Epilogue - Peace

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Emilie comes home. It's a random day in the middle of August when Adrien gets a final call from Gabriel telling him which funeral home she was at. He says goodbye and that he's leaving the country for a few years, leaving Nathalie as interim CEO for the time being. Adrien's aunt Amelie gets to see her twin sister one last time before she is burried and with Marinette as his side, so does Adrien.

It's a small, private ceremony and burial. It's all kept out of the media to ensure peace.

Adrien doesn't cry. He burried his mother years ago. He thinks of it as a burial for their family. It could have been his father and him and anyone they bring in, but that idea is dead. Out in the cemetery, he sees a private jet fly overhead. The family together one last time.


"Adrien, we won't die, I promise," Marinette tells him, already putting on her helmet. Adrien stands on the side of the motorcycle in his tuxedo, holding the helmet Marinette got for him. It's black with detachable cat ears that are currently attached. She picks up the bottom of her sage green dress to swing it over the bike. It matches Adrien's green shirt that his mother had left behind and the one Marinette had spilled coffee on when they first met. "Hurry, we're already late." Taking a car with that day's traffic would make them late to the ceremony, and Marinette's motorcycle is the one way they can weave through it.

"Okay," Adrien says as he puts the helmet on. He puts on a brave face. "I trust you. But don't ask me questions during the ride. I'm going to close my eyes the whole time." Marinette motions for him to climb on behind her, and he's barely saying a prayer when she takes off. He holds her around her waist, hiding his face behind hers as she starts driving to the wedding.

"See, we're fine," Marinette yells out to him at a stop light. Adrien opens his eyes for a moment but decides to close them again when they take off. As long as he doesn't let go of Marinette, he knows he'll be safe.

They get to the outdoor venue fifteen minutes before the ceremony, and Marinette has to help Adrien get off the motorcycle. Both of their outfits are completely unscathed, and she's smiling as Adrien takes his the helmet off.

He tells her with a smile, "I knew you wouldn't get us killed."

She rolls her eyes. "So much faith in me." Adrien gives her a kiss on the cheek before they link arms and go find their seats next to Alya and Nino. They've been going on dates for the last few weeks and things are going well. It's very much like Alya and Marinette to date a set of best friends.

The ceremony rolls through, Juleka and Rose walking down the aisle wearing dresses Marinette made for them. They were simple enough that it didn't take away from Marinette's new job with Thiago Fournier. Everyone that grew up with them cried or at least wiped away a tear.

It's Marinette and Adrien's first time out in public as a couple. There were a few headlines about him leaving Agreste Inc. and his father leaving the country. Marinette and the other two winners of the competition also did a couple of interviews, so she got some publicity as well. But things are calm now. It's peaceful, and they are slow dancing together amongst a crowd of good people.

It's nearing the end of the night when Marinette and Adrien go off into their own bubble like always. It's the one thing they will never outgrow. If they're together, even in the most crowded of rooms, they will shut the rest of the world out.

They're in the corner of the venue surrounded by sunflowers, talking about their plans for the rest of the week. Work. A drop in at the cemetery. Dinner with Marinette's parents. Adrien's job interview. A date night out in Paris.

Marinette is in the middle of babbling about one of her designs when Adrien fixes her bangs for her. She stops what she's saying to look at the gentle look on his face. It would have been impossible to not fall for him. She tells him, "I love you." He smiles like it's his first time hearing it.

"I love you, too," he tells her and leans in to gift her a soft kiss. They walk back to the party, hand in hand.

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