Chapter 11

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"(y/n), you made it!"

"Your ten messages and seven calls did the work."

When I was a little girl, I always wondered what it would be like to be grown up.

I would daydream about all the fun social events I would attend like coffee dates, brunches, dinners, happy hours, and wine nights just for the hell of it. I fantasized about how it would feel to get to go wherever, whenever I wanted without needing permission from my parents.

Now that I'm an adult, there are moments when I feel the most disheartening and overpowering sense of loneliness.

I start to wonder if any of these people truly care for me or if they only tolerate me when it befits or can benefit them.

I wonder if I am disposable, and I am terrified that the answer is yes.

"Hey guys! This is (y/n) I've been telling you about!" Hange excitedly introduced me to a group of men.

Red and green lights move vividly. The smell of marijuana and beer pierced through my nostrils like a sword.

It was my first party without my friends.

Hange smiled placing her arm over my shoulder.

"(y/n), I want you to meet my friends. This is Eld, Oluo, and Gunther."

"Hey." I awkwardly waved at them.

"You're Lead- Levi's student right?" Eld asked.

I nod my head "yeah.."

Oluo narrowed his eyes at me "Is she even old enough to be here?"

"Of course, she is. She's nineteen years old."

"Wait. If she's nineteen, why the hell is she still in high school?"

I sighed "I was held back a year."

Hange roughly pats my back "She's gonna graduate in a few months. Now stop questioning her like a cop."

I looked around.

Crazy, intoxicated people were swaying their hips and doing every provocative move they could think of to the beat of the horrid, meaningless music.

Guys were desperately trying to get laid and the girls were loitering around, all over the place, taking photos and slurring their every word.

My eyes continued searching for one person in the room full of people.

Levi Ackerman.

I need my answers.

I need some sort of explanation for everything that occurred in the past few weeks.

"Looking for Levi?"

I snapped my head in her direction
"N-No, I was just looking around."

Hange chuckled "You won't find him here."

"But didn't you throw this party to celebrate his recovery?"

"Levi is not a party person." Eld chimed in.

Hange placed her hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me forward.

"Levi must be in his office. Go."

"His office is upstairs to the right, second door." Gunther pointed his finger towards the stairs.

"I-I don't think that's-"

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