Season 2: Chapter 11 - Old Wounds Run Deep

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"Y/N stop for one minute!" Akail yelled chasing after Y/N through the front courtyard. 

Y/N shook his head, "Nope, I don't think I will."

Akali hopped across the large stones before flipping and landing in front of Y/N

"STOP!" she, yelled putting her hand out. 

"Why should I?" Y/N shot back

"We can talk about it, I'm sure my Mum is ju-"

"Who's Kayn" Y/N asked interrupting him 

"Kayn? He's no one." Akali lied. 

"You froze in front of that garden, and your Mum talked about him and yet I don't know who he is," Y/N explained. 

Akali went quiet. 

Y/N scoffed, "I guessed much." 

He pushed her aside and walked away, however, she held him back by the back of his shirt. 

"H-he was my ex..."Akali sighed.


Akali - 12 Years Old

"Kayn," Akali whispered, crouching in the tall grass, "Are you ready for this?"

He grinned mischievously, his violet eyes gleaming with excitement. "Born ready, Akali. You know I never back down from a challenge."

Their challenge was simple in concept but almost supernatural in execution. The young ninjas had stumbled upon ancient scrolls that spoke of a legendary test – a dance of shadows, they called it. The task was to navigate a pitch-black forest blindfolded, reaching the heart of it without making a sound. The only source of light allowed was a single candle they each carried.

With their black ninja attire blending into the night, we tied blindfolds tightly over our eyes and ignited our candles. The forest around us disappeared, and darkness enveloped us completely.

"Ready, Akali?" Kayn whispered.

Akali nodded, feeling the thrill of the unknown. Their footsteps were silent, but every twig and leaf seemed to conspire against their secrecy. Every step was a test of their agility, their spatial awareness, and their trust in each other.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, the challenge intensified. A stream whispered through the underbrush, forcing them to leap from stone to stone like agile cats. Twisting vines tried to ensnare them, and branches reached out like ghostly fingers to grab their blindfolded faces.

The challenge pushed them to their limits, and their exhaustion grew each minute. Yet, they pressed on, determined to conquer this test of ninja prowess. Their synchronized breathing was the only sound in the forest, as they danced through the shadows like ghosts.

Hours seemed to pass, though it was impossible to tell time in their blindfolded state. Finally, they reached the heart of the forest, their candles still burning brightly. They removed their blindfolds simultaneously and looked around, realizing they had succeeded in their perilous mission.

The forest's heart was an enchanting glade, illuminated by the moonlight. They let out simultaneous whoops of triumph and exhaustion. Falling to the ground, they lay side by side, panting, and laughing uncontrollably. Their candles flickered but remained alight, symbolizing their victory.

" know, Akali," Kayn said between gasps, "We're...we're the best ninja team ever."

Akali grinned and elbowed him playfully. "You got that right, Kayn. Partners in crime, forever."

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