Season 2: Chapter 12 - Two Xs Don't Make a Positive

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Sorry for the break, been focusing on my Ben 10 fic. (check it out btw)


Kayn's wicked smile widened as he glowed with an eerie blue aura, his fingers gripping the hilt of his scythe. The tavern's dimly lit restroom seemed to shrink as the atmosphere thickened with tension.

"I'd thought she'd run off and become some puny popstar," Kayn sneered, "I guess I didn't scare her enough!"

Y/N, still drying his hands, forced a grin despite the rush of annoyance "Oh, I see. I get it now... you're Kayn."

Kayn's laughter was chilling, echoing off the restroom's tiled walls. "Sharp one, aren't you? Well, Y/N, you've just made a grave mistake."

With that, Kayn lunged forward, scythe swinging in a lethal arc toward Y/N's face. As Kayn's scythe inched closer, it collided with an invisible barrier of infinite space. The weapon's momentum slowed to a crawl, unable to bridge the gap between itself and Y/N's face.

Kayn's eyes widened with surprise as he struggled to force his weapon through the paradoxical space. "What is this sorcery?"

With a sudden burst of power, Y/N released the scythe from the frozen infinity. The weapon shot backward. Kayn stumbled, momentarily disoriented by the unexpected display of power.

Y/N didn't waste any time. He altered the air density around him, lifting himself off the ground as he hovered in mid-air. "Sorcery? I'm offended you'd call it that"

Kayn, his dark eyes narrowed, called upon his shadow magic, tendrils of inky darkness swirling around him. "You think you can stop me, Y/N? You're in over your head."

"You don't know what I've become," Kayn hissed, drawing power from Rhaast. "The Order of Shadow has granted me abilities beyond your wildest dreams."

Y/N's expression remained uninterested as his hand began to glow a bright golden hue "Yeah, didn't ask."


With a surge of energy, Y/N blasted Kayn with a focused beam of transmuted matter, sending him crashing through the restroom's wall and into the tavern. Tables and chairs splintered upon impact, and the patrons inside screamed in surprise.

"*hick* wha- what da faq", the drunken Akali exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock, watched as Y/N, stood beside a massive hole in the wall, radiating power, while Kayn lay sprawled amid the shattered tavern.

"What the hell!" Irelia exclaimed dodging a piece of debris. "Kayn!?"

Y/N stepped out of the restroom, his gaze locked on Bartender hiding behind the counter. "Heh sorry about the bar, I'll fix it later"

Kayn dusted himself rolling his shoulder, "Mmh you're gonna a nice warm up for me."

Y/N scoffed picking up a bottle of sake. He popped the top and took a long swig.


"Ahh, that hits the spot, what were you saying?" Y/N said nonchalantly. 

Kayn growled with frustration and lunged at Y/N once more, scythe gleaming menacingly as he aimed a vicious slash at his opponent.

Kayn's scythe struck an invisible wall, and time seemed to crawl to a halt as the weapon failed to find its mark. The Darkin's eyes burned with anger as he pushed harder, desperation etching lines of strain on his face.

"Hehe! Is that all you've got, Kayn?!" Y/N taunted, his amusement evident despite the gravity of the situation. "I thought you were supposed to be the big, bad shadow master."

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