The start of something new

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On my lunch break the day after Seunmin came into the shop I wait anxiously to hear from his group's company. Just before I take a bite of my sandwich that I made earlier my phone rings on the table I'm sitting at. I shift and quickly pick up the phone and accept the call.

"Hello, is the Y/N L/N?"

I try not to grin and the strangers voice and say, "Yes, this is."

"Good day, I am Lillian and I'm a representative for JYP entertainment. You have been requested as the new makeup artist for Stray Kids. Are you willing to come in for an interview today at two o'clock?"

Closing my eyes, my thoughts swirl around like a furious snowstorm, "Yes, that works perfectly for me, thank you."

The operator says a polite thank you before hanging up. I immediately squeal and smile brightly, trying not to freak out too much. It's happening. I'll get to be the makeup artist for stray kids.

                        - Time Skip -

With permission from my boss with the excuse of a family emergency, I close the shop early and rush home so I can change into more fashionable, respectable wear before making my way to the main office that I found directions to on my phone. I take a bus, headphones in with soft music playing to calm me but my excitement and nerves refuse to leave me be. So I sit, my leg bouncing, until the bus pauses at the stop I have to get off at, and leave. It's sunny as I step off the bus and I feel confident about my future for once. I can tell this will lead to great things. I walk a block before I finally spot the giant building, once I walk in the truth of the moment really sets in.

I ask a worker at the desk for directions to where you go if you have an interview. They point me upstairs, go through the left hallway to a smaller room that leads to meeting rooms. I do as they instructed and when I arrive I try not to look lost.

At my relief the woman who called me earlier walks in, and though I don't recognize her, I remember her voice well. She walks toward me, a steaming cup of coffee in hand and asks, "Ms. L/n, it's good to meet you. Are you ready for the interview?"

I smile politely at her, "Yes, thank you for this opportunity."

She waves her hand in a dismissive manner, "No need to thank me, there are others that deserve the thanks more. Now follow me, I'll take you to the meeting room and you'll meet with my boss."

I response I nod my head, "Okay."

We walk down a few twisty hallways before she stops in front of a door and turns to me, "good luck, I hope you get hired because you seem to be a lovely person."

I blush softly, "Oh, thank you. I'm happy to have met someone as welcoming as you."

She nods, "Well, good bye."

Turning from her I open the door, the cool feeling of the metal handle making me realize how sweaty and truly stressed I am underneath my elation.

                        - Time Skip -

When I walk in i"m greeted by the face of a tired middle aged man, i try not to sound awkward as I introduce myself, "Hello, I'm Y/N L/N."

He looks up at me before shuffling a few papers, "Of course, hello ms. L/N, I am Eun Yang, I'm going to ask you an important question for this job, then we will get started."

Nodding, I put on a light smile, "Alright."

Mr. Yang's rough voice starts again, "Do you speak Korean?"

"I was born and raised in America but I'm teaching myself Korean and I'm almost fully fluent."

He nods, "That will do, now let's look at your resume."

                        - Time Skip -

When I walk out of the room and make my way out of the building I feel confident that I did well. On the first floor in the stairwell, I find two young men around my age walking my way. I nod at them, smiling softly and say, "Hello."

One of them, the guy who was standing closest to me who I notice is incredibly pretty, seems flustered and fumbles his phone, causing it to fall from his hands and land on the ground. I quickly apologize and lean down, picking up his phone for him. When I hand it to him his dark eyes stare at me warmly, and when I look closer I see that he has light freckles that are sprinkled over his cheeks. He blinks and thanks me before he starts walking again, but not before I hear him say in Korean, "Han, she was beautiful, wasn't she?" His tone sounds flustered.

I don't think he realized I might know Korean too, though my understanding of it wasn't amazing. But I couldn't help but blush as I walked from the building before I realize their faces were familiar. The more I think on it the more I can't shake it, the pretty guy called his friend Han. That's when it hits me, it was Felix Lee and Han Jisung. How did I not realize? The rush of the interview must have really thrown me off. Wait, that means Felix Lee got flustered because of me and said I was pretty. My heart melts and I suddenly find it difficult to breathe.

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