♥Chapter: 1♥

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2 years later...

I'm seventeen and I'm grown. Yes, I said it; I'm a grown woman and I'll tell you why. The name's Camille Edwards. Picture this... A young teen girl in 12th grade, with a slim body, curves, long beautiful, soft, silky and shiny black hair, sexy arched up eyebrows, caramel skin tone, dark brown eyes, 5'5, neat nails, hairless shiny legs and a sweet but attitude-ish voice. That's me. That's exactly me. To me, I look like the splitting image of one of my favorite singers ever Aaliyah. So I know I was working myself out and I kept myself in good shape. I even could sing too.

Speaking of where I live at, I live in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods called Washington Heights. The streets are full of junk, loaded garbage cans and other crazy things I can't even bare to say. It's a low-income neighborhood yet, we barely can afford to live here at times. I lived here all my life and when you live around here, you already got a bad reputation. Some people say once you step outside you can be shot just for having something somebody else don't got. Some say that there are street pharmacists all around the corners selling you illegal drugs. Some say that if you live in Washington Heights, you automatically do drugs and on some crazy shit. Some say at least one person dies here every-day. And guess what? Those people couldn't speak the truth any better. It's wild out here, no lie I'm telling ya'll. It's crazy. Sometimes you can even find a dead person right in front of you. That's how hazardous and perilous it is out here. It's even worse at night.

Prostitutes as young as fourteen come out to make a living, begging guys to sleep wit them so they can get some food for their family or just for themselves. And I'm not going to lie to you guys. I've been there. I've been like that many times. But I only sought to that when I don't make enough money to pay for rent at times. Yes, you got it right. I got to pay my own fare share of rent. I live in a housing project and no it is not nice. It's not sturdy, it's not clean and it's not ever happy in there, NEVER. Want to know why? Cause my mama is out all the time smoking crack and getting high all the time; as for my dad? He is never home. I repeat never. Whenever he would come home which is on ultra rare occasions, he would claim he would stay. But would always sneak out at night doing who-knows-what at who-knows-where. But I don't care no more. I've been living here all my life. I wonder how I managed to grow up with some intelligence when my parents were never around; including the fact that I'm an only child.

I've made some misguided mistakes in my life... okay I'm lying. I've  had  A LOT of misguided mistakes in my life; which is where I take you all to now. I got a two-year-old daughter named Imani Jackson. Picture a cute small girl who got the same skin tone as me, two dimples, a cute innocent voice, curly dark brown hair, soft skin and a gleaming smile. That's my girl. That's my Imani. And I'm not going to let her grow up to be like me. She isn't going to grow up as a fool and not have loving parents. And if you haven't guessed it yet... well, she was conceived two years ago from that evil bastard that is her father... Tyrese Jackson. No were not married, I don't think I would ever to marry that boy, and I don't want to either. I HATE HIM! I DESPISE HIM! He doesn't care for her. He doesn't give two damn shits about her! All he wants is to have sex with me every single time I'm around him and it was only one time we didn't use protection and guess what? Yeah you got it right... that's how I ended up with a daughter. Still to this day, I don't understand how I managed to take care of her. But trust me on with this, it was the hardest road I ever took to parenthood.

Every day at school, people would tease me and call me fatty. Yes, I cried... yes I was mad at myself... yes I felt stupid... and yes I was a dummy. Some of you may think why my mom didn't go off on me and yell and argue like other mamas would do if they found their daughter pregnant. She did not do anything! I repeat NOTHING! When I told her I was pregnant, she said, "I don't care." She said it just like that. "I don't care." So I figured, forget her. I would take care of my baby on my own and work extra hard to keep myself healthy until she was to be born. She wasn't born in a hospital... no she wasn't. Can you guess where she was born? She was born in Tyrese's house. The pain was excruciating. But I loved her. Abortion never crossed my mind when I found out I was pregnant. I took care of her myself! Tyrese was never there... he would just be selling drugs and doing stupid gang member stuff. Trust me on this... I will break up with him sooner than later.I worry a lot about Imani though. With the limited knowledge I got on babies and being a parent, I don't want her to get sick or anything. Thank God, until this day at two year's old, she is healthy and always in a good mood.

Teenage Love Affair♥Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora