♥Chapter: 2♥

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It was 10:25pm by the time I got to my apartment. The neighborhood was pitch dark with limited streetlights on. I was surprised that not a lot of people were out. Usually at this time, drug addicts and all other stupid people would come out causing noise throughout the whole night but it was raining a bit so I guess it would happen tomorrow.

I was tired. I was really tired. The laundry took so long. Now I had some clean clothes for me and my daughter Imani to wear tomorrow. Tomorrow... oh boy... I definitely can wait for tomorrow because tomorrow is Tyrese's turn to look after Imani. I swear, when I'm at work, I think about what Tyrese gives to her. Maybe given her some drugs to play in with, maybe leaving her inside his place all by herself for the whole time. I need to find myself a real man who can do real things and not be acting stupid. I was getting tired of Tyrese so much that tired isn't even the right word anymore. I was fatigued with him. I try putting up with his antics but I just keep staying with him. I don't really know why but I know I need a man. And Tyrese was the only man I had for now. All my exes don't talk to me and I don't even have a daddy to show Imani a real father because my daddy couldn't win daddy of the year for anything. I haven't seen him in two weeks and I could honestly care less. I lost love for him and my mom. I got to my floor, the 12th floor, and soon started looking in my bag for my house keys.

"Wa-wa! Wa-wa!" Cried Imani. I knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted water. I just hoped we had some at home.

"Okay baby. Mommy is going to get you some wa-wa." I said playing along with her.

She clapped her hands and bounced along on her stroller. I'm telling you all that right now, I feel Imani will be my very best friend forever. She is all I really need right now. Yeah I need a guy to give me and Imani special love but I got the special love for my special girl.

I finally found my keys and quickly opened up the door. The place was pitch black as usual cause I'm basically the only one home until my mom comes home later tonight. I flicked the light switch open by the door.

"Come on Imani let's get you some wa-wa." I said strolling her in. Immediately as you enter my place, you wouldn't be able to freaking believe it! As much as I try to clean up around the dang place, it seems to get dirtier every single time. The white walls were filled with crayon marks and drawings from Imani, clothes and magazines filled the creaky wood floor, the tables and the couches had huge amounts of dust, the kitchen was filled with plates, forks, spoons and cups piled high on the sink, the table had leftover food, wallpaper was peeling off from the walls, and it was just plain disgusting. I did not even want to know how my mom's room or the bathrooms looked like. It was beyond what I could do tonight. The only dang decent room in this house was my room; always my room because that's where Imani would sleep with me every night when she came here.

"Let's get you some water sweetie." I said lifting her up and placing her on a counter in the kitchen.

I quickly opened up the fridge and saw a half filled carton of milk, bread, eggs, apple juice, leftover pasta from yesterday and finally one last bottle of water. I knew I had to go to the market tomorrow after work. If I don't go, there would be no food in this beat-up place. I took the water, poured some into Imani's sippy-cup and handed it to her.

"Here baby." I smiled down at her as she took small sips of water slowly. I caressed her soft hair and kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you Imani. You're the one I love. Always."


I gulped and I immediately felt my eyes trigger tears. It wasn't hard to know that Tyrese was out selling some drugs at the moment like he always does. Since he is not in high-school he can at least try to save some money for college. Gosh, I swear he's an idiot! Why do I even try to put up with him? I wiped my eyes and sniffed up my runny nose.

Teenage Love Affair♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin