Chapter 14

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Walking out of Elise's office I bump into Kylian.

"Hey," he says.

"Oh hello, didn't expect you here."

"When I got done showering and changing I heard from Julie that you hadn't left yet, but that you were here so I thought I should wait for you. How was your talk?"

"It was good, but very overwhelming. I have to get used to being followed everywhere and all this stuff."

"Yeah, in the beginning it's a lot, but I'm here for you. Would you like to go back to my place? We can have a talk about what you learned and eat dinner?"

"That sounds amazing and you know what Elise told me? She said I could enter and exit through the main entrance now!"

He smiles, "Yayy, we should exit together. Everyone will be surprised, but I bet they'd love it."

We exit the building together and when we walk out the door I get blinded by camera flashes. Kylian holds my hand and together we walk to his car. I see Henri standing next to a car a bit further down the street. He looks at me and does a thumbs up understanding that he doesn't need to ride me home today.

I step into the car with Kylian and together we ride to his apartment.

"You know, I can actually make dinner," Kylian says.

"You know how to cook?"

"What are you talking about, you tasted my pancakes the other day," he says.

"True and they were very good, but pancakes are easy."

"Well, my little brother Ethan always manages to burn them. But I actually know how to cook some other things too."

I smile at him impressed.

"Although you should help," he says quickly.

I laugh, "I know how to cook a little bit, but not too well."

Together we mess around trying to make a decent meal.

We end up settling with spaghetti, because it's easy to make but very delicious.

I cut some vegetables while he puts the spaghetti on the stove and start cooking some meat.

I tell him about what Luna told me.

"Isn't it exhausting that you can't go anywhere you want? And you have to wear a smile all the time."

"I think it's more of a thing for women to wear a smile then for men, but yes it can be exhausting although I do go wherever I want often."

"Yes, wasn't it very dangerous for us to go out into Paris without any bodyguards or whatever?"

"It was, but we actually did have a bodyguard tailing us, but not in an obvious way. And it was quite peaceful that day which I'm thankful for. Usually I do have to plan some of my trips a bit better."

We sit down for dinner.

"You know maybe you should meet my family soon," Kylian says.

"Your family? Sounds amazing," I say smiling that he brought this up. This means we're getting more and more serious and although usually I'm scared of opening up and getting more serious this feels fun. I like being around Kylian, he makes me feel safe and it's like I can be myself around him.

"Yeah, my mom texted me the other day for a small family reunion. My brother, his wife and his kids would come and you know my parents and younger brother would be there. And now I think it would be fun to bring you along."

"Sounds nice."

He smiles, "I should call my mom then."

He picks up his phone from the table and calls her.

"Hey mom, how are you?... I'm doing good.... You've seen the news?... yeah she's my girlfriend, so mom I was thinking right. We have to do the family reunion soon and I think it would be fun to take her with me. So everyone can meet her, I asked her and she's excited to come.... Yeah I think we're both off on Thursday," he says quickly glancing at me and I nod. "Okay we're both off on Thursday so if you ask Jirès and his wife and kids.... Alright goodbye mom, talk to you later." He hangs up and puts the phone down.

"So my mom is gonna ask my brother and his family if they're available on Thursday and then I could come bring you over."

"Sounds good."

When we finish dinner we go do the dishes together and after that we snuggle up in his bed. He puts on a tv-show and I lay my head on his chest.

"Are you off tomorrow? Because we have a press conference I think."

"I am, yes."

"Nice, do you have any plans yet?"

"I think I'll just take it easy."

"Do you want to come to the interview together? I'm quite nervous for it so I'd love to see a familiar face in the crowd."

"Sure, sounds good. If you can manage to get a seat for me?"

"Yeah," he texts his manager and Elise tells us I have a front row seat.

Then we continue watching the show. After awhile I hear soft but heavy breathing and I look up. I see Kylian sleeping and it's so adorable. I smile to myself and then turn off the tv. I decide to go to sleep too.

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