Chapter 9 - Stealin Plans and Stealin Hearts

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[February 22nd 2045] - Union Academy

Gojo stood at the front of the classroom, a calm look on his face. "Class," he began, "I want to pose a question to you today: what do we value most as sentient beings? What do we hold dear, and what are we willing to give up in order to achieve it?"

The students looked at each other, unsure of where Gojo-sensei was going with this.

Gojo continued. "Imagine that we are offered the chance to achieve our greatest desires and goals, but in order to do so, we must abandon our current way of life and adopt a new way of living and thinking. Would you be willing to give up your current way of life in order to achieve your goals?"

The class fell silent as the students considered Gojo-sensei's question. Some looked uncertain, while others appeared deep in thought.

Gojo-sensei watched them, a small smile on his lips. "It's not an easy question to answer, is it? It forces us to consider what we value most and what we are willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it. It also raises questions about the nature of humanity and our beliefs. What do you think this scenario says about us as a species?"

Suddenly, Gojo felt an intense build-up from behind the classroom wall. He almost had no time to protect his students before the wall was obliterated by a blinding red light. He quickly pushed many of the students out of the way before moving between them and the wall.


Gojo-sensei's face fell, his clothes slightly dusty. "I'm sorry, class, we'll have to end today's session early. Please take a moment to reflect on the question I posed before you leave. Remember, it's not always easy to answer, but it's important to consider what we value most and how it guides our decisions."

The students quickly gathered their things and left the classroom. As the dust settled, Gojo saw Rias and Akeno, two highly respected and powerful students, passed out amongst the rubble of the wall.

"Oh geez," Gojo sighed, knowing he would have to fill out a lot of paperwork soon.

Gojo's eyes then fell on Y/N, passed out on Ryuko's lap.


Gojo turned towards the sound that emanated from the rubble. A wooden pawn began to roll, gathering momentum as it moved across the smooth surface of the tile floors of the corridor. The sound of its progress was a low rumble at first, but as it picked up speed, it became a thunderous roar. The pawn tumbled, its progress marked by a trail of scattered pawn pieces in its wake. It seemed to swell as it moved, growing louder and more forceful with each passing moment. Finally, it came to a stop, the rolling sound fading away as the pawn settled into place at Gojo's feet.

Gojo's face softened. He picked up the piece and felt the demonic energy within it.

"I guess the rumors are true. Rias and many of the high-ranking devil students have been forcing students into contracts," Gojo thought.

He crushed the pawn piece in his hand, a red explosion releasing in his hand. He looked towards Y/N once again, noticing sparks of the POD and electricity coming off his fingers before disappearing.

"Who are you, Y/N L/N?" Gojo questioned.


Avengers Tower

"It's midnight at Avengers Tower, and the team is gathered in the conference room discussing their recent missions and strategizing for the future.

"So, let me get this straight. Union Academy wants us to host a group of kids on a tour of the States?" Tony said, leaning back into his chair.

The Pinnacle of Union - Male Reader InsertOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara