Chapter 9

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We arrive at the club and when we step inside there are already a lot of people dancing.

I always love going clubbing and drinking with friends. It's always so funny when everyone's a bit tipsy.

Julie, Neymar, Marquinhos and I dance on the dance floor.

We drink and after awhile we sit down on a couch in one of the corners of the club.

I look around and see that Kylian is standing with a drink in his hand in a corner with Hakimi. They're talking and laughing.

He catches my eye and I can see his eyes moving down my body. So I do the same. I see his nice hands and his broad shoulders. It's obvious he has muscular arms even when he's wearing a jacket.

Then I look away at Marquinhos who says something to me.

"We should do more shots!" Julie shouts 'while jumping up and pulling my arm with her as she goes. We make our way through the crowd to the bar.

"4 shots please."

When I turn and look around the club, because I'm waiting for the shots. I see Kylian's eyes still on me. Somehow it makes me feel safe. Especially after Friday when he saved me from that guy. Knowing he's there looking after me makes me feel very safe.

"Here you go."

I swing around and grab my shot. Julie, Neymar, Marquinhos and I clink our small glasses together and then take the shot.

Suddenly I feel very nauseous.

I quickly put the glass down and rush to the bathroom.

I rush into a toilet stall and sit down on my knees. And there I go, I throw up into the toilet.

I hear the main door to the toilets slamming closed.

Then I feel a presence behind me. Someone grabs my hair for me and I feel a hand on my back. I turn around shortly and see Kylian sitting down looking at me with his beautiful, comforting eyes.

His hand moves up and down on my back and he makes sure to keep all my hair out of my face.

"Thank you," I mumble.

Then I throw up again.

After sitting there for awhile I'm done throwing up and I sit down against the wall with my knees up to my chin. Kylian sits next to me and places his warm hand on my knee.

"Are you okay?"

"I think so. So Kylian do you have siblings?"

"Yes," he answers without frowning, "an older and younger brother."

"Do you see them often?"

"Yes, my older brother has two kids and I love seeing them too. But yes I visit my family as much as possible." He says smiling.

My heart warms at the thought of Kylian with kids. I bet he's so adorable with kids. He's adorable in general though.

"What about you?"

"I have an older brother, I don't see him often anymore though. When we were younger we always did so many things together and I always looked up at him as a person, but he's too busy nowadays and so am I. I do talk to my mom often though."

"That's nice."

"Do you have any other hobbies next to football?"

"Football really is my main passion, but I do like reading books in the afternoon or listening to music."

"Reading books? I didn't expect that from a guy like you."

He chuckles.

I feel so safe with him. I realize that this is the best moment of the whole evening yet.

"Do you want to talk about our argument of today?" I ask.

"We'll talk about it later. You're not sober at the moment and we're at a party."

I suddenly feel nauseous again and throw up.

"You know what, I'll take you home."

He helps me stand up and together we walk out of the club.

"But what about Julie? She needs to be safe."

"I'll send Hakimi a text to make sure she gets home safe. We're both still sober so he'll be able to do that."

"You guys are so boring."

"We're not allowed to drink Chérie."

"Oh right."

We grab a taxi and he takes me to his apartment.

"I hope you don't mind going to my house, but I don't think it's smart to leave you alone at the moment."

"I actually don't mind at all." I say and I put my head on his shoulder. He slides his hand on my thigh and moves his thumb on it. His hand is very warm on my cold legs.

When we get to his house he helps me out and I stumble a bit, because I'm tired and tipsy.

He helps me inside.

"Let's put you under a cold shower to help sober you a bit."

"But I just want to sleep." I complain.

"You can after that, but it'll help trust me."

He takes me to his bathroom and turns on the shower. Then he gently pushes me under it.

I grab his arm and pull him with me.

He screeches a bit and I laugh.

The water is running down his face. He quickly pulls of his jacket and throws it away. He's wearing a white shirt and I can see his skin beneath it.

I giggle and pull of his shirt. He smiles at me.

I run my fingers over his chest and over his abs. Then I run them back up and give a little tug on his chain so his mouth comes closer to mine.

He kisses me and pushes me back against the wall. We kiss there in the cold shower his hands on my waist then running up and down my body. My hands running over his chest, abs and broad shoulders.

After a moment he pulls back. "You should go to bed."

I groan but I do step out of the shower. I stand there shivering because of the cold 'while he turns of the shower. Then he grabs a nice, fluffy towel for me and puts it over my shoulders.

"Do you still feel nauseous?"

"Not at all."

"That's good," he takes me to his room and helps me strip out of my dress. He gives me a hoodie of him and a pair of his boxers to wear. I put them on and then he helps me into bed. He puts the blanket on me and gives me a little kiss on my head. I feel like a kid again.

He stands up. "Are you gonna be okay here?"

"Yes, but Kylian can you please stay? I don't wanna be alone right now."

"Of course," then he goes into the bathroom for a minute and comes out in dry boxers. He crawls beneath the covers and I turn towards him.

I cuddle up against him and feel safe in his arms.

We fall asleep like this.

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