The Break Up

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Marinette is too focused on waiting for Adrien's return that she doesn't pay too much attention to the words coming out of Gabriel Agreste's mouth. There are sappy lines about fashion, people clapping every few pauses, and a few thank you's for other CEOs like Tiago Fournier. He must've just arrived that day because she hadn't seen him, but she did see Nathalie with his secretary that gave her a coffee after getting stuck in the elevator.

She does start paying attention when Gabriel mentions a design contest. The crowd gets excited at the mention of it, waiting for Gabriel to tell them the details. His smile seems fake from back where Marinette is standing, and she wonders if she'll have to grow to like him either way.

"We have held this contest every few years, and those winners are still some of the greatest additions to our companies. Now full-fledged designers, it's time to invite others in. For newcomers, I will explain that this is an open contest across France but employees of esteemed fashion companies can still apply. A winner, although in the past we've selected up to three, will get the choice to work at any company as an entry level designer."

Marinette stops paying attention to all of the garble after this. Nathalie, standing twenty feet in front of her, turns around and somehow through the crowd, meets Marinette's eye. She does a nod and then turns back to Gabriel, leaving her confused. She'll ask Adrien about it later.

When Gabriel finally leaves the stage with a loud applause following him, Marinette still can't catch sight of Adrien. She stares at the door behind her until a head of blond hair pops in again, and Adrien walks straight to where she's standing. He looks aggravated, and she can tell immediately because it's not a look he usually carries.

When he returns to her side, she whispers to him, "Are you okay?" He lets out a little sigh, rubbing the side of his neck that's already turning red.

"I'll tell you on the train." Marinette can only think to pat his shoulder for a quick moment before anyone else sees, but it seems to help with the angry pout on his face.

A few more speeches are said along with a final goodbye, and everyone is dismissed. They stand where they are when they see Nathalie walking straight towards them.

She says, "Adrien. Your father would like to meet with you before he leaves. He's flying to Switzerland again this afternoon." Seeing Adrien so confused and hurt at the same time has always had an effect on her but now it feels personal. Anything that throws Adrien off, throws her off as well. Is this how it's going to be from now on?

"What business does he have there?" he asks. Nathalie stays quiet for a moment, and Marinette has never seen her drop her gaze to the ground before.

"You should ask him." Something is off. Adrien seems to notice it, too. He's crossing his arms.

"You're not going with him?" he asks.

"No. I've done enough. He'll meet you outside your room. I believe he headed there right after his speech," Nathalie says. "We will all meet in the lobby in an hour like we previously agreed." Adrien doesn't say anything else to her but a quick thank you and then leaves.

Marinette considers approaching Kim and then leaving together, but Nathalie stops her before she can step away. She tells her, "I need to speak with you."

"Me?" Marinette asks her. Does she know about the... situation? Nathalie always seems set on staring right through her soul with little to no explanation. It's a little haunting.

"Would you consider yourself a friend of Adrien?" This is not what Marinette was expecting.

"Yes," she answers. It might be slightly convoluted now, but aren't all lovers some form of friends?

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