Vague and Vaguer

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Marinette dresses up and then dresses down, and she puts on makeup but wipes off her lipstick and puts on a clear gloss instead. She has her hair down, but then she clips it up and let's her bangs fall naturally. She decides to ditch the hair clip because then it's too dressed down. She tries to dress as casually as she did the first time, but there's something in her that pushed her to look a little more put together before she got embarassed about it.

She gets a phone call, and she answers it, knowing who it is.

"Hi, Marinette," Adrien says. "I'm outside the bakery. I didn't think you'd want me to go inside." He seems to be catching onto her dynamic with her parents.

"I'll be down-,"

"Oh, hi there, Tom," Adrien says as if it were an announcement for her. She curses in her head and rushes out of her room. This time, she has matching shoes on. Some flats that are cute enough for a party and her black jumpsuit that was the fourth thing she changed into. "Yes, I'm waiting for her."

"Tell him I'm on my way before he tries to pull you inside."

"No, it's okay she's on her way," Adrien tells her dad she can hear in the background. She makes it to her family's floor, but it's empty meaning her mom has gone down as well. Adrien confirms it for her, "Oh, hello, Sabine. How are you?"

Marinette can not walk out any faster, and she loses a flat on her way downstairs into the bakery. Both her parents are standing outside now, and she lets out a groan of frustration as she goes to search for her shoe. She puts it back on and slides to the door, crashing into the doorknob with her hip before she opens it. That's going to leave a bruise.

"Are you guys harassing him again?" Marinette asks and hangs up their phone call behind her back. She gives them each a kiss on the cheek, their faces a little too giddy for her liking. They're going to relish in the wrong idea.

Adrien speaks from the driver's seat and out the passenger's side window, "They're never a bother."

Her mom tucks a piece of Marinette's hair behind her ear and says, "You need to stop keeping this young man waiting."

"He's alive," Marinette waves them both off. She hears Adrien get out of the car, and she turns to glare at him. He definitely notices, but he ignores it and smiles at her instead. He goes to the passenger door, and she knows what he's doing now. Did it have to be in front of her parents?

He opens the door and says, "Your carriage awaits." Her face gets hot, and she finds herself stuck between either letting Adrien see her blush or her parents. She chooses Adrien and walks straight to the car.

"Haha," is the most she's able to muster out. When she's inside and seated, he closes the door and starts making his way around again. She looks out the window, and finds her parents there with a proud look on their faces. "We're going to a work party at Kim's. I'll be back later."

"Have fun," her mom smiles. Her dad is also surprisingly giggly, and she realizes exactly how quickly Adrien won them over. Is she jealous of him?

Adrien waves out to them and promises, "I'll bring her home safe and sound." They all say final farewells before Adrien starts driving away. She always forgets how badly he drives and seems to remember especially when there's uneasiness in her stomach. She rolls her window up and sits back with her arms crossed. He's humming along to the radio that's playing so low, she can't figure out what song it is.

Adrien speaks first, "Your parents seem really excited that you're going to a party." His eyes are on the road, but he has that pleased look on her face she sometimes hates to like.

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