Chapter 8

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"Do you know what Leviathan means, Kakashi?"

"Mythology says that Leviathan is the Demon of Envy, known for inciting jealousy amongst others. one of the Seven Princes of Hell who rules Hell."



"I guess Leviathan gained control over me"

School is often said to be a part of life. There you grow and find out about yourself. School is also the place where you start to find love. You fell in love for the first time with your friend, your senior, and sometimes with your teacher.

Love is something that can happen no matter the circumstances of the situation. Love is a strong force that can bring two strangers together and create sheer happiness and joy; however, under certain circumstances, love can be very dangerous.

like falling in love with your teacher is dangerous.

It's late at night and I'm walking down the street with a hot cup of coffee in my hand.


A loud gunshot in a distance grabbed my attention.

I hoped it was just kids shooting off fireworks, even though I knew that wasn't likely. A gunshot seems to vibrate on a lower, more unsettling frequency.

I live in an area where I hear people shooting guns on a routine basis. I've gotten somewhat used to violence occurring near my home, but the blast of a gun has never ceased to scare me.

People often ask me

"Do you feel unsafe living in this area now?"

And I have always answered them with silence.


I knew it wasn't fireworks I had heard again, but I held out hope that no one was hurt.

Everybody scrambled for the closest cover. I was so startled that all I could think of was to run.

but then I realized, what if the person was still alive?

What if they were still laying there waiting for death to take their place?

What if they were bleeding out by the second?

I had no choice but to go in that direction.

I ran like the wind until I reached the spot where the shooting had taken place.

Walking down a dark, cold alleyway is never a good thing. It creates tension. It creates fear. It makes your blood run cold and your feet move faster.

The buildings crowding it on either side keep sunlight out year-round. Shadowy and oppressive, it is the prelude to the dark alley.

I noticed two figures in the distance,

The gunman stood tall in front of the injured and somewhat familiar man.

"You lost focus, Levi."

My world suddenly crashed down on me, my mind started clouding with negative thoughts.

Time stood still like never before. My pupils dilated, my hands ached and my heart sunk to my feet.

I twitched, only because my body reacted.

Kakashi trained me for self-defense but my training had not prepared me for anything this miserable.

My mind was whirling with questions,

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