Only Child Syndrome

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Marinette didn't think it was possible for Adrien to look mad or even feel anger at all. Of course, though, the more time she spends with him, the more she is reminded that he is in fact human.

He lets go of her hand when they approach the parking valet. His touch was so lightweight like he was afraid of holding on too hard. He gives the valet his ticket, and they wait next to each other for the car. He is quiet, his lips in a firm line, and he's tapping his foot. Marinette doesn't know what to tell him. Does she thank him or does she let him know him she could care less about what that woman had to say to her?

And he called her Mari. Where did the hell did that come from? Was it a strategic nickname to show the woman that he, in some form, was close to her and she wasn't just his secretary. Or was it a slip of the tongue? He's never even called her Marinette. Not once. Not ever. So why now?

They bring Adrien's car up, and he opens the door for her like always. She thanks him, but his mind seems to be elsewhere. He still stops to thank the valet and give them a tip, but his face isn't as warm. This woman really screwed with him.

Adrien drives them out of the hotel parking lot in silence. He has the radio on, but it's always at an extremely low level because he prefers to chat. Right now, it feels awkward, and she wants it to be over.

"Thank you for what you did back there," Marinette tells him. "We didn't have to leave, though. I heard worse things from people when I was working as a barista. And at a non-profit."

"I was ready to leave. And she would probably keep following us around for the rest of the event knowing what she's like." He's tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. His driving is a lot slower at the moment and for some reason it makes her more anxious.

"Who was that?"

"My ex fiancée's mom."

"Ohh." It slips out of her mouth.

"Yeah," Adrien sighs.

"I think you dodged a bullet with that one." Is that rude to say? Marinette doesn't know anything about the Rossi family, but this wasn't exactly a great first impression.

Adrien manages to crack a small smile at her, "I guess I did." They reach a part of Paris that's full of traffic. It's lunch hour, and they're stalled behind a red light. "I'm really sorry about putting you through that."

"You shouldn't feel responsible. You didn't do anything, she did."

"I still shouldn't have left you alone."

"Don't worry about that. You were working. And it's not like you could have predicted she was going to do that." Adrien is quiet for a moment, looking ahead at the traffic. The cars are still stopped. He turns his head slightly to meet her eyes.

He tells her quietly, as if he's embarassed, "You always try to make me feel better." The car in front of them moves, and he looks ahead again to continue driving. Marinette is unable to come up with a reply, and Adrien notices that maybe he might've said something off putting. "I don't mean it in a bad way," he explains to her. "Just trying to say I appreciate it, I guess. So, thank you."

He doesn't look at her, but Marinette still smiles. "You're welcome."


The rest of their workday is business as usual. Adrien is in his office, and Marinette is printing out files and scheduling in appointments for him. The Mari thing doesn't come up, and she doesn't think it ever will.

Before she leaves gets a text message from Alya telling her that she'll pick her up from work that day if she goes to dinner with her, and Marinette agrees.

First Order of Business | AdrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now