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Adrien isn't sure how much time goes by, but he gets to a standstill with his emotions. He can't possibly get more angry or more sad about the situation. This is as pathetic as his life gets. Hands still shaking and tight in fists, he wipes his face with the back of his wrist and gets up. He has to get out of this haunted house.

Nino follows suit and asks, "What do we do with the folder?"

"Leave it there. I don't care if he knows that I know. I'll be the one to ignore his calls now." It's hard to imagine his father calling him personally either way. "He knows where I work. If he stops being a coward, he can go find me."

Nino steps in front of Adrien and says, "Give me the keys. I'll drive you home." Adrien doesn't argue with him and puts the keys in his hand. He's too numb right now, and if Nino wasn't here, he probably would've sat in his car for an hour or two before leaving.

When they get to Adrien's building, Nino follows him all the way up. It's not until they reach Adrien's hallway that Adrien is faced with the idea of having to be alone. Like a shy kid scared of being rejected, he asks Nino, "Can you sleep over today?"

Nino gives him a reassuring smile and says, "I was already planning on it." Adrien thanks him before opening his door. It's cold in there, and Adrien notices how much he's been sweating. He's exhausted and needs to sleep, but he needs to scrub himself clean of every mark his father has ever left him. Or at least try.

Adrien goes to take a shower while Nino offers to prepare dinner, and there is no other noise in the apartment besides chicken hitting oil on the pan and the hot shower running. When Adrien gets out, he thinks he might be able to pass out on the couch in seconds, but Nino has food ready, and he realizes he hasn't eaten much at all that day. He's been fighting his father back for years by taking care of himself and surviving. It's not going to stop today.

The two men sit down to eat, and it's quiet except the news on low volume on Adrien's too big TV. Nino looks like he's holding back a lot of questions because he opens his mouth to speak and then plays it off as if he was going to take another bite. It's not until they're both done with their food that Nino asks, "Are you going to quit Agreste?"

"I can't right now. Besides the ironclad contract, I have things I need to get done. I can't exactly leave Marinette right now, either." He remembers that Nino doesn't know what's going on between him and Marinette. It doesn't feel like the time to tell him, either.

Nino says, "All contracts can be ended, and I think she'd understand. The way you talk about her. She seems nice."

"She would understand, but I still wouldn't feel comfortable doing it."

"Maybe you can move her departments." Adrien knows a lot of people are going to give him different opinions and perspectives on this. Ultimately, the choice is his, but he likes to hear what people think. Nino has always been Team Get Away From Gabriel Agreste and Never Go Back.

Adrien sighs because he understands Nino's worries. "You really think I should quit Agreste overnight?"

"Yeah, dude." It's the most obvious solution for Nino who has nothing at stake in the company. "Your father is terrible."

"But my mom," Adrien starts. Something seems to click in Nino's head, and he gives Adrien a reassuring smile. He's listening. "Her spirit is in that company. I can't." Adrien doesn't want to walk away and leave her under his father's control. "I can't let her legacy rot."

"I won't pressure you into quitting," Nino says to him with his hands up. "But I'm going to tell you one thing and it's that you're her legacy. Not whatever building she bought with your old man. Wherever you go, she goes." Adrien's never liked this idea of ghosts and spirits, but this strangely comforts him. Sitting next to Nino in the second grade was the best idea he's ever had.

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