Chapter 15

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The next morning Kylian wakes my by kissing me on the head.

"Goodmorning chérie."

"Goodmorning kyky."

We wake up and because I'm not at my own apartment I try and look for some clothes in his closet that I could wear. I put on a nice hoodie of his and I find some joggers of his that are quite my size.

"I have to always look good now, because the press will probably be everywhere all the time."

"True," Kylian says while putting on some jeans himself. "But that's not going to be difficult for you since you always look good," he says with a wink.

I smile at him while blushing a bit.

"Alright, I got my manager to send us some nice breakfast, I hope it's still warm."

Walking into the kitchen I see some bread laying on the counter.

We quickly eat breakfast and then leave for the press conference.

When we get there he almost immediately has to sit down on the podium.

None of the reporters really recognize that I'm sitting in the crowd so I can just calmly sit and listen to what Kylian is saying.

He often looks at me and it's like his gaze softens whenever he sees me and is reminded that I'm here in the crowd.

A lot of the questions are obviously about football, but all of a sudden a reporter asks a question about me.

"Who is this girl we've been seeing you with?"

"Well, that's a really good friend of mine, but I don't want to give much information about it. If we're ready to announce anything you will notice," he says while quickly glancing at me.

When another reporter is asking one of the other guys on the podium a question, he quickly looks and winks at me. I smile, I think he answered the question well, since we're not even official yet, although I am meeting his family next Thursday.

"I hope he's gonna ask me to be his girlfriend soon," I think to myself.

Not long after Kylian is done we go to a cafe for some coffee.

"How do you think it went?" I ask him.

"I think it went very well, thankfully they didn't ask me many personal or controversial questions. And I liked seeing your face in the crowd."

I smile at knowing he appreciated that I was there with him.

I nod, "I think it went well too."

We talk about small things just getting to know each other. We talk more about our youth but also about our future. What goals he still wants to accomplish and how I am thinking about a career switch, but don't know what I would want to do.

"Why would you want to switch?"

"Don't get me wrong, I love you and the boys and the work, but I always wanted to do more or something."

"Do you know more about what that would be or not?"

"I like working with people, it's not necessarily that I want to make a big change in the world. Because let's be for real it's cringe to say something like that. But it has always kind of pulled me to do something for poor people.
I also think it'd be nice to go a bit more into the famous world, but I don't want to use you for that."

"What kind of work would that be?"

"Actress seems fun to me, or influencer."

"I can see you doing that, I know you don't want my help, but I could pull some strings."

"I don't want that, because people are going to say I'm using you for clout which is not at all true."

"I know that."

"Yeah, but they don't."

"Alright, maybe I could help you looking into some businesses that would like you to advertise their products or you could start vlogging your day to day life if that's the kind of path you'd want to go."

"That's a good idea actually."

He smiles and after we finish our coffee we leave to go to his apartment.

"If you want you could stay the night again?"

"Alright, but it'd be nice if we could visit my apartment so I can grab some clothes for tomorrow."

"Sure, I'll call my driver."

We drive to my house and walk to my closet.

"You could always wear my clothes you know," Kylian says.

"Yess, but I need some normal clothes to wear if we go out. Do you want to pick some?"

"Yes, that would be fun," he says all excited.

He goes and picks some clothes he likes, I smile at how much he likes to grab some clothes for me.

"You like fashion, don't you?" I say.

"I do, why?"

"It's funny seeing you so excited to grab some clothes for me."

He turns around and smiles at me. "Okay so I grabbed some hoodies, shirts and jeans I like."

"Sounds great."

When we leave we go out for dinner at a nice restaurant. It isn't too fancy, but it's still quite expensive.

"I'll take you out to a luxurious restaurant later," Kylian says.

"I love restaurants like this too, I never grew up with all the luxury so I don't know how to act in such a restaurant."

"I will help you."

After a nice dinner we go back to his place and just relax for the rest of the day.

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