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Jungkook's pov
We were back from the trip, it definitely ended on a bad note, for me, even in the bus, me and y/n sat far away and Lisa kept glaring at me after every two seconds.

We all went back home, Jimin went to Taehyung and Namjoon's house instead as his parents weren't at home.

They even asked me but I just went back, but they told me Jin was there, so I decided to meet up with him.

"Hey Hyung" I said as I saw Jin playing video games.

"Oh hi maknae" he replied without taking his eyes off the game. I sat beside him.

Namjoon sat on couch reading a book, Taehyung and Jimin went to the convenience store.

"ARRgggGGghhhh" Jin shouted.

"what happened? you okay Hyung?" I asked in a concerned tone.

"This guys can't jump properly, he fell down after reaching so far, I'm so annoyed" he groaned.

"Which guy?"

"The one in the game" he pointed out towards the screen.

"Holy shit, I actually thought that there's some real guy"

Jin didn't reply do that but changed the topic.

"So, had a breakup?" Jin said.

"How do you know? didn't we arrive today morning only" I asked him.

"Got a text from Taehyung. You were upset as hell, he told me"

" It okay forget it, you tell me how's college and all"

" Its okay but Jungkook don't change the topic"

He stopped playing the game and faced towards me.

"you're gonna date Tzuyu" he said looking straight into my eyes.

" Yeah, will have to you know"I said looking anywhere but Jin's eyes.

" But you like y/n" he replied.

" I have no choice I don't kno-

"Did you try talking to her?"

"I did not, she doesn't wanna" I casually spoke and felt slightly angry at the fact she was ignoring me.

"What if she wants to?" he raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I asked I was quite shocked, he acted as if he knew something don't and it is pointing out to something.

"Gosh Jungkook, your girlfriend, I mean ex, she texted me"


" woah calm down" Jin said.

" What did she say? "

Jin showed me the text.

Jin oppa...Jungkook broke up with me and doesn't wanna talk can you do something....

That punk, I'll talk to him

Oppa please don't text him right now , it will be all weird, just text him after we arrive back.

Okay if you say so

thank you, I really want to talk to him, I miss him

Dw, I'll talk to Jungkook too take care bye

ty oppa! bye!

"Wait what does she mean by I broke up wasn't she the one who broke up with me." I said, I was shocked as hell

"I'm not sure but you both are saying that the other broke up"

"I don't know I just got a letter from her"

"You sure its from her" Jin said.

"yep why would she ignore me otherwise" I replied

"But then why is she saying you broke up"

"how would I know that?"

" Maybe she got letter too or something "

" how do you know"

" random guess"

" Can we talk about this later, I'm fucking tired I'll go to sleep"

" Okay good night kook"Jin said and started playing his game again.

I went back to bed, Jin seems right about everything, maybe its actually a misunderstanding. It strange, I was too tired to think anything so I tried sleeping.

I couldn't, because the things Jin hyung told me were stuck up in my head, then y/n of course, and the other thing bothering my sleep was Jin, who yelled or shouted after every minute.

I wondered what his mental age was, yelling like a 5 year old. But Jin Hyung was good actually.

After an hour, Jimin and Taehyung came back, Taehyung came to the room I was sleeping in.

" You aren't sleeping right kookie" he said, like he was talking to a baby.

"No hyung, I'm dancing"

"Haha Jungkook, you're so funny" he laughed.

"What took you so much time isn't the convenience store nearby only"

"Ahh well uh Jimin got a lot of stuff you know" he said while avoiding eye contact.

" you're lying" I replied while staring at him.

" aww kookie just go to sleep"

" no no let me see what did Jiminssi get"

I got out of bed and went down to see there was nothing but four packets of ramyeon.

" a lot of stuff I see right there "

" Jungkook, you're up" Jin said looking at me, he eyes had black circles around them after looking at too much screen, but he looked handsome.

" Well nevermind, I'll just go back"I went back and slept.

Everything and everyone were acting strange, wait did they all plan our breakup for me to be with Tzuyu.

I thought of thinking about this topic tomorrow, I also had to go on a date with Tzuyu tomorrow. I layed down and slept.

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