Season 2: Chapter 7 - The Calm Before the Shit

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Union Academy - Stadium 

The roaring cheers of the crowd filled the Y/N's ears as he materialized back into the centre, surrounded by a sea of excited spectators. The Battle Royale challenge had come to an abrupt conclusion, leaving the crowd shocked yet eager to witness the next and final phase of the competition. Y/N raised and stretched his arms with a yawn, a tired look on his face, as he scanned the audience he spotted Natsu, who had been eliminated earlier, cheering him on from the sidelines.

15 other students including Koko (in Superboy's body) and Ryuko appeared beside him in the centre while. As the cheers gradually subsided, Sirzechs, took to the stage upon his floating platform. His authoritative presence commanded attention, and the crowd hushed in anticipation of his announcement. The legendary figure began to speak, his voice resonating throughout the stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what a phenomenal display of power and skill we have witnessed today!" Sirzechs declared, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and authority. "Y/N and Ryuko, you have both demonstrated exceptional prowess and resilience in the face of challenges. However, it seems some playful banter between Y/N and myself has left a mark on this competition."

Before Natsu could retort Ms Marvel appeared and slapped her hand around his mouth, keeping him quiet for the time being. The stadium fell into an expectant silence as Sirzechs, known for his charm and charisma, prepared to address the crowd once again. A subtle shift in his tone signalled a change in the atmosphere, hinting at an undercurrent of malice and deception. Y/N, ever perceptive, couldn't help but feel a tinge of unease prickling at the back of his mind. His gaze locked with Sirzechs, and for a brief moment, their eyes met. It was in that exchange that Y/N sensed something sinister lurking beneath Sirzechs' facade.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Sirzechs began, his voice laced with a newfound edge, "we have witnessed extraordinary performances today. However, the time has come to acknowledge one standout competitor who has left an indelible mark on this Battle Royale challenge, our MVP"

Y/N's instincts told him that Sirzechs had a hidden agenda, and his suspicions only deepened as he observed the subtle change in Sirzechs' aura. The usually charismatic host now emanated an air of disdain, his smile holding a hint of sly satisfaction. Y/N's gut told him that he had become the target of Sirzechs' vindictiveness, and this realization only fueled his determination to navigate the treacherous waters that lay ahead.

"With great pleasure, I hereby announce Y/N as the Most Valuable Player of this Battle Royale!" Sirzechs exclaimed, his voice resonating throughout the stadium. The crowd erupted into applause, seemingly oblivious to the hidden intentions veiled behind Sirzechs' words.

As Sirzechs announced Y/N as the Most Valuable Player, a set of stairs materialized before Y/N, leading up to where Sirzechs stood. Y/N ascended the steps, maintaining a composed demeanour despite the deceptive undercurrents he sensed. The crowd's applause intensified, their excitement growing as they anticipated the interaction between the host and the MVP.

Sirzechs, wearing a subtle smirk, began asking Y/N questions. 

"So, Y/N," Sirzechs began, his voice dripping with veiled malice, "tell me, what does it feel like to possess such overwhelming power? Do you believe it gives you an unfair advantage over your fellow competitors?"

Y/N met Sirzechs' gaze head-on, his eyes reflecting a blend of confidence and caution. With a knowing smile, he replied, "Power can be a...double-edged sword. It's not just about the strength one possesses, but how it is utilized. I believe in fairness and giving a challenging circumstance that pushes everyone."

Sirzechs' eyes glinted with a mix of satisfaction and mischief. He continued his line of questioning.

"And what if this power, as awe-inspiring as it may be, disrupts the balance of the competition? How do you reckon with the consequences of your actions?"

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