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I woke up, in a complete mess.

"Fucking hell, I didn't realise the time"

I woke up about 20 mins late, hurriedly dressed up, stuffed a piece of gimbap in my mouth and ran off to school.

I reached school right on the bell. Thank god.

"What's up with your hairstyle?" Jennie said pointing at the best on my head.

" Got up late"
I was panting, literally panting like anything.

" okay settle down students" the teacher came, after half an hour of a super boring lecture, everyone got a 20min break.

" hey y/n" It was Daejung.

" Yeah Daejung, what do you want?" I spoke rudely and regretted it the minute later after seeing a small frown over his face.

"I was wondering if during the lunch, you could sit with me"

what? that's random.

"well you see I gotta be with someone-

" That whore Jungkook"

" um sorry, don't call him a whore, he is not"

" he must be, don't you see how girls drool over him"

" so? he doesn't right"

" you don't know y/n"

" shut you mouth as$hole"

" ouch, y/n why do even hangout with that bastard when you have me"

" Daejung why are you after me when there are hundreds of girls around you"

" Actually the thing is-

"What? you better not say a thing about Jungkook, he is my boyfriend"

"Agh fine whatever, just go and suck his ass then"

I was freaking furious, the audacity he has to say such trashy stuff about my boyfriend on my face, I am not telling Jungkook because if Jungkook does something, Daejung is dead.

Suddenly there was a commotion behind me.

Cheongara again. that bitch.

"Someone stole my stuff!!" she was crazily yelling and her friends were overreacting, and some students had gathered around.

"Ugh who the fuck did this, that bitch "said one of her friend.

" I'll get the lockers checked"

She usually does some or the other drama for attention, so I ignored it, and went to my locker to keep my books.

Holy shi- I opened my locker and saw some unfamiliar stuff in there.

"Damn Cheongara, look!!" a girl shrieked out behind me.

"Oh my fucking god, she stole all this" someone said.

"Wtf, of course someone did it on purpose, which is you, I would never do that" I defended myself, more students have gathered around us.

"well I'm gonna get get you detained" Cheongara said angrily.

Those girls grabbed me and took me to the teacher, I got detention. I had to accept it I had no choice, Fuck Cheongara.

"Never knew you would stoop down to this level" I snarled at Cheongara.

"Shut up bitch" she whispered back.

I got home ,and my parents were so annoyed, the wouldn't listen to me, they said they'd talk to the teacher but for a week I'll be at home. I planned on calling Jungkook at my home.

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