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We arrived at Taehyung's.

"Oh welcome both of you haha" said Taehyung.

As he opened the door I saw, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok, Namjoon and a very handsome guy who was definitely Seokjin, and much to my surprise even Lisa was there.

Lisa would just go anywhere with her brother seriously.

"Y/N, you're here too, thank goodness you came, these assholes are gonna eat my brain" Lisa ran towards me as she said that.

"Can you let the couple breathe atleast?" Yoongi spoke from the back.

"So Jungkook already know about Jin, so y/n this is my eldest brother Jin" Taehyung said, pointing out to that very handsome guy.

I kinda bowed at him and he winked back.

I didn't expect that, but how could I forget that in this group of seven friends, everyone's a crackhead. Even I consider myself and Lisa as one. Only Jennie seemed decent.

"Hi! you must be Jungkook's girlfriend" Jin spoke

"Hello, yes I am"

"Jungkook is all grown up now" Yoongi sighed.

Jin nodded in agreement.

On the other hand Hoseok and Jimin we laughing and making jokes with Lisa, who apparently was getting annoyed as hell.

"Lisa! you know once I found a guy name Oli London, he claimed himself to be Jimin" Hoseok said

"Hell yeah, the fuck was wrong with that dude" Jimin snarled.

"and Jimin, hahahah, he punched him so bad that his nose broke" Hoseok started laughing like anything grabbing everyone's attention.

"Whoa, you should have taken it in am easy way" Lisa said.

"Chill out Lisa, he was just plastic you know" Jimin laughed.

Anyways, the others decided to watch a movie whereas Yoongi just slept, he slept all the time, whenever and wherever he liked.

Me and Jin started chatting amongst ourselves and were later joined by Namjoon who was previously reading a book. Namjoon was a studious guy apparently the top guy of our school currently.

Jin kept on telling us dad jokes.

"You know what is it called when a short person waves at you?"

"What ?"

" Microwave" Jin laughed, he had a windshield laughter. He lit up my mood even more.

After some time I went to Lisa,

"That shitty Cheongara" she scowled.

"Well true, but what can I do?"

"Don't worry sis, I took care of it"

"Wait what did you do" I had a bad feeling about that.

"I took sewage water and threw it on her head, later I stuck chewing gum in her hair, and I took her lunch and added spice to it, damnit you should have seen her turning all red" Lisa laughed maniacally.

"Dude what? you seriously did that" I was shook

"Well hell yeah"

"Damn bro she's gonna get you detention too"

"She can't"

"I threatened her, if she does something, I'll rip the hair outta her head"

I was feeling satisfied but nervous at the same time.

" Don't worry, everything will be fine as long as I'm with you"

I hugged Lisa.

" Umm you guys done with it? "It was Jungkook.

" Hey, don't misunderstand "Lisa laughed.

We had a good time overall. Then we all had school next day except Jin, who had already graduated, so we decided to go back.

(next day at school)

"So I'll wrap up today's session, and there is an important announcement, we are having a school trip so everyone please give your consent by tomorrow" the teacher said and dismissed the class.

" Wow, I'm definitely gonna go" Lisa said eagerly " What about you guys? "

" Of course"Jennie also agreed

" Yep, I'll go too"

" anyways lets go get lunch"

(time skip)

" Hey what about Cheongara"I whispered.

" That bitch is going" Lisa snarled.

" uh oh"

"don't worry, I'll keep you safe" Lisa said patting my head.

"Oh Jungkook and others are coming" Jennie pointed out.

Jungkook came and sat beside me.

"Hi ladies" Jimin smirked.

"Aish Jiminah, stop flirting" Hoseok chuckled.

"So guys, are you gonna go to the trip" Taehyung said, who was already getting excited about the trip.

" heck yeah"
" yes"
" of course"
" who wouldn't "
Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin agreed.

" What about you Jungkook? "I softly asked him, he was lost in his own world.

" Uh yeah, I will if y/n does"

"yep I'll definitely go" I said.

" Jungkook we are so upset, you don't care about your friends " Jimin joked faking a sad face.

" I mean of course of you guys too"

"Jungkookie doesn't love us now" Hoseok started fake crying.

"Guys seriously" Jungkook defended.

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