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Adrien and Nino rock, paper, scissors over who gets to hold Chloe's baby first, and Nino wins but quickly hands little Diane over to Adrien when she starts crying. She calms down after Adrien soothes her, and Chloe smiles from her spot on her living room couch.

"You'd be a good father," Chloe says to him. "No pressure, though. Maybe you're just a natural uncle, and she just knows you're her namesake."

Adrien smiles down at the tiny baby nose and says, "I can't wait to tell her everything embarrassing about you."

"Don't start, or I'll change her name," Chloe rolls her eyes. Adrien likes the fact that one of his friends has a baby now. It makes him excited for the future, near and distant. It's something has hasn't felt in a while and that's how he knows everything is going to be alright. "What did you need to talk to me about?"

Adrien settles Diane in his arms and takes a seat on the armchair, watching her eyes close to fall asleep. "I'm for sure leaving Agreste in the coming weeks. Maybe months if I need the time."

"Good," Chloe says. "I think I like staying home with my baby anyways, so I wasn't going to return. But what brings this on?" Adrien looks at Nino who wears a sympathetic face.

Nino offers, "Want me to tell her?" Adrien nods and watches Chloe shift from horror to anger in the matter of minutes as Nino tells her about the contents of the folder and the weird deal Adrien currently has.

"Oh, that man!" Chloe growls. "If I ever find myself in a room with him," she says and then punches a fist against her open palm. "I can't believe he'd do that."

"Me either," Adrien says. "I mean, I knew he has extremely distraught when she was dying. But I never thought he'd do something like this. But I'm working on a plan to bring her back here to let her rest. It might just be a while."

"You'll get her back," Nino says positively. "We're here for you, too."

"Always," Chloe adds. "And I think leaving Agreste will make your life better."

Nino whispers loudly, "I think his secret girlfriend is making his life better."

"Nino," Adrien frowns. If he wasn't holding a sleeping Diane, he'd leave the room to escape Chloe's sharp eyes.

Nino laughs at Adrien's blush and asks, "You thought I wouldn't have noticed?"

"It's Marinette, isn't it?" Chloe asks. Adrien's eyes go up to the ceiling. "Don't lie to me, Adrien. I just named my baby after you."

Nino clicks his tongue a few times in a row and grins. "Should've gone for Nina Diane."

Adrien lets out a heavy sigh. This is not exactly how he wanted them to find out. He planned to tell them after Marinette was no longer his secretary. "Yes, we've been dating for a few weeks now."

"Knew it!" Nino pumps his fist in the air in victory. "You've been super smiley with your phone. You just looking at your phone says a lot."

"I'm not surprised," Chloe says with a straight face. "I knew it was going to go this route when you walked over to her at my baby shower and asked her to make flan. You never ask for anything. But oh well."

"Oh well?" Adrien raises an eyebrow.

"I mean. You're standing up for your father. You're making a good career move. She doesn't look evil like all your other exes. I'm assuming you thought this through several times considering the anguish you were in last time. I haven't seen it in the media, so you two are being very careful. Just don't get caught, and it'll be fine."

"We won't. I don't think we'll be working together for much longer anyways," Adrien says. There's a small smile on his face because Chloe trusts him, and it feels good.

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