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I came back home after dropping Tyuzu at Hoseok's house. I put the keys to unlock the door and realised it was already unlocked.

I carefully entered inside the house.

"JEYKEY!!!" someone shouted behind me making me stumble almost.

"Jiminssi why would you do such a childish thing" I snorted at Jimin and Taehyung who was making funny faces at me.

" Because you are a baby" Jimin cooed and then suddenly turned serious and said "and don't call me Jiminssi call me Hyung like you do to others"

"I am not a baby" I said angrily and pouted and then smirked "okay Jiminssi"

"This boy" Taehyung and Jimin laughed.

" Why did you come and how did you enter my house" I asked them

" We have a spare key, you only gave us, and we came to talk to you about something important "Taheyung said.

" well if its about y/n then leave" Jungkook snarled.

" Wow you read our mind, but its not really what you think" Jimin said

" I know I don't wanna talk about her "

" She didn't write those letters" Taehyung suddenly said most probably because I would make them go out of the house, but I got curious.

"Jungkook, it wasn't y/n who gave you that letter" Jimin said.

"but I am not dating anyone else "

" Are you that dumb? "Taehyung added slapping his hand on his head.

" kookie, y/n also got a letter, which had the same thing written as yours, almost" Taehyung said.

Then Jimin took out a paper and handed over to me, I read that.

" y/n got this, and I don't know how we were so dumb to assume things" Jimin said but I wasn't listening I was burning with anger.

" Daejung"I gritten my teeth, I knew I was turning all red in angry.

I went out of the house to go and meet y/n.

I rang the doorbell, no reply. Jimin and Taehyung came after me. I didn't wanted to wait so I just barged into her house I know I shouldn't have done that but whatever.

I ran to her room, she was sleeping soundly, I was softened by looking at that. Cute.

I wanted to wake her up, but I didn't and went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Jungkook are you sure its Daejung" Jimin asked.

"I'm fucking sure, he has feeling for her and he hates me" I said while gritting my teeth.

"Even Lisa thinks that" Taehyung added.

After sometime, I prepared coffee and y/n came down stairs.

"Wait what are you guys going here" She asked with widened eyes.

"You left your door unlocked, don't do that,its unsafe and I wanted to talk to you" Jungkook said.

" Why do you care about my safety? and are you cheating on your other girlfriend now" Y/n said fiercely.

" which girlfriend? "I was shocked first but later I realised, she was talking about Tyuzu, of course she would think that after what had happened.

" Oh she isn't my girlfriend, and that exactly what I wanna talk about"

I want to too Jungkook, but I'm angry at you

"Say it fast then" she said casually.

I explained her everything. How I got a letter and made it seem like that and went on a date for distraction.

"So it really was someone else" y/n said "I already know that it was someone else"

"why didn't you tell me then" I asked her

"I would have unless you hadn't gone on a date" she snarled at me.

" Y/n I did that for distraction "

" Why do you wanna be distracted, do even like me or did you get a good chance of getting rid of me"

That pierced my heart, I really liked her.

"I wouldnt have come to you then"

Y/n looked away I saw a tear rolling down her cheeks.

" hey hey y/n its okay-" Jimin didn't even completed his sentence when I went to her and pulled her into a tight hug.

She cried more. I carresed her hair. "Its okay, don't cry, I m sorry for all that, I really love you, I didn't even wanted to go with Tyuzu, Hoseok hyung would have been upset that's why I did it"

Well, apparently I did it because of Hoseok Hyung too, but it was noones fault here except for the person who was behind all this.

She cried harder then ever, so I kissed her, and deepened it, first she was shocked but then kissed back. We continued until Jimin ckeard his throat to make up stop.

" Ahem guys, we can make out later"

" Yeah, let's go to Daejung" taehyung said who was getting second hand embarrassment.

" Let's go I'm gonna k¡ll that fool" I saw furiously, I was angry as hell.

we three and y/n went to Daejung's house.

He came out and I didn't think of anything and started puching him like anything, blood came out of his nose. Jimin and y/n stopped me, Taehyung was hyping me up though.

"What the fuck is wrong with you" Daejung muttered

"Fucker, you tried to take y/n from me" I yelled and was panting at the same time.

"What the heck? why would I do that?"

"Because you fucking liking her you dumbshit"

"Hah! No I don't like y/n, I only see her as a friend" he snorted

" then what are these letter " Jungkook shoved two letters to him

" How the fuck I would know"

" you better not lie" I was gonna punch again but Jimin stopped me.

" Stop blaming me I swear it wasn't me" Daejung said, he even looked genuine.

"fine, if I found out that you were the one behind all this then I won't spare you a bit"

"Do you know who could have done this" Jimin asked Daejung.

"I dun- dunno, m-maybe I d-do" he stuttered.

"What are you fucking saying " I gritted my teeth because I was getting annoyed as hell.

"I think it must be-

"Just fucking say it already"

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