Garfield and Hello Kitty

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"Nathalie, I have to go," Adrien speaks into his phone. He had warned her that he had a very important interview in ten minutes. He hears her let out an annoyed sigh on the other line. He wonders if that's the birds he's hearing or if he's imagining it. Is she standing outside? Is his father there, listening in?

"I know, Adrien," she says. "Just get it started. It'll take a few months, but it should be doable with the rest of your tasks." It is her reiterating archival duties again. He is sure his dad got new ideas on how to organize things in a way that will elongate the process, but he didn't want to speak to Adrien directly. He never does anymore.

He swallows the last bite of his sandwich and tells her, "Okay well, goodbye. Send my father my regards."

"Will do." She hangs up and the line to where his father is goes silent. Nathalie said Switzerland. He's not sure if he believes her for some reason, but he can't imagine Nathalie wanting to stay inside if there's beautiful places to see. He at least knows that of her, still.

Adrien uses his office phone to buzz Marinette's desk and tells her, "You can send in Miss Cesaire in now." Marinette doesn't reply to him but instead his office door opens. He throws his trash from lunch in his wastebasket under his desk and stands up to greet her.

"Thanks for having me, Mr. Agreste," she says and shakes his hand.

"Of course. Thank you for coming," Adrien smiles. "Please, have a seat." He watches her pull out a notepad and pen from her bag as well as a second phone he assumes is for work only. She opens the recording app and puts it down on the desk.

"Marinette, huh," Alya says to him. He doesn't know her well enough to know what she means by that tone. She isn't recording yet.

"She's great," Adrien nods. "It was quite lucky we were able to get her in such short notice."

"I couldn't believe what happened when she told me," Alya shook her head. "She's very clumsy that one."

"It's interesting. Kim said something about that to me, but I haven't noticed it. Besides the coffee incident," he tells her.

"Let's not jinx her," Alya laughs and readjusts her posture in her seat. "Okay, I'm going to start recording now." Adrien gives her a thumbs up before letting her ask the questions.

It is what he expects of an interview and at the same time, it isn't. Alya asks him standard questions he's gotten in interviews with interesting twists that connect back to him personally rather than Agreste Inc. as an entity. He finds himself answering each question with glee rather than with hidden discomfort he's used to acting through. He is always given safe answers for most questions, but it won't hurt to let a little more of him show through.

Alya asks him after a few questions, "You mentioned a bit about a legacy earlier. Care to elaborate? Is it your father's legacy?"

"No," Adrien says rather too quickly. He gets nervous but remembers it'll be a written interview. "Well, in a way, I guess. But it's mainly the image my mom left behind as a higher up." Alya gives him an understanding nod, letting him continue speaking. "Agreste Inc. was already established by my father when they married but about a year after their marriage, the company started taking off and she played an important role here. She had a special connection with all of the production workers that do the gritty part of fashion here. As you know, all of our pieces are manufactured here to avoid mass production. But it's still a lot of work, and I remember coming into work with my mom and everyone's faces lighting up. She had a positive impact on them and the company. If we can keep this next comment between us, I think Agreste Inc. reached its zenith with her here. And now she's gone."

First Order of Business | AdrienetteМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя