With Everything

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Adrien stares at the text messages blanky. Lila sent them on Sunday morning which is very unlike her because he remembers she is the type to sleep in. Someone must have called her, like her manager or mom. And if they're talking about it, that means other people in Paris are, too.

Adrien looks up his name on his laptop, something he has only done three times in the last five years. He hates the media version of himself sold to the masses and tries not to think about him. Three of the popular Parisian gossip blogs have articles all titled around him, Marinette the mystery girl who is thankfully still nameless, and if he's moved on.

He lets out a shaky breath he didn't realize he was holding in and decides to click the website who he thinks has smarter writers. Not on Alya's level, but their gossip isn't baseless. Granted, the close proximity of them in the photo isn't doing any favors for them. He's not even worried now about how they talk about him, but he's worried about Marinette who is on the other side of the wall, maybe clueless to this.

Does Adrien Agreste Have a New Girlfriend?

Recently at a party with many Agreste Inc. workers in attendance, a photo started circulating around Instagram where although a little blurry, you can make out Adrien Agreste (25), former model and current Vice President of Agreste Inc.

And who is that cozied up on his arm? We're not sure, but you can bet that we will be working alongside Agreste fans to find out. Could it be that Agreste has found a relationship with someone else in the fashion industry after his mysterious falling out with Lila Rossi. You can read our theories and timeline of the relationship here and come back to this page for updates on this mystery woman.

All we know is that she has some relationship with Agreste Inc. if she is at that party and wow, does Adrien Agreste know how to pick lookers. Nobody can deny that that girl has a beautiful face which leads our team to believe she might be a new model working with the brand.

Adrien closes his laptop and hides his face in his hands. Does Marinette know? Her best friend literally works in media there's no way she doesn't know. But she didn't say anything when he walked in, and she seemed fine, drinking her coffee.

He realizes he hasn't had any coffee himself and gets himself up. He needs to talk to Nathalie. Maybe she can offer some sort of comfort before he brings it up to Marinette.

He drags his feet to the espresso machine where he starts pouring some in his Cancun mug. Marinette spins her chair towards him, drinking from the Hello Kitty mug. It's the first time she uses it.

"You stole my mug," he smirks.

"Should've been here earlier," she shrugs, smiling behind the red bow. "Also, there's something we need to talk about." She doesn't seem worried or tense. Maybe she doesn't care, but Adrien does. The media can be cruel when they think they have you figured out.

"Kim's photo?" Adrien asks. She nods just as the elevator doors open. He should have expected Nathalie to be there, but it's still surprising to see her because right now she is in a tracksuit and not her usual business clothes. She was probably going to work from home, and Adrien feels bad because once again, he has dragged someone out of bed to come tend to him.

"Good morning, you two," Nathalie says with hands across her chest. She doesn't sound mad, and he doesn't know what to make of it. "Adrien, can I speak to you in your office?" Adrien agrees and rushes to put his coffee together, following Nathalie into the office where she closes the door.

He asks her from his seat at his desk, "What can I help you with?" He motions for her to take a seat, but Nathalie never sits down.

"Is there something going on with Miss Dupain-Cheng?"

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