Owe Me

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Marinette told herself that if she didn't regret kissing Adrien immediately then it would be okay. She doesn't. His arms are around her, and she's laying her head on his shoulder, looking out into the ends of the hedge maze lit by the clear countryside sky. She can hear his heart beat through his shirt, and she wonders if he can feel the light shiver in her body.

She can't believe she got the courage to do it, but she's not surprised either. He's been driving her insane since she was a teenager. Why did she think it'd be different now that she really got to know him? Seeing him drink from a Hello Kitty mug next to her desk and push her buttons was bound to bring them here. His face was so close to hers. They could have talked about drawing a line all they wanted, one of them was always going to cross it.

"We'll be okay," he tells her after a moment of silence. His hand is rubbing her back up and down in small motions. "We might just have to keep it a secret to not screw us over. I'd give up this career in a heartbeat and start elsewhere, but yours is just starting. I'll remember that." She has no choice but to trust him, and she realizes that he also has no choice but to put all of his cards in her hands. They will be okay.

"Speaking of secrets," she says to him, parting partially from his hold to meet his eyes. "How do we walk out of here without drawing attention?"

"I think we can just walk out of here. Press isn't allowed on the grounds until tomorrow morning. And the people who are here don't really care about what I do."

"I've noticed. I think they like me, though." Marinette wonders if that's too presumptuous of her, but Adrien doesn't seem to think twice about the remark.

"They'll advise you to stay away from me." He lets out a breath of air that's half a laugh. "They still think I'm how I was when I was twenty one."

Marinette smirks and says, "Maybe I'll ask them for stories." Adrien shakes his head, and she can't tell if he's genuinely terrified of the idea.

"Don't do that. I've had enough with Kim telling you one thing in passing tonight." Their eyes meet and they both realize it at the same time. Kim. Kim started this. Or can it somewhat be pinned on Alya a step back. Or if she wants to go further, drunk Marinette who made out with a stranger at a club and that incited Adrien's jealousy.

Marinette puts her arms around Adrien's neck and says, "Maybe Kim getting dumped wasn't such a bad thing." That makes Adrien grin.

"I'll buy him lunch next week. He'll be fine."

"Am I included in this?"

"I can't imagine you not there now." He bends down and gives her one last chaste kiss before they walk out of the maze and make their way back towards their rooms. They stand a foot apart from each other in public even though nobody is looking at them, still distracted by the party neither of them wants to return to. Marinette likes their bubble. It's comfortable and there's a softness to it she hasn't experienced in years. She can sleep in it.

Adrien walks her to her door and kisses her goodnight in the empty hallway before going to his own room. As soon as he's sure he's locked behind his door, Marinette runs to the bed lets out a long, harrowing scream into one of the pillows, getting her makeup over it. She rolls over to stand on the bed when she can't scream and anymore and starts jumping.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god," she gabbles, smiling behind her hand she's using to muffle herself. "Oh god, Mari, what did you do?" She collapses on her knees on the mattress, rubbing her forehead with the palm of a hand. "I just kissed my boss. I just kissed my boss." She lays back on the bed, running her hands through her scalp. "I kissed Adrien. Adrien Agreste. Adrien" She feels dumb smiling like an idiot, but she lets herself get carried away with the joy of it.

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