Chapter 10

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The next morning I wake up in Kylian's arms and it's the best feeling. I sit up and he slowly opens his eyes.

"Goodmorning kyky."

"Goodmorning Chérie."

We smile at each other.

"I have a day off so we can go out if u want?" Kylian asks.

"Sure, but I need to call my friends first. I haven't spoken to most of them all weekend."

The weekend took me out of reality for a couple days, but now I have to get back to my responsibilities.

I grab my phone from the night stand just to find out it's dead.

"Hey kyky, can I use your phone?"

"Of course, the password is 1220," he says 'while throwing his phone to me.

I'm surprised he gives me his phone this easily.

"How original."

"Didn't expect you to know my birthday."

Oops caught red handed.

I quickly turn around and dial the number of my bestie Hannah.

"I'll go make breakfast," Kylian says leaving the room.

"Hey girl!" I say when I see my friend's face pop up on the screen.

"Hii, long time no see. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, just got back from the weekend and it was so much fun. How about you?"

"You need to tell me all about it. We should meet soon! And I'm doing good too, but I got some tea to spill," Hannah says winking at me.

"Me too, you're not gonna believe what happened."

"You need to tell me, when are you free?"

"I can meet tomorro-"

All of a sudden Kylian walks in. He puts a glass of water on my night stand and lays down some pills as well for my headache.

When he realizes I stopped talking he says: "I'm gonna make some pancakes for us."

I hear a screech coming from the phone and Kylian looks down confused, but then walks away.

When I look down I can see Hannah's shocked face.

"Who was that? Matter of fact where the hell are you? That's not your room."

A smile blossoms on my face, "try and guess."

"Wait so I know him??"

"I think so."

"Well he's definitely from the football team, isn't he? Because you just spent a weekend with them."

I shrug with a big smile plastered on my face.

"I'm so happy for you! It isn't Neymar is it?"

"No, it isn't. That wouldn't have been a surprise would it?"

"True, you stay over at his all the time. And he's too old for you."

I smile. In the beginning I did like him a lot, but we would never work. Besides he's my best friend now and I wouldn't risk losing that.

"Guess who it is."

"It can't be Hakimi he has a girlfriend and a kid. It can't be Messi obviously, Ramos wouldn't be your type. It can't be Marquinhos because he's also married. OMG IS IT KYLIAN?"

I laugh at her excitement and when I don't deny it the screen flashes and I hear a thud.

"Hannah are you okay?" I ask worried.

"Yes, I was just so excited I threw my phone, because I forgot it was in my hands."

"Happens to the best of us," I laugh. "I can't do the same though. I'm calling you from Kylian's phone. It's one of the newest iPhones! He's so rich, his apartment is beautiful but so luxurious."

"Girl, you're gonna be rich now too, you will need to pay for our shopping sprees. We can spend money like it grows on trees now."

"Being his girlfriend doesn't mean I can spend all his money," I say chuckling, "besides we aren't official yet."


I laugh at my friend.

"You can spend all my money Chérie." I suddenly hear from the door opening.

There stands Kylian against the door opening, smiling.

I blush and I quickly hope he didn't hear everything we talked about.

"Pancakes are ready by the way."

"Alright, I'm gonna eat these delicious pancakes and enjoy Kylian's presence. We'll talk tomorrow."



Then I hang up and quickly stand up, walking to the kitchen island with Kylian.

"It smells amazing."

"I hope it'll taste the same."

"I'm surprised you can cook."

"I know my ways around the kitchen."

"That's attractive."

He smiles at me and then we eat.

"So what are we gonna do today?"

"I don't have anything special planned, but I know some nice places here in Paris."

The pancakes are delicious and we agree to go to my apartment first so I can change into some better clothes. Although I do love the smell of Kylian's clothes.

I leave his hoodie in my apartment so I can wear it again later. ;)

Then we head into Paris.

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