Meet the Team...Q&A Time!

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Alright everyone, thank you for coming on such short notice!

Y/N: All good anything for my fans! 

The Witches, K/DA, Makima: I'm only here for Y/N



The first question is for Y/N and comes from LandenYT... 

When are you gonna get a girlfriend?

Y/N: I do have a girlfriend...

K/Da gives Y/N a death stare.

Y/N: -s..Girlfriends

???: Don't forget me!

Y/N: What was tha-

Ryuko suddenly appears in the interview room by diving through the window

Y/N: ヽ(≧□≦)ノ



Our next question is for...Me!

Yokiemon526 asks, 'What is your favourite food, animal, and story on WP?'

My favourite food has got to be my Uncle's Jollof rice, it slaps every time I eat it. 

The animal has got to be by pet sugar mouse, Flapjack, (If this line gets 50 comments, I'll post pictures)

Finally, my favourite book has got to be 'The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?!' By UnknownFate25, I've genuinely found it the funniest and best story I've read in a, really, long time, I highly recommend it!


Our next question is from randomhuman526 and it's for...Y/N

Y/N: Alright! This will be the most insightful and philosophical question of the bunch!

He asks, "Can I dap up the mc?


Y/N opens his hand out for the dap!

Randomhuman526 smiles, his request being given, until at the very last moment...

Y/N pulls his hand away with a shit-eating grin

Y/N: You're not getting a dab that easy (shaking his finger)


SpecralNinja asks, "Y/N, do you like toast?"

Y/N: Ehh I guess, although the last time I tried to have it Rafa ended up destroying the kitchen, so maybe it's a message. 

Rafa: *panda noises* 

Rafa, you can't say that anymore, you'll get us cancelled. 

Rafa: *panda noises*

Adoozie wasn't prepared for what Rafa said...


TBjeans123 asks, "Can we get an explanation on our character because I can't remember anything we can do?" 

Did you read the story?


The reader is essentially the container for the infinite multiverse that had previously existed, (Before his "past/present" self, Mr. Voice, had seemingly destroyed it all), all the universes combined into one and obviously an infinite amount of universes are going to just fit into a single reality. 

Y/N's power is linked to the memories of his past which can come in the form of trauma (the Ladia incident) or the stones (Like the ones in Star Labs or the one that Salem had taken), each having a connection to the pool of power and energy of the previously infinite multiverse. 

In terms of abilities, Y/N has this seemingly innate connection not space and time, and an understanding of chemistry, and atomic bonds, similar to Atom Eve from Invincible. He's able to emulate particular abilities, such as Gojo's Infinity (to a certain extent) or Rias' POD (after being bit by it ofcs)

He has your basic transmutation abilities, flight, and energy manipulation. There's probably more I'm missing, so if you're still confused just reread the last few chapters of the first season and please ask if you need any more clarification 

Y/N: I'm basically HIM.

Mr Voice: You can  say that again



storeboughtginger asks, "Makima, What made you start to obsess over Y/N?"

Makima: His smell, it's so~ intoxicating~, he needs me to control him, I need to control him

...crazy bitch.

Makima: *raises brow* What was that?

(#°Д°)...sorry Mommy


Fairhurst_Enkidu asks, "Y/N, Do you think you'll find true love with a REAL nice Gal with NO multipolar motives?"

Y/N starts sweating profusely.

Y/N: SHUSH! Are you trying to get me killed?! 

He does have a point Y/N. 

Y/N: I have 5 innocent...norm-... mildly insane...Yeah, I have no clue if that's ever gonna happen, I just attract crazy. 


Fairhurst_Enkidu also asks, " Sirzechs, how does it feel to be the most HATED, DISGUSTED, IDIOTIC, & someone who deserves 20 C*** Punches and spine braking?!"

Sirzechs: HOW DAR- Wait where am I?

Ah Sirzechs, you need to answer the question

Sirzechs: What are you talking about!? Where am ...


That's enough of that. 


Fairhurst_Enkidu also asks, "Adoozie, If I made a female OC who is both powerful & kind would you involve her in your book to protect the MC from "the Witches"?"

I'm gonna assume that 'The Witches' is the Salem group, a very nice name by the way. I definitely wouldn't mind adding some of you guys' suggestions, but I've planned for most of the plotlines and how this thing ends up, please DM your OC if you'd like, I wouldn't mind it!


Our final question, Fairhurst_Enkidu  asks, "The Witches, How would you feel if your "eggs" were 'removed'? *shows holding a 'reproductive remover' rifle*"

 Yor: Mmh Y/N~

Mmh She's not paying attention

Esdeath: My 'eggs' are of pristine condition, I've had them saved in the Empire, and they will be fertilized, very, very soon.

Salem: 'Removed' you say *chuckles* 

*uses magic to remove your ball sack* 

...Damn, sorry man but the more you fuck around, the more you find out.


And that's it, there was honestly more question than I expected, (I expected none), I hope you found this fun, hopefully, the next milestone happens soon! 

Thanks again for 50K

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