER, EVER heard in my whole life.
And he thought I was more than everything I said, he saw further than that. He said that I was more than that. I was the best of the best. And he just has such a way with words that makes me fall all the way back in love with him.
I wasn't crying tears of sadness anymore, I was crying tears of joy because Xavier really knows how to treat me.
"Oh Xavier..." I said as I began sniffing up. "You really mean that?"
"I really, really mean that. And I'm sorry for making you cry baby, I just wanted to surprise you."
"No Xavier, I'm not crying because I'm sad, I'm crying because I love the way you said that. Nobody ever said that to me before."
"Well baby, I'm gon be your first and your last. I got a gift for you."
I froze. HE HAS A GIFT FOR ME!? I wonder what it could be.
"Xavier, you really didn't have to do that for me. Didn't I tell you you're my gift?"
"Well baby, I had to repay you back for givin me my Eli Manning football jersey, I just couldn't believe you remembered I wanted that."
"Xavier, it really was nothing, and I really don't need your gift Xavier. You all I need."
"No, but I want you too Camille. Please, I really wanna do this for you. Only because I know you care about me and I care about you."
He soon kissed my hand and gently smiled at me, making me melt inside. He was such a gentleman.
"Okay." I said softly.
"Close your eyes."
"Alright, I'm closing." I quickly closed my eyes smiling brightly.
"Open your hand out towards me."
I soon opened my hands out in front of him, giggling.
"Xavier, hurry, hurry! I can't wait!" I said anxiously.
He laughed. "Alright and..."
I soon felt something touch my hands and it smelt really good.
"Can I open my eyes now!? Please, please, please!?"
He laughed. "Of course baby."
I immediately opened my eyes and saw a small white box with a cute blue ribbon on the top with a small ticket saying: From: Xavier To: My baby, Camille.
"Xavier..." I said breathtakingly, I couldn't wait to see what's inside.
"Open it." He said smiling.
I cautiously untied the ribbon and than slowly open the cover of the small white box revealing a........................
14-karat white/yellow gold diamond pendant necklace.
I gasped and almost felt like I was about to faint.
"Xavier I-I-I-I-I-I-I-...."
"Baby, do you love it?" He said looking at me with his luring eyes.
"XAVIER!!!" I said jumping up and down the hallway. Everyone soon parted ways. It seems like they were jealous, but I didn't give A DAMN! He bought me A DIAMOND NECKLACE!!
He laughed. "Damn babe, you do love it." He said smiling brightly.
"I know..."
"You know?? YOU KNOW!? How did you know?!" I said gazing at the necklace's magnificent diamonds.
"Because... I heard you talking on the phone to Jayda about the necklace and how you wished  you had it. So I told myself 'Damn, I need to get it for her. It's the least I can do.'"
"Camille sweetheart, just seeing you happy is all I need. I don't want anything back in return, I ain't want no shit. Just seein you so happy and being with me until the end of time is all I want and just love to have."
A tear soon streaked down my left cheek, and Xavier immediately wiped it with his finger for me.
"What did I tell you about crying ma?"
"I'm sorry Xavier b-b-but... this is the best materialistic gift I EVER gotten! It must have cost you like $1,000!"
"Well actually, $1,014.99 to be exact." He said smiling.
"OH MY GOSH! WHERE YOU GET THE MONEY!?" Was he secretly rich?
"In case you're thinking I'm rich, I'm not." He said laughing. "And I saved it up from my bank account ever since I first heard you wanted it. I also asked my parents to help, but I paid the majority of it myself. I just love you Camille. I just love you."
I smiled at him and gave him the most passionate kiss ever.
"Damn, I like that gift."
We both laughed. "Xavier, I love it. Can you put it on for me?"
"Yes." He said.
He gently took the necklace from my hands, and clasped it together around my neck.
The diamond shined brightly against the lights in the hallway. It felt light, comfortable and expensive. The best gift in the whole world to me. Even more than getting a car. Jewelry was my thing.
He soon took my hands and looked at me.
"Camille, you look even more than beautiful now. You look like you're the most beautiful girl I ever seen, and I just can't take my eyes off of you."
I blushed. "Xavier, that is so thoughtful of you. I just don't know how to repay you."
"I think I know how you can." He soon pulled me closer unto him and the minute bell rang. But I didn't care and it seemed like he didn't care, I had to kiss my man.
"I know exactly what you want." I said smiling at him.
"Once again, I love you Camille."
"And I love you too Xavier."
Then after, we both kissed and kissed and kissed.
I had to admit, life should be good from now on.
But there was just a couple of things I had to tell y'all.

Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile
and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile
So when you are lonely remember it's true
somebody somewhere is thinking of you
There will be a moment in your life where you'll
just want to give up but you must push yourself
to continue it's those moments that make us
stronger and make that next moment just a little easier.
Never give up on yourself and others will never give up on you.

Sometimes memories are better forgotten.
Sometimes they're not, but over time you seem to lose them.
But sometimes, even though some memories are too
hard to even bear, you want to hold on to the BAD and
the GOOD memories. Because in the end, you realize
that there was a reason for all that misery, that it
resulted in happiness.

Life is too short to wake up in the mornings with regrets.
So love the ones who treat you right, forget the ones who don't.
Remember that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance take it, if it changes your life, then let it.
No one said it would be easy, they just promised it
would be worth it...

**Domestic violence causes far more pain than the visible marks of bruises and scars. It is devastating to be abused by someone that you love and think loves you in return. It is estimated that approximately 3 million incidents of domestic violence are reported each year in the United States.
Domestic violence does not only happen to adults. Forty percent of girls age 14 to 17 report knowing someone their age who has been hit or beaten by a boyfriend, and approximately one in five female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner...**

With that being said, I hope everyone learned a valuable lesson from this story.
I've had a crazy bumpy ride.
But in the end, It was all worth it from the boy that I fell in love with now.
Always love yourself first before anybody else. Trust yourself. Think for yourself and act for yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on. If you find/or have the person that loves you very much. Love 'em back. And remember, love is not real if you cannot feel it in the heart. I learned that there's many mean people out in the world, but there's somebody out there for you who will love you. Like your family and close friends. If anybody ever tries to hurt you, LEAVE THEM! Young girls like us don't deserve hurt. If you're ever suffering from abuse, always tell a trusted person and DON'T do what I did in the book. I was stupid. Don't be like me... learn from me. Overall... This was my Teenage Love Affair.


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